Guest Character
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Walter Mouse David Lennie
Walter Mouse 2003
Whilst on a date at the Coffee Shop with Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel spotted a strange-looking man, Walter Mouse, and insisted that they follow him home, believing he might be an axe murderer. After watching him do his shopping and pay his bills, Boyd was starting to get bored, then, once home, they watched him feeding his pet dog from a tray on the sofa, and were amused, but he heard them laughing outside and they were forced to run off. They bumped into Walter again a couple of months later at a Salvation Army sale, when they discovered that he knitted dog clothing and sold it for charity. With her penchant for befriending interesting people, Sky got to know him and even helped him out by running his stall from time to time.
Trivia Notes
• David Lennie previously appeared in 2002 as Herbert Banks and earlier in 2003 as Hank Ellis
Episodes Featured 4311, 4368
Biography by Steve