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Guest Character Profiles > Maddy Murphy Emma Horn

Maddy Murphy 2025
Occupation: Midwife

After spotting her troublesome sister Chelsea at the airport, Cara Varga-Murphy confronted her, shocked to see that she was heavily pregnant and unsure who the father was. As Chelsea had caused a lot of heartache during her previous time in Erinsborough, Cara rejected her when she asked if she could stay, suggesting that she speak to their mother instead. After returning from her family holiday to New York, Cara started to feel guilty about turning away her pregnant sister, contacting her mum to see if she'd heard anything. When she hadn't, Cara struggled to decide what to do and didn't want to bother her wife, Remi, who was dealing with her own family issues. After Nicolette Stone overheard Cara on the phone to her mum, she offered to help, admitting that she'd been alone as a new mum and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Though they'd never been good friends, Cara and Nicolette then worked together to try and find Chelsea, with Nicolette, a former nurse, using her contacts to find out if Chelsea had given birth in a hospital in Victoria recently.

When they found out that Chelsea seemingly hadn't had her baby in a hospital, Cara then began to wonder if Maddy, her cousin, might know something. Maddy and Chelsea had been very close as kids and, as Maddy was now a midwife, she might have been someone Chelsea turned to for help. Cara and Nicolette decided to pay Maddy a visit later that day and, after initially thinking that her cousin was trying to set her up with Nicolette, she invited them both in for a coffee. After finding out the reason for their visit, she told them that she hadn't seen Chelsea in a while, but as they left, Nicolette told Cara that she was convinced that Maddy was lying. When Maddy messages Nicolette later that night, the two women ended up spending the night together and, the next morning, Nic found a bottle of Chelsea's perfume in Maddy's bedroom, with a thank you note attached. She told Cara, who then drove over and confronted a shocked Maddy, who'd enjoyed her night with Nic and was taken aback to realise her true intentions. She then admitted that Chelsea had stayed with her recently and she'd helped her to give birth, adding that both mother and baby were in good health and had quickly moved on. She also told Cara that Chelsea didn't want her to get in touch and that she should respect her wishes.

A couple of days later, Maddy suddenly turned up in Erinsborough, finding Nicolette at Harolds, the cafe she managed. Despite all the drama, she admitted that she'd enjoyed her night with Nicolette and wanted to do it again. Nic, however, was immediately worried about how Cara would react to that development and asked if she could think about it. Maddy reluctantly agreed, and Cara soon confirmed that she didn't want Nic to spend any more time with her cousin. Though disappointed, Nic agreed, but was in for a surprise when Maddy turned up again the next day, wanting an answer. They were caught out by Remi, who was surprised to see her wife's cousin in Erinsborough, and Nic was forced to make up a story, claiming that she and Maddy had met in a queer bar the night before, but nothing had happened between them. Remi soon phoned Cara and she, Nic and Maddy were forced to sit through an awkward catch-up, with Remi completely unaware of the full story.

When a suspicious Cara realised that Maddy and Nic had continued to meet up in secret, she begged Nic to put an end to it, worried that Remi was going to find out about all of the lies. After thinking things through, Nic realised that she valued her new friendship with Cara over what she had with Maddy and so ended things between them. She then went to Cara to explain what she'd done, admitting that she liked Cara as a friend and didn't want to lose that. Unfortunately, Remi walked in and overheard this, misunderstanding what Nic was saying and demanding an explanation. Though Nic tried to lie her way out of the situation again, Cara realised that things had gone too far and she had to be honest with her wife.

Episodes Featured
9192, 9194, 9200

Biography by Steve
