Guest Character
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Lydia Rollands Pauline Grace
Lydia Rollands 2020
Occupation: Judge
With Elly Conway in prison, Claudia Watkins had been plotting to get custody of her granddaughter, Aster. Convinced that Elly's aunt and uncle, Susan
and Karl Kennedy, and sister, Bea Nilsson, weren't suitable guardians, Claudia hired lawyer Sam Fitzgerald and launched an interim parenting order. With
friend Toadie representing them, Susan and Karl attended a mediation meeting, headed by Judge Lydia Rollands, who declared that, if they couldn't all come
to an agreement between them, then she would award temporary custody to whomever she declared the more suitable guardians. As Sam stooped to a new low,
pointing out Karl and Susan's lack of suitability and bringing up Susan's MS, Judge Rollands decided to award interim custody to Claudia.
Trivia Notes
• In the credits of episode 8351, Pauline Grace
was incorrectly credited as the character's name and Lydia Rollands as the actor's name
Featured 8351
Biography by Steve