> The Video Diaries
It all began when David Bishop started corresponding with Lee Thomas, the mayor of Erinstown, Idaho. From Lee, he got the idea for every local resident to make a video diary about their life. The videos would then be placed in a time capsule, not to be opened for one hundred years. Here, we catalogue the video diaries...

Lyn Scully - Episode 4625
“Hi. I’m Lyn Scully. How are you all out there in the future? Well, we’re all looking forward to Christmas… Oh, I hope you still have Christmas, y’know, with all your family and friends getting together. Anyway, this Christmas is gonna be a bit strange for me because it’s gonna be my first ever Christmas with my real dad, because we’ve only just gotten to know each other and… well, he’s pretty sick. He’s dying. So, I suppose, um, it could be the last Christmas with him. My dream would be to have my whole family together for Christmas. My mum and Flick and Shelly. But things change, don’t they? I mean, I’m not even a wife anymore, and I never thought that’d happen. Not to me. So, that’s me. I’m a single mum and I’m a hairdresser and that’s all I… oh, this is silly. David? David, which one do I… ”
Sky Mangel - Episode 4647
Sky used interpretative dance in her video diary.
Boyd Hoyland - Episode 4651
“I’m at a point where I’m trying to decide what to do with my life. Y’know, I’m 17, I just finished school. I passed, but only just. Won’t be long until my girlfriend wakes up to me. My friends’ll all be going through uni, getting interesting careers and I’ll be the oldest guy still doing the Grease Monkeys dance.”
Stingray Timmins - Episode 4661
“I just wanna take this opportunity to thank our leader, David Bishop. Davo, I just wanna say mate (pulls down pants) kiss this.”
Paul Robinson - Episode 4661
“And finally to me, the last of the good residents of Erinsborough. But I’m going to tell you something different about this little sleepy backwater. You see, this town burnt me – and now it’s payback. You see, I’ve got a plan. So if you’re watching this in the year 2105, you’ll know it worked like a charm.”
Izzy Hoyland - Episode 4662
“Hi there. My name’s Isabelle Hoyland. I’m 27 years old, nothing really special to tell about me. I’m not an Erinsborough girl born and bred. I moved here not long ago to see my brother. I missed my niece and nephew. I guess you do when you don’t have kids of your own. I almost did though… the mother thing. I was pregnant. That’s when Karl and I decided to make a go of it. He’s a wonderful man – a doctor. He stuck by me, even when I lost the baby, so I guess he loves me. No, I know he loves me. And I… I care about him. Karl and I got together under false pretences. The baby wasn’t his and I can’t tell anybody I want to… I can’t tell anybody and I want to scream sometimes to tell somebody and… I can’t."