> The Cliffhanger Catalogue
> 1996
Episode-by-episode cliffhangers from Neighbours' twelfth season (episodes 2531-2770)
2531: Libby’s delight to see Brett home is cut short by earlier events with Sonny.
2532: Sam ends up punching Stonefish when he finds him in Annalise’s hotel room.
2533: Sam decides to ride off to escape his troubles - Will he ever return?
2534: Michael warns Jen off of reconciling with Philip.
2535: Karl learns Kate has died - Susan cannot understand why he is so upset over a patient dying.
2536: Libby is outrages to learn the family thinks she is pregnant.
2537: Annalise tells Joanna she’s leaving for overseas.
2538: Billy reads Melissa’s diary and discovers she doesn’t like the way he kisses.
2539: Has Stonefish failed his audition to join the performing arts course?
2540: Angie’s sister-in-law brings disgraced son Toadfish back to live with her.
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2541: Danni tells Malcolm she refuses to be humiliated and return to school.
2542: Hannah and Cody return home to see Jen kissing James Grimmer.
2543: Luke gets the job and the boss - they kiss passionately.
2544: Brett wants to be independent and move into the back garden at No.22.
2545: Brett kisses Judy.
2546: Susan and Andrew reveal to Angie that Toadfish has an IQ of a genius!
2548: Sonny ends his relationship with Libby and sees Brett kissing Judy.
2549: Hannah’s crush on teacher Mr. Powers is revealed to him.
2550: Are Karl & Susan beyond reconciliation? Will they separate?
2551: Malcolm believes he has proof of Karl’s infidelity. His parents arrive in time to hear his claim.
2552: Cheryl discovers her son and best friend kissing!
2553: It appears Malcolm & Danni have split up.
2554: Nadia warns Luke to play by her rules of face losing his job.
2555: Libby is shocked to see Joanna’s new date is Sonny.
2556: Libby & Brett kiss.
2557: It appears Toadie is a victim of a campaign to discredit him even further.
2558: Luke & Lou learn that Kimberley is a policewoman.
2559: Cody has some news for Sam. He fears it will only be bad news.
2560: Catherine tells Malcolm he is the only man she is interested in.
2561: Will Billy & Toadie take the risks to catch the graffiti artist?
2562: Hannah looks at the school quiz questions so she can cheat at the Brainarama competition.
2563: Marlene tells Sam the news that he’s a finalist in the Cute Grandchild competition.
2564: Cheryl asks Libby to use her influence with Brett to stop him travelling overseas.
2565: Cheryl discovers Brett has left for overseas but feels betrayed by the way he has done it.
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2566: Cheryl watches as Danni leaves for Europe. She puts a brave face on it despite both her children leaving home in the past 24 hours.
2567: Hannah feels guilty at winning the Brainarama competition.
2568: Toadie’s ploy to get Joanna to kiss him goes wrong and he receives ‘mouth to mouth’ from Bruce Styles.
2569: The police have a warrant to search the Kennedy property.
2570: Sonny tells Malcolm that the drug dealers now know where he lives.
2571: The siege ends with Cody being shot by a stray bullet.
2572: Attempting to shoplift, Hannah & Zoe panic when the alarm goes off.
2573: Sam discovers Marlene has a number of unpaid parking tickets.
2574: Luke endures the police-training course.
2575: Toadie sees new girl Georgia Brown and decides he suddenly likes going to school.
2576: Sam’s modelling job requires him to strip naked - Will he do it?
2577: After a misunderstanding, Billy is kissed by Georgia. Toadie is furious, thinking his best friend has betrayed him.
2578: Marlene is arrested after refusing to pay her parking fines.
2579: Grief overwhelms Pam Willis after she learns of Cody’s death.
2580: Sam is visited by Cody’s ghost and given comfort by her words.
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2581: Karl is stunned to learn his new houseguest is Toadie.
2582: Marlene realises her principles got in the way of saying goodbye to Cody.
2583: Danni tells Cheryl that she is going to marry Ben Dalziel.
2584: Hannah is caught holding a lit cigarette and is accused of smoking.
2585: The Kennedy kids ideas of partying are cut short when their grandfather arrives to look after them.
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2586: Karl & Susan are stuck with the Murphy family in the outback.
2587: Ben explains to Danni he needs her to get serious about her work or he’ll sack her as his designer.
2588: Melissa catches Billy kissing Georgia.
2589: Joel Supple arrives from America to see Debbie.
2590: Has Luke got cancer?
