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Reference > Erinsborough Entrances > 2009

Sunny Lee
The first arrival of 2009 came in April, in the form of the Kennedys new exchange student from Korea. Sunny Lee gave a memorable first impression as she tripped and fell flat on her face the moment she stepped out of the cab, landing at the feet of her new family and neighbours. Sunny struggled to settle in (despite a gift of a large toy kangaroo from Ringo), finding it hard to adjust to the new culture and people. She poured her heart out to Lost Boy on air, telling him that no one had seen her, only her flaws, and that she didn’t want people to get to know her, because she was a horrible person. Eventually though, she began to overcome her problems and became good friends with the Ramsay Street teens and started dating Zeke.
First Episode: 5663
First Words: (on falling over) “Waaaaaaagh!” (in episode 5664) “Actually, I’m used to an en suite, at least in some of the places I’ve lived in.”

Kate, Harry and Sophie Ramsay
Ramsays returned to Ramsay Street for the first time since Madge’s death in 2002 in the form of young orphans, motherly Kate, tearaway Harry and tomboy Sophie. It transpired (thanks to a secret box hidden below no. 24) that Anne Robinson had had an affair with Max Ramsay, resulting in a child called Jill, who they gave up. Jill went on to have three children of her own, but met a tragic end in 2009 when Paul tracked her down and she ran into the path of a car that was going too fast. Kate then took over the mother role, after lying about an aunt to avoid being taken into care. Originally reluctant to accept any help from the people of Ramsay Street – Paul and Elle in particular – the Ramsays kids eventually moved into no. 24 (courtesy of the Salvation Army) and even got on good terms with the Robinsons.
First Episode: 5690 (Kate), 5691 (Harry and Sophie)
First Words: (Kate, on phone to Elle) “Hello? Who's this?” (Harry) “Back off, alright?!” (Sophie) “Katie!” (Harry says milkshakes are $4) “You only gave me three. What’s going on?”

India Napier
Born to teenage parents Bridget Parker and Declan Napier, India arrived at a most inconvenient time; in the middle of a music festival. Her parents were celebrating their last weeks of freedom, but India came early, and to make matters worse, Declan was out in the bush (searching for Sunny and Zeke, who had fallen down a mini-ravine). Stuck in a tent because the ambulance was busy and no other’s could get through, Elle, Donna and a St John’s Ambulance woman named Trisha looked after Bridget through her labour, whilst desperately trying to call Declan. They managed to reach the teens’ parents though, as well as Karl, who helped guide Trisha, who had never delivered a baby before. The four adults sat around the phone, listening to events in the tent. Luckily, Declan arrived just in time, and Bridget gave birth to their baby girl, with Elle and Donna standing by, the three parents listening over the phone, and Ringo and Lucas trying not to look. But all was not well, as the umbilical cord was wrapped around India’s neck. She was rushed to hospital by air ambulance with Declan where she put into intensive care. Bridget was admitted later, desperate to see her baby. Ringo and Donna helped her sneak out to meet her, and over the next few days Baby Napier’s health improved and they were able to take her home. The name arrived a few days later, as Bridget and Declan discussed all the wonderful places that they would visit with their daughter.
First Episode: 5717
