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Sebastian Metcalfe Rarmian Newton
Sebastian 'Seb' Metcalfe 2024-2025
After holding a lavish party at Yorokobi Vineyard, the birthday boy disappeared, having given owner Leo Tanaka a cash deposit and fake details, and leaving
Leo with the bill of almost $20,000. When Leo told his girlfriend Krista Sinclair about the problem, he explained that his only hope was that they handed out
polaroid cameras during the party and that the mystery man was in one of the photos that had been left behind. As he showed the photo to Krista, she
immediately recognised the man and, whilst Leo was distracted on the phone to the police, she hid it. As Leo then searched for the missing photo, Krista
took out her phone, where there were photographs of her with the man - her oldest friend, Sebastian Metcalfe.
After quietly leaving an envelope containing the cash for the party at Yorokobi, Krista was happy when Leo decided that it was no longer worth pursuing with
the police. But when Melanie, Krista's flatmate, overheard Krista talking about Sebastian on the phone, she reminded her of all the trouble he'd caused in
the past, as he'd been responsible for getting Krista kicked out of her boarding school in Sydney and sent back to the UK many years earlier. Melanie also
reminded recovering addict Krista that Sebastian had enabled her drug problems in the past, but Krista was worried that Seb needed her and that him not paying
for the party had been a way to get her attention. She explained that she and Seb had done similar things in the past, leaving her father to pay their bills,
and she was taking it as a sign that he wanted to get in touch. When Seb then turned up at Krista's flat and asked if he could stay with her, she was conflicted -
although she had the space, as Melanie was moving out that day, she also knew that his influence might not be good for her. After trying, and failing, to tell
Leo the truth about Seb, she met with her old friend again and, after an evening spent reminiscing, Seb managed to manipulate her into letting him stay.
Before Krista then had a chance to tell her boyfriend what was going on, Leo walked into her apartment to find a half-dressed Sebastian emerging from the
bathroom. When Krista walked in, she was forced to explain everything to Leo, telling him that she'd been waiting until she knew exactly what was going on with
Seb and why he needed her help. When Leo's business partner Byron Stone then spotted Seb in the Lassiters grounds, seemingly buying drugs from someone, he
reported back to Leo, who then went to Seb and told him what Byron had seen. Seb insisted that Byron was mistaken, and warned Leo that he'd be making a mistake
if he tried to interfere in his friendship with Krista, as she'd never taken kindly to past boyfriends who didn't like the fact that her best friend was a guy.
Leo then decided to back off, but told his dad, Paul, the whole story and said that he was sure that someone like Seb would mess up eventually, and he'd be
ready to support Krista when it happened.
As Krista did her best to support, and defend, her friend, Seb continued to push his luck. When Byron and Sadie found him drinking at the Back Lane Bar, the
centre of attention, they contacted Leo, and he and Krista went to the bar to try and get him to leave. When Seb refused, the others left him there on his
own, but when Byron returned to get his jacket, he saw a man threatening Seb. Byron attempted to intervene and Seb insisted that the tense conversation was
because the man was coming on to him and he wouldn't take no for an answer. However, when Leo and Byron saw the man threatening Seb again the next day, Seb
admitted to Leo that Joe was actually a loan shark who had followed him down from Sydney, looking for the money he was owed. When Krista then walked in on
their conversation, Leo decided not to say anything, fearing that Seb wanted her to find out and bail him out. Leo then pointed this out to Seb, saying that
he felt that Seb was just using Krista and had no intention of getting clean. He told Seb that he needed to get out of Erinsborough, both for Krista's sake
and to avoid Joe, warning him that his life wouldn't be worth living if he stayed. Realising that he had no other option, Seb then skipped town and Krista
was worried to find all of his stuff gone from her apartment.
Leo kept silent as Krista started to worry about Seb, admitting to Leo that she felt responsible for setting him down the path of drink and drugs, and now
wanted to do everything she could to help him. As she struggled to work out where he'd gone, she was relieved when she received a message from him, claiming
that he'd found Erinsborough boring and had gone back to Sydney, with Leo also relieved that his secret seemed to be safe. When Seb's bag was then found in some bushes at Lassiters, Krista grew worried again and Leo was forced to confess what he'd done. Krista turned to the
police for help, but, after finding Seb, they told Krista that he didn't want her to contact him. Becoming more and more concerned that Seb was in serious
trouble, Krista tracked down Jordan Masciulli, the drug dealer Seb had been seen with shortly after arriving in Erinsborough. She insisted that she might
have met him briefly but had no idea where he was, though once alone, she made a call to Seb, telling him that Krista was worried and looking for him.
Krista was then surprised to receive a text from Seb, claiming that he was on a burner phone and needed $35,000 to get him out of trouble. Though Leo felt
that it was a bad idea to send the money, Krista decided to do it anyway, but Seb then went quiet again. When the next message came, he was asking for another
$20,000 and Krista worried that she was now being taken advantage of. As she debated what to do, Leo secretly hired private investigator John Wong to find
Leo, receiving an address in a town called Winterton. As Leo set off, Seb then turned up in Erinsborough, looking for Krista. He was soon spotted by Paul,
who explained that Leo had gone to Winterton looking for him and Seb quickly became worried, saying that it wasn't safe for Leo to go there. As Seb then
disappeared again, Paul and ex-wife Terese headed to Winterton to try and catch Leo before he headed into danger.