2591: Toadie has to run around Ramsay Street naked as a forfeit. Everyone in Ramsay Street is witness to it.
2592: The fear of losing his hair due to chemotherapy makes Luke shave his head.
2593: Danni receives only criticism from designer Suki about her fashion designs.
2594: An impromptu trip to Lunar Park results in Malcolm’s car being stolen.
2595: Karl learns Tom isn’t his biological father but he was conceived after his mother had an affair.
2596: Philip tells Debbie he’s romance novelist Phillipa Martinez.
2597: Luke finally releases his emotions about having cancer to Debbie.
2598: Billy is knocked unconscious playing footy - Melissa notices Georgia seems over concerned.
2599: Billy tells Melissa he wants them to split up.
2600: Danni wrecks her designs, forcing Ben to use Suki’s designs after all.
2601: Billy is astounded when he sees Toadie kissing Melissa.
2602: Billy & Toadie’s anger comes out on the footy pitch as they start a fight.
2603: Disguised by a mask, Rupert Sprod taunts Andrew for being gay.
2604: Ben tries to calm Cheryl down about Danni’s disappearance.
2605: Catherine is Sam’s date in the Sammy K competition.
2606: Marlene slips over in No.22. Has she hurt herself?
2607: Ben lashes out at Danni, hitting her across the face and knocking her to the floor.
2608: Joanna believes Rob Evans is seeing her as she looks like his dead wife.
2609: Billy upsets Georgia when he’s more interested in Melissa’s present than hers.
2610: Libby splits up with Rupert telling him she never wants to see him again.
2611: Toadfish and Rupert see their headmaster driving Malcolm’s stolen car.
2612: Has Melissa been part of her parents plan to get Andrew sacked from the school?
2613: Cheryl learns Brett has been arrested in South America on suspicion of smuggling drugs.
2614: Will Danni keep Luke’s cancer a secret or risk him leaving Erinsborough if she speaks out about it?
2615: How can Philip go to the book awards when everyone is expecting to see Phillipa Martinez?
2616: Joanna tells Marlene and Sam she’s in love with Rob Evans.
2617: Debbie is upset when Luke wants some space away from her.
2618: The Kennedy’s fear for Melissa’s safety when she goes missing from home.
2619: Karl & Susan worry when Malcolm signs up for a course in becoming a druid.
2620: Will Stonefish fall if he takes the charity wall climb with no training behind him?
2621: Catherine handcuffs Sam in the name of saving the environment.
2622: Rob asks Joanna to marry him.
2623: Angie threatens to expose Philip as a financial advisor.
2624: Lou reveals that Cheryl appears to have been kidnapped in Ecuador.
2625: Karl tells Debbie she's unprofessional and he can no longer employ her.
2626: Danni frets over Cheryl’s disappearance.
2627: Hannah & Toadie believe they’ve found treasure at No.28.
2628: Melissa and her mother take the first step to reconciling.
2629: Luke tells Malcolm he is not taking any further chemotherapy treatment.
2630: Danni resents Libby’s newspaper article on Cheryl’s kidnapping.
2631: Toadie & Hannah prepare to discover what treasure lies under the house at No.28.
2632: Stonefish asks Catherine to move in with him at No.30.
2633: Lou receives a phone call from Cheryl’s kidnappers - He begs them not to hurt her!
2634: Marlene is upset as Sam prepares for his move to join Annalise in England.
2635: Joanna hates the wedding dress Danni has designed for her and wants to call off her wedding too!
2636: Helen reveals that police believe they may have found Cheryl’s body.
2637: What drastic action will Lou take to support the search for Cheryl?
2638: Toadie’s childish behaviour causes the gazebo built by Malcolm & Billy to fall down.
2639: Hannah is surprised when someone contacts the Martins to get the doll back.
2640: Sam leaves for London as Rob & Joanna celebrates their marriage.
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2641: The police catch Debbie unknowingly serving an underage customer alcohol.
2642: Cheryl agrees she needs to talk to Karl as a doctor before she goes ‘crazy’ about her ordeal.
2643: Lou demands Cheryl tell him what is the truth behind her awkwardness around him.
2644: a gang of teenagers chases Billy & Toadie on bikes.
2645: What have Casper, Billy & Toadie found in the house? Is it a body?
2646: Hannah falls from the skateboard - Will she be run over by the van that’s coming towards her?
2647: The Rebecchi’s return to their house to find it has been burgled and the burglar hiding in the house.
