Guest Character
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Daisy Stevens Gemma Murphy
Daisy Stevens 2020
Aware that Levi Canning had kept his epilepsy a secret when he joined the police force, Bea Nilsson agreed to keep his secret. When Levi's colleague Yashvi
Rebecchi caught Levi and Bea together one day, when Bea was handing him his medication that she'd agreed to pick up for him, they quickly covered by claiming
that they'd been secretly dating. Yashvi was thrilled for them and it wasn't long before word got around Erinsborough, but with Bea then heading off to spend
a few weeks with her sister Elly in Switzerland, Levi was forced to keep up the pretence without her around. When Yashvi then caught Levi flirting with Daisy
Stevens outside the Waterhole one day, she was quick to go over and remind him that he had a girlfriend and shouldn't be flirting with other women, causing
Daisy to beat a hasty retreat.
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Biography by Steve