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> Episode 6702
Written by Margaret Wilson, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 06/08/13, Channel 5: 03/09/13
• Lucas buying an apartment.
• Brad offers Hudson a second chance
• Terese telling Brad she is concerned that coaching Hudson will have big impact on Willis family
• Brad trying to convince Joshua of why he took on Hudson
• Robbo blackmailing Mason for 10,000 dollars, threatening to reveal the tape he made of himself and Amber

No 32 - Back Garden: Amber is sitting by the pool looking reflective when Mason comes out. He asks Amber if
she is seeing Robbo. Amber says she saw him yesterday and that he said he would be changing his plea. Mason asks if anything happened, but Amber only admits to telling Robbo she wouldn't see him again.
Mason offers to listen if Amber needs to talk and she reluctantly says ok, before Mason leaves.
No 30 - Kitchen/Lounge: Mason arrives and tells Robbo he is making up the video. Mason says that Amber
wouldn't be that stupid, but Robbo replies he has the memories to prove it, taking out his camera. Disgusted, Mason calls Robbo sick, but Robbo maintains that all it would take would be a single
click for the video to go viral before the police could do anything. Mason asks Robbo if he would hurt Amber that much; Robbo replies he wants the money and that Mason needs to find it. Robbo then
admits he hasn't changed his plea as he has a job at the council and can afford a good lawyer, thanks to the blackmail money he will receive. As Mason walks out, Robbo taunts Mason that it was good
fun, and to say hi to Amber.

Lassiter's Reception: Terese is trying to convince Paul to help the hospital fundraiser,
though he refuses. Mason runs in, late for work and snaps at Paul when he tells Mason he expects him there on time. Marty arrives and Paul thanks him for helping him beat Robbo at cards.
He offers Marty the hotel suite.
Harold's Store: Vanessa is in the kitchen, chatting through the serving hatch to Lucas and Sonya.
Vanessa explains she has morning sickness, but says she will be fine as Sonya wonders whether Lauren couldn't have found someone else to cover. Vanessa adds that the money will be very useful.
Lucas offers to help Vanessa, but she tells Lucas and Sonya to sit down. Sitting at a table, Lucas admits he hates this situation, but Sonya reminds him it won't be forever. Lucas tells Sonya they
have their first inspection and that he wants to check in with Lauren and Matt. Sonya suggests missing their AA meeting if Lucas really wants to talk to them. Lucas wonders why Sonya suggested
missing the meeting and realises that it is Sonia's first since Walter left. Just then, Matt walks in and explains to Lucas that only two people turned up for the inspection... And they were married!
He adds that he didn't think they liked it. Lucas looks worried.
Fitzgerald Motors: Chris is incredulous at Amber having slept with Robbo. Chris tells Amber she is an
idiot and could do so much better. Amber explains to Chris that after it was over she realised she didn't have feelings for Robbo and that it was a mistake. Amber regrets that Josh no longer
speaks to her. Chris tells Amber to take some time out, but Amber says that she needs to explain. She adds that Josh cannot find out about Robbo.
Lassiter's Reception - Exterior: Mason is loading luggage into a car when Paul arrives and asks him what
he thinks about the Father's Day exhibition that Terese wants him to sponsor. Mason admits it's not his thing, and Paul explains that he wants something more contemporary. As Paul leaves, Mason
calls him and apologises for his unprofessional attitude earlier. He asks Paul for an advance on his pay; Paul says that if he is asking because of Robbo, he needn't worry because that debt was
cleared. mason tells Paul not to worry. Just then, Paul spots Josh in a West Warratah Star jacket. He walks into the hotel and tells Terese he has reconsidered the sponsorship. Delighted, Terese
says she will go and tell Georgia, but Paul explains that wasn't what was on his mind. Paul plans to sponsor Josh, but Terese tells him to forget it as he has a sponsor. Paul tells Terese they
need an athlete and they will be co-sponsors!
Harold's Store: Mason is buying a coffee when Robbo comes in. He takes the coffee and sarcastically
tells Mason he can knock three dollars off his bill. Mason takes Robbo to one side and gives him the contents of his bank account; 1,800 dollars. Robbo ignores Mason when he explains he doesn't
have anything else. Despite begging that Amber will never get over the video going viral, Robbo refuses other ways to sort the situation and, once again, demands the money he is owed.