2648: Marlene is stunned when she walks in on Cheryl telling Lou she’s had an affair while away in South America.
2649: Will Libby choose to disregard her sense of morality for tabloid journalism?
2650: Who has thrown a stone into the derelict house to scare Billy & Toadie?
2651: Billy tries to stop an injured Pete Collins run off so he can receive medical attention.
2652: Hannah finally gets to kiss Casper after he admits his feelings for her.
2653: Luke rejects Danni’s request to sleep with her.
2654: Darren & Stonefish’s old hostilities flare - Will it lead to a fight?
2655: Will Darren go back to his old ways and commit another crime?
2656: Danni has a nightmare about Luke dying but is too upset to tell Luke what scared her.
2657: Is Debbie and Stonefish’s friendship at an end after kissing each other?
2658: Cheryl receives flowers from Lou but he realises she thinks they are from Charles and she is still in contact with him.
2659: Karl warns Darren to stay away from Libby - but Darren has other ideas.
2660: Will Darren be rescued from the house before demolishing begins?
2661: Lou tells Cheryl he’ll give her Lassiters in exchange for custody of Louise.
2662: Cheryl tells Marlene she fears she’ll have to fight Lou for custody of Louise.
2663: Karl’s real father wants to be Libby’s birthday surprise.
2664: Libby’s 18th birthday has the Kennedy’s arguing and Malcolm facing losing his job.
2665: Darren has $A12 000 to save Malcolm’s gardening business.
2666: Darren has his self-confidence back. Libby is thrilled.
2667: Hannah is horrified when Casper makes jokes about people with braces on their teeth, unaware she is due to get them.
2668: Toadie vows revenge on Libby and Stonefish after being humiliated in public with Billy.
2669: Billy’s prank on Libby ends disastrously.
2670: Lou leaves Ramsay Street. Cheryl blames herself.
2671: Libby tells Darren she really loves him.
2672: Pete’s father threatens Karl to stay away from Pete or risk being assaulted.
2673: Despite Darren’s good work with Pete, Karl still doesn’t trust him.
2674: Luke is jealous of Danni’s spending more time with Malcolm.
2675: Marlene offers the chance to Danni to take over the shop.
2676: Angie & Mick Anderson become attracted to each other.
2677: Billy & Toadfish baby-sit Louise but lose her.
2678: Marlene leaves Ramsay Street for a holiday - but how will this help Cheryl?
2679: Karl’s surgery explodes - Debbie sees Darren outside.
2680: Malcolm leans that Darren’s investment could threaten his livelihood.
2681: Malcolm tells Darren their partnership has to end if they do not trust each other.
2682: Melissa and Billy sleep past the curfew time Melissa’s parent’s set her to be home by.
2683: Angie slips and falls into Mick’s arms and faces temptation.
2684: Susan catches Malcolm kissing pupil Shona at school and Shona carrying alcohol.
2685: Steve George is intent on winning Danni away from Luke.
2686: Alan McKenna refuses to allow Malcolm & Darren to continue working on the repairs at the school.
2687: Luke warns Danni if she continues to see Steve it will end their relationship.
2688: Danni warns Steve to never sneak up on her and certainly never kiss her.
2689: Angie & Mick kiss. Hannah sees them.
2690: Helen collapses on No.26’s kitchen floor after having a stroke.
2691: Hannah tells Philip she fears Helen is going to die.
2692: Karl & Susan arrive home to find Darren & Libby in a compromising position.
2693: Helen unable to cope with her paralysis asks Karl to help her die.
2694: Cheryl receives a letter from Lou telling her he wants full custody of Louise.
2695: Darren is stopped by security after being set up for shoplifting.
2696: Libby & Cheryl despair at the police station when they are refused to allow them to convince anyone of Darren’s innocence.
2697: Libby tells Malcolm that Darren is back in jail but asks him to keep it a secret.
2698: Malcolm over reacts with Shona and tells her to leave him alone.
2699: Luke catches Danni in the Jacuzzi at No.22 with Steve.
2700: At the launch party tempers fray and Danni slaps Debbie across the face.
2701: Darren tells Libby he never loved her as a ploy to get her to walk away from their relationship and protect her.
2702: Cheryl vows she will not allow Darren to be in prison for something he hasn’t done.
2703: Cheryl and Marlene learn that the pirate radio operators are in serious trouble.
2704: Tessa George arrives to see Danni - She introduces herself as Steve’s wife.
2705: Karl is furious when he thinks Darren & Libby are having sex - is he jumping to the wrong conclusion?
