> Erinsborough Exits > 2008
Janae Timmins Feeling increasingly pushed out of her relationship with Ned Parker by outside forces - mainly the machinations of Kirsten Gannon, the mother of Ned's son, Mickey, who had openly admitted to Janae that she still loved Ned and hoped to one day get back together with him - Janae ended up finding comfort with Darren Stark, who was facing a similar situation. The pair shared a kiss, which ended up destroying Darren's relationship with Libby Kennedy, and causing problems for Ned and Janae. Though they were determined to work through it, Mickey was unable to comprehend the long and difficult process and grew upset with Janae living across the street with cousin Toadie. In the end, not wanting to cause any more heartache for young Mickey, Janae made the difficult decision to leave Erinsborough and, after saying painful goodbyes to everyone, she boarded a flight north, to her family in Cairns.
Final Episode: 5385
Final Words: (hugs Mickey) "Stay cool, little man. Talk to you soon." (kisses Ned) "Bye."
Behind-the-scenes: In a 2008 Perfect Blend Interview, Eliza mentions that the axing of her screen family in 2007 was a large contributing factor in her decision to quit as Janae.
Harold Bishop and Valda Sheergold When Marco Silvani and Carmella Cammeniti casually suggested to Harold that they'd love to live in Ramsay Street and he could sell them his house, he started considering a future away from Erinsborough, and bought a campervan, planning to travel around Australia. His closest friend, Lou Carpenter, was devastated and suffered a panic attack, though he allowed Harold to believe it was a heart attack. Harold agreed to stay, until Lou came clean, but good-natured Harold was still worried about leaving his friend, eventually suggesting that Lou go with him. Though Lou was unable to tear himself away from his home, his place was taken by Valda, who had been working hard to keep Charlie's Bar running smoothly for weeks, eventually falling asleep and almost burning down the kitchen. Needing a break, she joined Harold as he left, asking him to drop her off in Shelley Bay, while he opted to keep his ties to Erinsborough by only renting out number 24 to Marco and Carmella, rather than selling it. Following a farewell bash at the General Store, Harold was waved off by his friends and family as he drove out of Ramsay Street to the sound of a brass band.
Final Episode: 5420
Final Words: (Harold - hands Carmella the house keys) "You take good care of her". (Marco tells Harold to take good care of her too) (Valda) "I can take care of myself, thank you." (Marco explains that he was talking about the winnibago)
Frazer Yeats and Rosetta Cammeniti Having discovered that the baby they had been so excited about had never existed, Frazer & Rosetta decided to accept a family offer to go to Rome on their much delayed honeymoon, with a view to settle there permanently. With Frazer selling his newly purchased share of The General Store to Elle Robinson and Rosie arranging for Samantha Fitzgerald to cover for her at the law practice, plans for their trip were well underway. However, going into hospital to have the mass that led her to believe she was pregnant removed, still convinced that she had been pregnant, Frazer relented to having Dr. Olenski double check. The pair were thrilled when the doctor found a heartbeat, revealing that they were having a baby. Their plans or the trip in place, Rosie & Frazer celebrated Ringo’s 18th birthday before departing, giving his mother, Prue money for an airfare to come and visit when the baby arrived and offering to take her back home to Muttatang.
Final Episode: 5440
Final Words: (Rosetta – to Ringo who has just been given Frazer’s car) "No driving until you’ve got your licence". (Frazer – to Ringo) "Be safe, brother.”
Riley Parker Ever since the arrival of his adoptive auntie, Nicola, with whom he had been having an on/off relationship over the years, Riley had felt uncomfortable about the ticking time-bomb he was sitting on top of. As his sister, Bridget spotted the pair kissing in his van, Riley felt left with no way out but to leave before he caused his family harm. Accepting a job as a reporter in the Middle East, Riley announced to his family that he was leaving the following day. With his father, Steve in the frame for the attack on Chris Knight, covering for Didge, his mother Miranda was devastated at the thought of losing her family. Despite the pleas of his Mother and Sister for him to stay, Riley was determined to take control of his life, sneaking off whilst his family were out, leaving only a note which was quickly intercepted by Nicola.
Final Episode: 5460
Final Words: (to Elle) “Catch-ya later.”
Behind-the-scenes: In a 2008 Perfect Blend Interview, Sweeney explained that the producers and writers found Riley difficult to write for, feeling that perhaps he had achieved what he meant to achieve in Erinsborough.
Marco Silvani When Carmella Cammeniti arranged a picnic in the national park as a surprise for her boyfriend, Marco Silvani's birthday, she was the one who ended up being surprised when he proposed to her. The romantic day then took a dramatic turn when they and their friends became trapped by a bushfire that had been deliberately lit by pyromaniac fireman Jay Duncan. As he helped to look for a few missing members of the party, Marco was caught outside as the fire raged through. Found suffering from serious internal injuries, Marco was taken to hospital and given only hours to live. Desperate not to worry Carmella, a wedding ceremony at the hospital was arranged, before he quietly passed away. It wasn't the last Carmella would see of Marco, however, as he continued to stand by her, though she was the only person who could see him, as she arranged the funeral. During the ceremony, she walked towards his coffin, seeing Marco standing by it, and sang Amazing Grace, before he disappeared from her life completely.
Final Episode: 5492
Final Words: "Thank you. Time for me to go." (Carmella says she's not ready) "You are, Bella. You are."
