> Neighbours
Spin-offs by Rhys
1997, the BBC were obviously so curious that Neighbours,
a "cheap daytime filler" programme which was destined
for, at best, a run of a few years, had celebrated its 10th
birthday, that they commissioned a series exploring fans'
fascination with the series. This spawned a number of other
Neighbours related programming events which spanned
the late 1990s and into the 21st Century.
Neighbours Summer 1997
Neighbours was a BBC production which aimed
to explore why Neighbours had become the phenomenon it
had. The series was made up of 29 individual 10-minute programmes
to be broadcast every weekday in the late morning slot prior
to the One O'Clock News on BBC One. The series was recorded
in June and July 1997 and each programme went to air around
three weeks after recording. Each edition chronicled either
one or two fans at a time (some editions featured husband and
wife; two best friends etc.) and each followed a very similar
broadcast pattern. Good Neighbours was broadcast in 4:3
ratio and opened with a brief introduction by the participant
of a couple of seconds' length, followed by a short vocal rendition
of the Neighbours theme tune - the on-screen variant
used 1990-1992. Accompanying was a specially edited opening
sequence made using the opening and closing scenes of Neighbours'
1997 opening titles, adding animated sidebars showing a montage
of Neighbours characters and participants in the series.
Each edition ended with the scene which was most closely related
to the particular fan; for example, a favourite weddings, most
memorable departure. Good Neighbours' closing credits
were designed with the use of two location shots used in the
1986-1992 closing credits of Neighbours, with overlaid production
credits for each Good Neighbours programme. The theme
music for the series was the final bar of the 1995-1998 opening
content of the programmes were largely dictated by the individual
participants: An example would be if the featured fan had
family who lived in Melbourne; that person's "link"
with the show was his or her reason for being a fan. Often,
the participants were fans of the show because they aspired
to be, or had similarities with some of the characters - an
elderly lady identified herself with Helen Daniels; a newspaper
journalist compared himself to Libby Kennedy. More often than
not, however, most of the people featured were simply Neighbours
fans expressing their devotion to the programme. Favourite
characters, memories and stories were related through the
use of numerous archived clips and onscreen captions. A treat
for fans and participants was the discovery that the "fan"
in Good Neighbours No. 29 was none other than actor
Mark Little, who portrayed Joe Mangel, and showed his good
sportsmanship in discussing his time on the show and his favourite

The BBC must be applauded for this series - really examining
what attracts fans of all ages and backgrounds to the show.
Fantastic use of archived footage made the series worth watching
just to relieve golden moments. One got the impression that
some fans were more devoted than others, but all in all, a
nice, nostalgic look at Neighbours through the eyes
of those who know and love it.

Morning with Neighbours
October 1999
inspired by the success of similar EastEnders and Ground
Force "Mornings", the BBC decided that a publicity
visit to the UK by actors Dan Paris (Drew Kirk) and Kym Valentine
(Libby Kennedy) should be put to good use,
and so dragged along Anne Charleston (Madge Bishop) and Mark
Little to join them at Southampton General Hospital. The project
was titled A Morning with Neighbours though, rather confusingly,
both A Morning with Neighbours and Neighbours Morning
were used in various forms of promotion, even though the
former is what was used on onscreen graphics and in the press.
The Neighbours variant followed the same pattern as other
Mornings with... - in that very little air time was devoted
to the particular show itself, instead forming "filler"
segments between scheduled daytime programmes such as Kilroy
and House Invaders and the like. To be fair, Kilroy's
discussion was based around irritating neighbours! The reasoning
behind locating the morning at Southampton Hospital was to enable
presenter Gaby Roslin to host both the Neighbours features
and her regular City Hospital programme in the mornings.
The event began at 9.00am following the Breakfast News,
and had the following menu on screen:
Old Neighbours A review of the careers of the show's
biggest stars on their careers after soap
11:40: Phone a Friend A live phone in with the actors
11:55: The Votes Are In An opportunity to view the
winning Neighbours clip from a week of tele-voting

A decent attempt at creating the same Morning with... atmosphere,
but the lack of many cast members and constant interruptions
of regular daytime programmes, the event was neither here
nor there.

Revealed: Series One Autumn
confirmation that the BBC had sent their daytime presenter,
Anna Walker, to Melbourne in early 2000 to film a special series
going behind the scenes of Neighbours, created much anticipation
among fans. It had largely been thought that the budget to produce
such a series would be too costly, but, amazingly it was filmed
and edited together in time for broadcast during the October
half-term holidays for most of the UK. The series consisted
of five half-hour episodes which were produced by the BBC in
association with Lion Television and were broadcast from Monday
to Friday. They were recorded in the 4:3 ratio - surprising,
considering Neighbours' move that year into widescreen
filming, and also that most BBC productions were making the
switch as early as 1999. The series featured interviews with
cast and crew, and delved further into the process of producing
Neighbours than any other documentary had ever done before.
Many features, such as the cast and crew interviews, spanned
several editions, and excerpts were inserted where they were
most closely related to a specific section. Key features in
the five programmes were as follows:
Interviews with producer, Peter Dodds and his executive,
Stanley Walsh
Mocked casting session and feature with assistant
producer Jan Russ
A luncheon with Anne Charleston and make-up designer,
William McIlvaney
Horse riding with Carla Bonner (Stephanie Scully)
A tribute to Anne Haddy (Helen Daniels)
Features on the use of animal actors in the show
A tour of Melbourne's Botanical Garden with Jackie
Woodburne (Susan Kennedy) and Alan Fletcher (Karl Kennedy)
An interview and feature on the storylining process
with story editor Ben Michael
Louise Le Nay and Christopher Gist discuss script
Production designer Carole Harvey hosts a tour of
the Lassiter's set
Krista Vendy (Teresa Bell) takes Anna Walker shopping
to Chapel Street
A night out with the "Boys of No. 30" and
Anna Walker
Interviews on-set with various cast and crew members
Ian Smith (Harold Bishop) takes Anna Walker to the
football, to watch Williamstown
A Steadycam breaks down on location and holds up
A tour of the wardrobe department