After Leo returned unscathed and Krista realised that Seb had been lying about the level of danger, she was furious, pointing out that if he'd lied about
that, he could also be lying about all the money he needed for the loan sharks. Seb then told about how he'd found himself in a lot of debt after he first
returned to Sydney and that he still needed another $20,000 to pay off the men who were looking for him. Still not entirely sure, Krista agreed to give him
the money but said that, if he was going to stay, he had to promise to get clean. Seb was unable to promise this, admitting that he'd scored drugs only the
day before and that he couldn't guarantee that more trouble wouldn't make its way to Krista's home if he stuck around. It was then agreed that Krista would
send the money and they would never see each other again.
Seb then packed his things and left, but rather than leaving Erinsborough, he found the old builder's yard on Power Yard and hid out in the office there.
However, Seb was spotted by teenager Dex Varga-Murphy, who told Leo, asking him to let Terese - the owner of Power Road - know about the squatter. But when
Leo then ran into a man named Chips McApline at Harolds, Chips claimed to be Seb's cousin, saying that he'd come down from Sydney to spend Christmas with
him. Already frustrated with Seb, Leo told Chips where to find him and, later that day, Chips' accomplice was sitting in his car, watching, as Seb came out of Grease
Monkeys restaurant. As Seb crossed the road back to the builder's yard, he dropped some money, which was returned to him by a passing Sadie Rodwell. However,
the pair soon found themselves straight in the path of the car as it sped towards them, with Max Ramsay spotting what was about to happen and leaping in
to try and push Sadie out of the way.
While Max and Sadie escaped with minor bumps and scrapes, Sebastian was left with a fractured collar bone. With the driver of the car left unconscious,
the police confirmed that they had found photos of Seb on his phone, confirming that he was the target. Surprised that the loan sharks had continued to
target Seb after she gave him the money to pay them off, Krista was shocked to realise that he'd actually returned the $20,000 to her account, deciding
that he didn't want to continue to sponge off her. With both Krista and Leo feeling bad about everything that had happened, Seb was upset to learn that
they were now engaged, but accepted Krista's help as he realised that things would have to change.
Increasingly paranoid that the driver would wake up and come and find him, Seb desperately wanted to get out of the hospital, so it was arranged that he
could stay at the hotel under a false name and that Krista would return the money to him so that he could be free of his debts. As he found himself leaning
on Krista more and more, Seb found it difficult to be alone in his hotel room, still sure that the loan sharks were out to kill him and worried that the
stress would make him relapse as he tried to get clean. Leo was upset as Krista then offered Seb the spare room in her apartment and he refused to go to
rehab, instead wanting Krista to support him, in the same way that Leo's late brother David had helped Krista a year earlier when she was trying to get
clean. Leo did his best to support Krista as she helped Seb, and arranged to visit a restaurant with her as they looked for a potential venue for their
wedding reception. However, after finding Seb on the floor, claiming that he couldn't remember how many of his painkillers he'd taken, Krista cancelled
her evening with Leo in order to keep an eye on her friend.
After agreeing to attend his first NA meeting, Seb was disappointed when Krista was unable to join him, as she and Leo were having lunch at a possible
wedding reception venue. He attended on his own and, as he chatted to another member of the group, Deanna, he admitted that recent events had made him see
Krista as more than just a friend. As he tried to come to terms with these feelings, Seb got some shifts at Harolds Cafe, thanks to Krista, who felt that
he needed something else to focus on. When Paul made sure that Seb was working during a engagement party brunch for Leo and Krista, Seb found another way
to spoil things by phoning her during the party, telling her that he was overwhelmed at the cafe. Krista rushed down there and ended up hitting Seb's
injured shoulder with the fridge door. Feeling terrible, she offered to stay and help him, ending up missing most of her own engagement party in the process.
Leo and Seb's battle for Krista's attention continued, and Seb was left upset when she decided to spend the day with Leo and Abigail, rather than joining
Seb in a trip to the city. After spotting Krista enjoying a picnic with Leo and Abigail, Seb decided on a drastic method to get some time with her,
deliberately hurting his shoulder by slamming the door on it. After claiming that he'd fallen in the kitchen while reaching for a glass, Seb was pleased
when Krista then spent the evening looking after him as the hospital reported that it would extend his initial recovery period by a few months. Unconvinced
by Seb's story about his injury and feeling more and more uncomfortable with his presence, Leo asked Nicolette to fire him, in return for keeping quiet
about her standing back and letting Yasmine Shields leave the country. Though he was clearly unsuited to hospitality work, Seb was still upset to be fired,
but Leo quickly pointed out that he could take the opportunity to go back to uni and find a career he was more suited to. Leo then mentioned that, as Seb
went to a prestigious boarding school in Sydney, he could go back up there and use that as leverage to get a uni to accept him, and Seb quickly realised
that Leo had been plotting against him.
