
Year by year plot overviews of each season of Neighbours. The seasons are defined and grouped by the year in which they were originally aired in Australia.
Below is a table showing the exact dates that each year was originally screened in both Australia and the UK, and which episodes comprised each season.
1 |
18/03/1985-08/11/1985 |
27/10/1986-29/06/1987 |
1-170 (170 total) |
2 |
20/01/1986-05/12/1986 |
30/06/1987-19/05/1988 |
171-400 (230 total) |
3 |
12/01/1987-08/12/1987 |
20/05/1988-19/04/1989 |
401-637 (237 total) |
4 |
13/01/1988-12/12/1988 |
20/04/1989-22/03/1990 |
638-876 (239 total) |
5 |
17/01/1989-13/12/1989 |
23/03/1990-21/02/1991 |
877-1113 (237 total) |
6 |
11/01/1990-07/12/1990 |
22/02/1991-21/01/1992 |
1114-1350 (237 total) |
7 |
21/01/1991-13/12/1991 |
22/01/1992-10/12/1992 |
1351-1585 (235 total) |
8 |
06/01/1992-04/12/1992 |
11/12/1992-11/11/1993 |
1586-1825 (240 total) |
9 |
11/01/1993-17/12/1993 |
12/11/1993-20/10/1994 |
1826-2070 (245 total) |
10 |
24/01/1994-25/11/1994 |
21/10/1994-24/08/1995 |
2071-2290 (220 total) |
11 |
02/01/1995-01/12/1995 |
25/08/1995-25/07/1996 |
2291-2530 (240 total) |
12 |
22/01/1996-20/12/1996 |
26/07/1996-26/06/1997 |
2531-2770 (240 total) |
13 |
20/01/1997-28/11/1997 |
27/06/1997-13/05/1998 |
2771-2995 (225 total) |
14 |
19/01/1998-27/11/1998 |
14/05/1998-31/03/1999 |
2996-3220 (225 total) |
15 |
18/01/1999-26/11/1999 |
01/04/1999-18/02/2000 |
3221-3445 (225 total) |
16 |
17/01/2000-08/12/2000 |
21/02/2000-08/02/2001 |
3446-3680 (235 total) |
17 |
15/01/2001-14/12/2001 |
09/02/2001-14/02/2002 |
3681-3920 (240 total) |
18 |
21/01/2002-13/12/2002 |
15/02/2002-19/02/2003 |
3921-4155 (235 total) |
19 |
20/01/2003-19/12/2003 |
20/02/2003-25/02/2004 |
4156-4395 (240 total) |
20 |
19/01/2004-10/12/2004 |
26/02/2004-10/03/2005 |
4396-4630 (235 total) |
21 |
10/01/2005-16/12/2005 |
11/03/2005-13/03/2006 |
4631-4875 (245 total) |
22 |
09/01/2006-15/12/2006 |
14/03/2006-14/03/2007 |
4876-5120 (245 total) |
23 |
08/01/2007-14/12/2007 |
15/03/2007-01/04/2008 |
5121-5365 (245 total) |
24 |
14/01/2008-12/12/2008 |
02/04/2008-20/03/2009 |
5366-5605 (240 total) |
25 |
19/01/2009-04/12/2009 |
23/03/2009-26/02/2010 |
5606-5835 (230 total) |
26 |
11/01/2010-17/12/2010 |
01/03/2010-04/02/2011 |
5836-6070 (235 total) |
27 |
11/01/2011-09/12/2011 |
07/02/2011-27/01/2012 |
6071-6310 (240 total) |
28 |
09/01/2012-07/12/2012 |
06/02/2012-01/02/2013 |
6311-6550 (240 total) |
29 |
07/01/2013-06/12/2013 |
04/02/2013-17/01/2014 |
6551-6790 (240 total) |
30 |
06/01/2014-05/12/2014 |
20/01/2014-16/01/2015 |
6791-7030 (240 total) |
31 |
05/01/2015-??/??/2015 |
19/01/2015-??/??/2016 |
7031-???? (??? total) |