Guest Character
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Kasey McGann Tayla Coad
Kasey McGann 2025
Whilst working at a bar, Kasey McGann was hassled by some guys to have a drink with them and eventually agreed. Her best friend Max Ramsay then arrived to
pick her up from work, only to find that she'd been roofied. He decided to get his own back by roofing one of the guys to show him how it felt, before driving
him out to the middle of nowhere and leaving him. Unfortunately, the man almost died and, to make matters worse, turned out to be the younger brother of a
Brisbane gangster. After telling his dad, Shane, what had happened, Max was sent to Erinsborough, Shane's childhood home, to hide out until the dust had
settled. After a difficult start in the area, Max started to make friends and found work at Fitzgerald Motors, which his dad bought for him.
After she noticed his odd behaviour after a car with Queensland number plates showed up at the garage where he worked, Max confessed the whole story to
his friend, Holly Hoyland. Though it had seemed that romantic feelings were developing between Max and Holly, she then told him that she couldn't be involved
in any more drama and wanted them to just stay friends. When Kasey then showed up on Ramsay Street, looking for Max, Holly claimed that she'd never heard
of him, before rushing off to warn Max that someone from Queensland had tracked him down. After realising that it was just Kasey, Max found her and they
caught up, quickly falling back into their easy friendship. Holly, however, was unsettled, both jealous over Max and Kasey's friendship and worried that
someone could have easily followed her to Erinsborough. Holly managed to persuade Max that it would be safer if Kasey left town, but it appeared that the
damage had already been done when, that evening at the bar, someone roofied Max's drink when his back was turned.
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Biography by Steve