After claiming that he'd been looking at universities in Sydney, but that nothing stood out to him, Seb said that he was going to apply for the job of
manager at the hotel's piano bar. Leo was frustrated that Seb had found a reason to stick around, but Seb was already one step ahead, mentioning to Krista
his belief that Leo had persuaded Nicolette to fire him. Krista refused to listen, but when she then overheard Leo and Nicolette talking about their
agreement, she realised that Seb had been right. Whilst Leo insisted that he'd done it for Krista's sake, feeling that Seb was manipulating her and
secretly had feelings for her, she couldn't believe what he was saying. As Seb took advantage of Krista's vulnerability, he was disappointed when, the
next day, she said that she still loved Leo and was hopeful that they could move past the whole thing. Seb then told her that he felt that Leo was
controlling and that it wasn't a healthy relationship, before shocking Krista by kissing her.
Realising that Leo had been right about Seb all along, Krista asked him to leave, telling him that she'd pack his bags and arrange a flight back to Sydney.
Though Seb was still insistent that Krista felt the same way about him and was just in denial, he was distracted when, as they were saying goodbye, she
mentioned that her younger half-sister, Fallon Morell, had just arrived in town. Seb had failed to mention to Krista that, during his time in Europe the
previous year, he'd been involved with Fallon for six months and had walked out without giving her an answer when she'd proposed to him. As he was leaving
Erinsborough, Seb met up with Fallon, admitting to her that it was Krista he'd always had feelings for. Having witnessed the kiss between Seb and Krista
earlier that day, Fallon asked him about it and he told her that he was still sure that Krista felt the same way about him and that she was just stringing
Leo along.
When Seb then returned to Melbourne, Fallon arranged to meet up with him. He quickly realised that she was falling for Leo, pointing out to her that, as with
him, she always seemed to want to take whatever Krista had. When Fallon then met with Seb again, she found him drinking in a bar in the city, realising that
he'd never actually been sober and had barely spent any time in rehab. She told him to pull himself together, suggesting that she might have a plan that would
get them both want they wanted - she could have Leo for herself, while Seb could finally be with Krista.
After suggesting that Leo should read Seb's letter, Fallon was pleased when Leo listened to her, creating problems between him and Krista. Fallon then
carefully made sure that Krista saw that she was leaning on Leo more and more as a shoulder to cry on, then she brought Seb back to Erinsborough. After
offering to get in touch with Seb so that a sweater he'd left behind could be returned to him, Fallon arranged for Seb to turn up looking the picture of
health. Krista believed that he was a changed man and was happy to see him, but Fallon then continued to manipulate the situation, texting Leo and telling
him to come down to the complex for a chat. Just as Krista left, Leo arrived and Seb immediately started to wind him up, causing a fight to break out and
leaving Leo looking bad as Krista rushed back to help her friend.
Fallon then spoke to Leo and Krista individually, making them both feel like the other one didn't understand them, and leaving Leo shocked as she suggested
that maybe the wedding shouldn't be going ahead. With Fallon making sure that Krista saw her and Leo together later that day, Seb continued the plotting by
suggesting that maybe things between Leo and Fallon went beyond friendship. He continued to stir the pot by pointing out that maybe Leo still hadn't come to
terms with Krista's past as an addict and he viewed Seb as a constant reminder of that. Fallon then stuck the knife in when she returned to the apartment and lied
to Krista that she and Leo had just slept together, causing an increasingly vulnerable Krista to consider drinking, then decide to get her revenge on
Leo by sleeping with Seb.
After her friend Taye Obasi made her see sense over everything she'd done, Fallon went to Krista the next morning and confessed the entire plan. Krista
was stunned, realising that it was too late and that she'd cheated on Leo for nothing, but Fallon attempted to convince her to go ahead with the wedding
and forget about Seb. Now believing that he had a future with Krista, Seb was furious as the wedding went ahead, even turning up at the venue, where he was
quickly sent packing by Fallon and Taye, before he could do any further damage.
As Krista and Leo then set off for their honeymoon, Krista quietly told Fallon to make sure she was gone by the time they got back. After making plans to go
and visit her dad, Fallon was surprised when she saw Seb still hanging around at the Waterhole a couple of days after the wedding. He told her that he had
no intention of giving up on Krista, leaving Fallon furious. Meanwhile, as they enjoyed their honeymoon in tropical Queensland, Krista's guilt finally got
to her and she confessed to Leo that she'd slept with Seb, wrongly believing that her fiancé had slept with her sister. Leo promptly walked out on her and
headed back to Erinsborough, where he immediately spotted Seb sitting by the lake. Leo headed over and threatened an unapologetic Seb, but it appeared that
Seb's luck had finally run out when his body was found floating in Lassiters lake the next morning.
Trivia Notes
• Sebasitan was shown in photographs in
episode 9148 but was only credited from episode 9149 onwards
Featured 9149, 9150, 9153, 9163, 9165, 9166, 9167,
9168, 9169, 9170, 9173, 9174, 9177, 9178, 9179, 9182, 9183, 9184, 9202, 9203, 9206, 9207, 9208, 9211
Biography by Steve