This series was originally due to go behind the scenes of
Stephanie's spectacular bike crash, but this proved too complicated
with the demands of recording during the night.
A wonderful insight into the production of the show, interviewing
both cast and crew which makes it a far more well-rounded
series. Anna Walker was evidently a fan
and had bags of energy when interviewing and recording features
with the cast. The mix of factual features and the actors'
leisure time worked well and provided a wonderfully voyeuristic
view into the world of Neighbours.

Revealed: Series Two
October 22nd-26th 2001
fans couldn't believe their luck when a second, and perhaps
better, series was broadcast in 2001. Erica North of London
radio, replaced Anna Walker as presenter in Melbourne and took
viewers on much the same type of journey that series one had
shown. This series was also recorded in 4:3 (more than likely
to account for the majority of 4:3 archive clips destined for
use in the series) and featured a slightly shorter opening sequence
than series one. Again, the main features of each particular
edition were mixed in with several smaller interviews and narrated
montages. Some of the main features in the second series were:
Interviews with Peter Dodds
and Stanley Walsh together
Interviews with assorted crew,
including Jan Russ, Debra Brockwell (runner), Rosemary Cullinan
(chaperone) and others
A feature on trainee director
Ian Dickson's first day on location
Tom Oliver (Lou Carpenter)
leads a tour of a forest containing art sculptures near
the Dandenong Range
Erica North interviews Jackie
Woodburne and Janet Andrewartha (Lyn Scully) at a health
Ian Smith and Ryan Moloney
(Toadfish Rebecchi) play golf
Carla Bonner captains a paddle
steamer on the Yarra River
Dan Paris goes dirt-biking
Kym Valentine and Vanda Tolli
- mother of Jiordan Anna Tolli (Louise Carpenter) - sing
at their local pub
A feature on the youngest stars
of the show and how child actors are looked after on set
A look at how the crew celebrate
the end of a filming week
Erica North takes a walk with
Shane Connor (Joe Scully) and his children
Janet Andrewartha hosts a tour
of Ramsay Street
Carole Harvey directs a set-building
operation at Lassiter's lake

The change of presenter did nothing to weaken the strengths
of the Neighbours Revealed format, and this second
run provided, perhaps, more insight into how the show makes
it from the story room onto the television screen.

Birthday Neighbours October
26 2001
if the second series of Neighbours Revealed wasn't enough
for fans, Friday 26th October saw a special Morning with
Neighbours - renamed because of the show's 15th anniversary,
on the Saturday. Dale Winton replaced Gaby Roslin as presenter
of the morning (at least she was a self-confessed fan - Winton
had trouble keeping up with even basic facts). The morning was
broadcast from a wet and dull Oxford University - with surrounding
students providing, among other things, a rendition of the Neighbours
theme tune. The stars present
were Ian Smith and Holly Valance [spelt "Vallance"
in onscreen graphics] (Felicity Scully) and Sarah Vandenbergh
(Lauren Carpenter) who looked quite out of place alongside the
current actors present. The event line-up was just as bare as
the previous morning in 1999, and much of the content was the
same, albeit re-edited and narrated. The onscreen menu read
the following:
Meet the Neighbours
10:35: Neighbours Go Pop
10:40: Uni Challenge
11:55: Classic Clips
University Challenge feature saw "Bishop's Boffins"
competing against "Flick's Freshers" in a quiz based
on Neighbours. Perhaps the highlight of the event was
a specially-recorded skit of Ian Smith, as Harold, supposedly
studying at Oxford in the period Harold was presumed drowned.
Even though it was cringeworthy and totally lacking in any
basic continuity, it must be applauded for actually daring
to suggest Harold went out drinking with students to the local
The presentation of this event consisted of several onscreen
graphics - but no consistency was evident, with the use of
several typefaces for the menus and presentation graphics.
The opening titles sequence was the same as used for the 1999
event, albeit rendered for broadcast in 16:9 widescreen -
hence a slightly "stretched" appearance to the sequence.
Another error which made it to the broadcast was the answer
to the competition question: "What was the name of Lauren's
horse?" The correct answer, Chukka Mental, was incorrectly
listed as "Chukkie Mental".
Laughable. Dale Winton's obvious lack of knowledge on the
show was painfully evident to all - and his presence did little
to inject energy into the three actors. Most of the features
were just recycled from the original Morning with... and
as such offered little new to even the most casual fan.