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Guest Character Profiles > Kathleen Kay Kasia Kaczmarek

Detective Kathleen Kay 2025
Occupation: Police Detective

When Sebastian Metcalfe's body was found in Lassiters Lake one morning, Detective Rafe Fox and his partner, Detective Kathleen Kay, were brought in from the city to investigate whether it was an accident or murder. They questioned Seb's best friend, Krista Sinclair, as well as her new husband, Leo Tanaka. Though they'd been away on their honeymoon, Leo had returned to Melbourne on the night that Seb had died, whilst Krista had returned the following morning. Though Leo told Fox that he had returned early to see his daughter, it was actually because he had found out that Krista had slept with Seb on the eve of the wedding. Leo and Krista both kept this information to themselves, and the next person to be questioned was Krista's sister, and Seb's ex-fiancee, Fallon Morell. A jealous Fallon had been responsible for Krista and Seb sleeping together, after lying to her sister that she had slept with Leo. Fallon also kept the details of their complicated love lives to herself when questioned, but also lied that she had been with her friend Taye Obasi when Seb had died. After managing to get Taye to back up her story, Fallon admitted to him that she'd been on her own in Krista's apartment, but was worried that nobody would believe her.

When the autopsy results showed that Seb had been hit on the back of the head, and with his watch showing that his pulse had stopped just after 11pm that night, a murder investigation began. When Aaron Brennan was spotted on a car's dashboard cam near the lake around the time of Seb's death, he was brought in for questioning. Having already told Leo that he'd seen his arguing with Seb by the lake, Aaron had been persuaded to keep quiet, with Leo insisting that he hadn't hurt Seb and that he'd been alive when he left him. As Fox questioned him, Aaron was forced to admit seeing Leo and Seb together, and Leo was then tracked down by Fox and Kay and told that he was now their prime suspect for murder, and that they needed to speak to him again.

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