2706: Darren & Libby leave their homes to live together.
2707: Will Luke go to Perth to be with Debbie or stay home to be with Danni?
2708: Sarah Beaumont has a secret. Her sister lives in Ramsay Street.
2709: Catherine tells a shocked Stonefish she wants to end their relationship.
2710: Cheryl rushes to save Louise from being run over but is hit by the car herself.
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2711: Karl blames himself for Cheryl’s death.
2712: Darren wants to confront Karl, believing he caused Cheryl’s death.
2713: Sarah tells Catherine that someone with a grudge has sabotaged Danni’s clothing collection.
2714: Danni accuses Debbie of being the saboteur and ruining her collection.
2715: Toadie, Billy & Hannah are caught transmitting the pirate radio station.
2716: Darren tells Libby if she stays with him she risks losing the relationship she has with Karl.
2717: Marlene pleas with Lu to stay on in Ramsay Street.
2718: Lou learns he is the sole heir to her estate.
2719: Stonefish tells Toadie if Angie stays in Ramsay Street it will affect her and their parent’s marriage badly.
2720: Why is a newspaper photographer hounding Sarah?
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2721: Catherine asks Sarah about the secret she is keeping.
2722: Helen over exerts herself and makes herself ill.
2723: Malcolm sacks Karl from his job.
2724: Melissa believes she can explain away being caught cheating on Billy by Toadie.
2725: Toadie prepares to tell Billy that Melissa is cheating on him.
2726: Philip waits with Ruth Wilkinson so they can confront her estranged husband together.
2727: How will Hannah and Lance get home from the city?
2728: Brett warns Darren to be honest with him or their partnership is over.
2729: Brett tells Libby she needs to end her relationship with Darren.
2730: Libby wants space from Darren and their relationship.
2731: Brett & Libby kiss.
2732: A day out proves disastrous as Brett’s car breaks down and Libby needs to get back in time for an exam.
2733: Hannah feels rejected as Lance tells her they must stay away from each other.
2734: Helen promises a worried Hannah she’ll prove she’s seen Harold Bishop.
2735: A mystery phone call - Helen is sure it is Harold calling her.
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2736: Luke is worried at the arrival of Sarah’s ex fiancé Stephen.
2737: Darren puts pressure on Libby about their relationship as she tries to focus her energy into studying for her exams.
2738: Marlene begs Brett not to leave so he can save Darren from making the same mistakes he has made before.
2739: Madge is nervous as she waits for Harold to arrive.
2740: Madge tells Helen she intends to rediscover Harold Bishop in Ted and won’t give up.
2741: Madge fears she has lost Harold again.
2742: Danni uses emotional blackmail to get Luke to agree to go with her.
2743: Billy tells Karl some home truths that no one supports his mid life crisis.
2744: Toadie’s jealousy could cause problems between Sarah & Stephen.
2745: Ruth & Philip argue over their abilities as parents.
2746: Hannah and Philip’s relationship hits an all time low.
2747: Darren won’t accept Lou’s offer of help.
2748: Harold remembers his former relationship with Lou and vows they are still enemies.
2749: Madge and Harold take the first step to a new beginning together.
2750: Karl catches Toadie and his mice together.
2751: Philip sees Lance knock into the Kennedy car.
2752: Lance must face telling Karl he damaged his car after Philip’s talk about honesty.
2753: Madge feels Helen’s advice about being cautious with Harold is really just a lack of support to her cause.
2754: Madge’s romantic night for Harold seems to have scared him off.
2755: Toadie lies to Billy & Anne he is seeing Sarah.
2756: Toadie begins to regret his lies about him & Sarah.
2757: Joanna is upset to see Malcolm & Catherine kissing.
2758: Will Lance join the scam to steal from the garden centre?
2759: Madge and Harold decide to live together.
2760: Anne tells Lance to reveal the scam before he’s implicated in it.
2761: Anne, Billy & Toadie help Lance to stop the thefts.
2762: Toadie believes the bike at No.28 is his birthday present.
2763: Madge wants Harold to change or she’ll leave him.
2764: Debbie tells Helen she feels worthless.
2765: Darren pushes Libby away, believing their relationship is coming to an end.
2766: Will Billy try a second time with Anne?
2767: Debbie promises Helen she’ll make her catering business a success
2768: The chase is on to stop the turkey thief.
2769: Will Philip take Helen’s advice and pursue Ruth?
2770: Karl is faced with having to try and save Malcolm’s life after an accident at work.
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