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Luke Devenish
Luke Devenish 2001-
Roles: Scriptwriter, Script Producer, Story Editor, Supervising Story Editor
Part of the Neighbours in-house writers team from 2001 to the end of 2007, Luke worked in key creative roles including Script Producer, Story Editor and Supervising Script Editor. He oversaw well over 1,500 episode scripts in his time, and still writes regularly for the show, as well as for Home & Away. Previously, Luke was Script Executive on Something in the Air and, with ABC TV Drama, worked in the writing and development of SeaChange, RAW FM and others. Before working in the television industry, Luke was a playwright, with productions of his work staged by Playbox, the Adelaide Festival, the Sydney Festival and NIDA. A graduate of Curtin University’s Creative Writing stream, Luke studied fiction under Elizabeth Jolley and Tim Winton. His first historical fiction novel, Den of Wolves, will be published by Random House Australia in September 2008. He regularly teaches story editing and screenwriting for the Australian Film, Television and Radio School.
Perfect Blend Interview (2004)
Perfect Blend Interview (2006)
Perfect Blend Interview (2007)
Gallery (click on an image to enlarge)
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Profile by Steve. Thanks to Luke Devenish