Ned Parker As well as leaving Marco Silvani dead, the 2008 bushfire almost claimed the life of Kirsten Gannon. After losing most of the skin on her body, her chances of survival were slim, but the possibility of a transfer to the Perth Royal Hospital came up, meaning that she could be treated by some of the best plastic surgeons in the country. Despite his pride almost getting in the way, Ned eventually accepted money to pay for the trip and he, Kirsten and Mickey left Erinsborough together, as a family.
Final Episode: 5509
Final Words: (to Kirsten) "So, you ready?” (she asks if he is) "Yeah. Let's go."
Behind-the-scenes: In a 2008 Perfect Blend Interview, Dan O'Connor told us that he had only ever intended to stay with Neighbours for three years, and wanted to return to making music.
Oliver Barnes Following Marco's death, the complex relationship between Oliver Barnes and Carmella Cammeniti grew even more complicated. Asleep in the kitchen, Carmella awoke to find Oliver embracing her, but mistakenly thinking it was Marco, she kissed him. Confused about his feelings, but knowing that he couldn't make a move on his ex-girlfriend so soon after her husband's death, Oliver saw a way out of the situation when he was offered a job at a hotel in New York. Though it tore him up to leave behind his family and his baby daughter, and though Carmella turned down an offer to join him, unable to walk away from her memories of Marco so soon, Oliver left Ramsay Street for good.
Final Episode: 5515
Final Words: (to Declan) "Can you look after my baby girl and Carmella for me?" (Declan says he will) "Thanks." (Declan hugs his brother and says he'll miss him) "Yeah."
Sienna Cammeniti After just 5 months in Erinsborough, Sienna upped and left with boyfriend-of-a-day, Logan, for a trip to Italy to visit Rosie – her cousin – and Frazer, and their new baby. The couple had sent the two tickets for Carmella and daughter Chloe, but Carmella was too busy looking after the General Store to consider the trip. Lou, close friend of Sienna’s, didn’t want to lose her and tried to get her to stay by setting her up with Logan, who was a member of Ty Harper’s band Nothing Doing. Sienna had been their lead singer but quit when Logan tried to kiss her, but after Lou enabled their reconciliation, they decided to leave for Italy together, much to Lou’s dismay. He tried to persuade them to stay, fearing he was going to lose everybody around him, but he finally let them go after Sienna promised she would return.
Final Episode: 5555
Final Words: (in reply to Lou saying he doesn’t want to lose her) “I’ll be back, I promise, I will.” (As Lou hugs her and tells her to have a great trip) “I will.” (After Lou points at Logan and warns him) “Lou! Shut up!”
Nicola West Nicola had a troubled time on Ramsay Street, trying to get close to her older sister, Miranda, whilst harbouring a deep love for her brother in law, Steve, and also having an affair with their adopted son, Riley. The numerous family fallings out along with an HIV scare meant that things began to get just too much for Nicola, who began to crack. Following a convenient road accident, she pretended to have amnesia to get back into her family’s good books. However, not everyone believed her story, including Steve. Under the pretence of being a loving sister, Nicola decided that if she was going to keep her sister, Steve had to be out of the picture, and proceeded to poison his lasagne. Much lying and discovery followed, with Nicola eventually trying to flee Erinsborough after attempting to finish Steve off in hospital. But Miranda finally caught her sister out and called the police to arrest her. Nicola fought violently against the arrest, and had clearly finally cracked when she declared during her interview that she was Miranda Parker. Psychiatric tests proved that she was entirely delusional, and she was taken to a secure facility that could provide her with the car she needed.
Final Episode: 5558
Final Words: (After Miranda asks if she knows what her [Miranda’s] name is) “I’m sorry, I don’t know, did you tell me before?” (After Miranda says that this doesn’t change anything, she still doesn’t want her anywhere near her family) “Nurse, nurse!” (Nurse restrains her as she begins to get hysterical) “No, let me go, let me go! She’s crazy, she’s trying to confuse me. Please, get her out of her, get her out of here...”
Carmella and Chloe Cammeniti After a tumultuous time in Erinsborough, Carmella finally departed for good in 2008 to live with Oliver, the father of her child, in Portugal. Following her husband Marco’s death earlier in the year, Carmella had shared a kiss with Oliver, but both knew it was too soon after Marco’s death, and Oliver left for Portugal with an open offer for Carmella and Chloe to follow him. Finally deciding to do this, she was unwilling to sell her half of the General Store to Elle, not wanting to cut her ties with Erinsborough. However, she realised that she would always have ties to the place whilst her friends were still there. Carmella said her goodbyes to Ringo, brother in law and one-time younger lover, telling him her trip was permanent and they promised to keep in touch. Carmella also had concerns about Harold, who had been diagnosed with cancer but had run away. Thankfully, he turned up during her goodbye speech, just as she was announcing that the General Store would be renamed Harold’s Store. That night, with Christmas lights shining all around, the street gathered to wave Carmella and Chloe off in their taxi. Carmella had one last stop, however – a visit to Harold in the hospital. She gave him her rosary beads, thanking him for all her had done for her and reminding him that he was not alone, before praying with him one last time.
Final Episode: 5598, with an appearance by video in 5600
Final Words: (Harold asks if she’ll do something for him before she leaves) “Yeah, anything.” (He asks her to pray with him.) “Absolutely.”