Charlie's: Paul and Marty are sitting at a table. Paul tells Marty he wants Marty to help him make trouble for Robbo,
and wants as much ammunition as possible to be able to do this. Over on a different table, Chris and Hudson are having lunch. Chris is glad that Hudson is not going to America, although jokes that some
of the swimmers there are hot. Hudson replies that they are not as hot as Chris and they both say how much they would have missed each other. Getting a drink, Chris is greeted by Paul at the bar.
Paul says that he is glad romance is going well, but that Hudson looks familiar. Chris replies that Paul might have seen Hudson in the newspaper as he is a champion swimmer. Paul looks thoughtful.
Erinsborough High: Amber approaches Josh at the lockers and invites Him for a coffee at lunchtime.
He declines, but Amber explains she wants to apologise and that she and Robbo do not hang out any more. Amber asks if they can start over as friends, but Josh replies he wants them to keep
their distance from each other. Amber looks disappointed as she walks away.
Lassiter's Complex - Charlie's Exterior: Robbo is litter picking as Matt approaches asking him what he is doing.
Matt figures out that Robbo is working for the council and, sarcastically Robbo tells Matt he should be a detective as he is so smart. Robbo taunts Matt about being a constable and asks if he can get
back to work. He smiles at Matt as Matt walks off.

Erinsborough High: Matt meets Amber at school to warn Amber that Robbo is hanging around working for the council.
Amber wonders whether this shows hat Robbo is trying to turn his life round, but Matt replies that if that was the case he would have come clean about the robbery. Shocked, Amber asks if that means that
Robbo has not changed his plea. When Matt asks why she thought this,Amber replies that she though that, when Robbo was hassling her, she had convinced him to change his plea, but obviously not! Matt
retorts he will never have the guts to do that.
Robbo's Squat: Amber bursts in, telling Robbo he lied to her. she tells him she trusted him, but Robbo
replies that she still can. Robbo lies that his lawyer ordered him not to change his plea so that he would stand a chance of rebuilding his life. Amber, unconvinced states that Robbo was never
going to change his plea. Robbo tries again to convince Amber, but she retorts that everyone else was right and that, even though she thought she could change him, she never would be able to. She
adds she wished she'd seen it sooner, before leaving.

Lassiter's Lake: Amber is in tears at the lake, when Josh comes along offering to walk her to school.
She declines, looking sadly once more over the water.
Harold's Store: Vanessa is cleaning tables when Lucas comes in. He explains he is worried about Vanessa
working too hard. She explains they need the money, and cannot relax until they are financially secure. Vanessa hurries off; Lucas notices an advertisement for gambling in the newspaper as he
leaves Harold's.
Lassiter's Complex: Paul and Hudson are walking along; Paul tells Hudson they have a deal. Hudson says
it has all happened very quickly and Paul's explains he does not hang around. Hudson leaves as Paul suggests he goes home to celebrate. At that moment, Josh arrives; Paul asks if he knows Hudson
and, when Josh says yes, tells him there must be competition between the two of them. Paul reveals that Lassiter's are sponsoring Hudson and that, although Josh was his first choice, Terese stated
that Josh already had a sponsor. Paul insinuates that Terese knew of the deal, since she suggested sponsoring a good cause.

No 22: Terese is working at the kitchen table when Josh comes in, demanding to know why she didn't tell
him about Hudson's sponsorship. Terese admits that she suggested sponsoring an athlete, although she didn't know it was Hudson. Josh is incredulous that a cheater could be rewarded so much;
first, being coached by his father and secondly being sponsored by the hotel his mother works for. Terese tells Josh to calm down, but looks shocked when Josh asks if Paul knows that Hudson is a
drugs cheat.
Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Josh Willis, Matt Turner, Amber Turner, Mason Turner, Chris Pappas, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Paul Robinson, Sonya Rebecchi
Guest Cast:
Remy Hii as Hudson Walsh, Darius Perkins as Marty Kranic,
Aaron Jakubenko as Robbo Slade
by Alex
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