Guest Character
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Jasmine Stewart Frankie Mazzone

Jasmine Stewart 2024, 2025
Occupation: Erinsborough High School Student
Dex Varga-Murphy saw some of the girls at school laughing at something on their phones, he approached and asked what was so funny. One of the girls,
Jasmine Stewart, showed him a deepfake video that had been circulating, of the school's principal
Jane Harris seductively peeling back a banana. As more and
more students saw the video, joking about bananas and even leaving some on Jane's desk, it was left to Dex to tell his principal what was going on, leaving
Jane horrified and confused over who would want to do something like that to her.
After retirement complex Eirini Rising opened next to the school, sharing the land and building, a connecting door between the two buildings soon started to
cause problems. After some kids got hold of the master key and set off a stink bomb in Eirini Rising's courtyard, then a group of kids got in and knocked over
operations manager
Susan Kennedy, the police got involved, though everyone was unsure how the kids were getting in. Jane insisted that
she had the master key to the door safely stored away, but as Jasmine was chatting to her friend
Nell Rebecchi at school one day, she then turned and placed
the master key in her locker.
The following week, Nell was impressed when she saw Jasmine wearing a jacket from the expensive Corrie & Sun brand, with Jasmine claiming that it was a gift
from her sister. JJ Varga-Murphy also witnessed this exchange and when he found out that one of the Eirini Rising residents, Moira Tohu, had had her credit
card stolen and used at several places, including Corrie & Sun, he was immediately suspicious. JJ confronted Jasmine, pointing out that her sister worked at
Grease Monkeys and couldn't afford expensive jackets, but Jasmine denied any knowledge of the credit card theft, though accidentally mentioned Moira's name
before JJ had told her. After speaking to Jasmine's sister, JJ managed to get back many items that had been stolen from the Eirini Rising residents, but was
caught returning them by Eirini Rising owner - and Nell's stepmum - Terese Willis. As JJ had been in trouble with the police already, she failed to believe his story about Jasmine and her friends getting a copy
of the master key cut and stealing from senior citizens. JJ was suspended from his job as residents' assistant, but when Nell found out, she believed JJ over
Jasmine and, with JJ facing serious charges, she managed to persuade Jasmine to come clean.
As she awaited her charges, Jasmine attended a meeting a Harolds Cafe, between some of the Eirini Rising residents and some of the students. The meeting was
designed to help improve relations between the two groups, in the hope that they could build bridges and find things in common. The meeting proved to be
especially useful for elderly resident Elenora Santoro, who spoke little English and, since the death of her husband, was struggling to make herself understood.
Thanks to her grandparents, Jasmine knew some Italian and, after some initial reluctance, acted as an interpreter, giving Elenora the chance to air some of
her grievances with the Eirini Rising staff, and giving Jasmine the chance to make up for her mistakes.
Later in the year, Nell moved to Colac with her dad following his divorce from Terese. However, she struggled to fit in and, when her grandad was diagnosed
with terminal cancer, it was felt that she'd be happier living in Erinsborough again, rather than witnessing another family death, following that of her mum,
Sonya. So Nell returned to live with Terese and, a few days later, Jasmine was amongst the guests as a party was thrown for Nell's 16th birthday. During the party, Jasmine told Nell about Erinsborough Lights Up, a light show that was being planned, that the school was going to be involved in.
With Nell returning to Colac for the Christmas period, Jasmine worked alone on some ideas, before taking them to show to school principal Jane Harris
early in the New Year. Nell then returned just in time for Erinsborough Lights Up, for which the high school displayed art work by the students, including Nell and
Featured 9016, 9060, 9065, 9071, 9159, 9173, 9176
Biography by Steve