Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6771
Written by Fiona Bozic, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced by Alan Hardy and Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 11/11/13, Channel 5: 09/12/13
Lauren dreams about dancing with Brad
Lauren wrongly believes that Terese is going to cancel the paid parking
Sheila realises that Kyle has lost the ring
Kate finds the ring in the sofa, and gets it stuck on her finger
Kate is shocked to hear that Kyle is going to propose to Georgia

No 26 - Kitchen: Sheila is using butter to try and get the ring off Kate's finger, and is annoyed with Kyle's suggestion that they
should just saw it off. Kyle brings over a jug of iced water, and tells Kate to put her hand in it, to reduce the swelling. Sheila starts badgering Kyle about when he's going to propose, and Kate is clearly uncomfortable,
but says that she's happy for him and Georgia. Kyle then manages to pull the ring from Kate's finger, and an excited Sheila drags him away to discuss the engagement.
No 22: Terese and Lauren sit down with a cup of tea, and Lauren again asks if Terese can find a way to get rid of the paid
parking at Lassiter's. Terese thinks that Lauren is overreacting and that the effects on the businesses won't be that bad - she says that her hands are tied anyway, and she can't do anything about it even if she
wanted to. Lauren is then distracted as she spots her sketch of Brad, framed and sitting on the sideboard. Brad then walks through, on his way to clean the barbecue, and Terese talks about how gorgeous he was, but
that he's even better now. Lauren quickly excuses herself, saying that she's tired and really needs a good night's sleep.

No 32 - Kitchen: Lauren is watching TV, but decides to lie down and put her head on a cushion. She then falls asleep, and starts dreaming
about dancing with Brad, then wakes up with a start.
No 30: The next morning, Georgia comes in with the mail, and Gem tells her that Chris has arranged a picnic for them all later. Georgia
is a little distracted, and tells Gem about a letter she's received from an emergency medicine course overseas - she explains that she applied earlier in the year and missed the first intake and if she doesn't go this time, she'll lose
her application. Kyle calls in, and Georgia asks Gem not to say anything yet - as Kyle says that he brought some croissants for his girlfriend, Gem decides to leave for work. Kyle explains to Georgia that he was hoping to spend
a bit of time together - she apologises for not having much time for him lately, but says that at least they're not married with kids. Kyle's face falls as Georgia walks away.
No 26: Kate is making herself a coffee, and looks at the finger where she briefly wore Kyle's engagement ring. Kyle then bursts in, clearly flustered
about something, and Kate asks hopefully if he's had a fight with Georgia. He explains that Georgia said something, which leads him to believe that she isn't ready for marriage - Kate wonders if maybe Georgia is just reluctant after
everything that happened with Scotty. Kyle wonders why Kate is pushing the point, and she says that she just believes that he and Georgia are meant for each other. Kyle looks at her, but then Bossy starts barking so he goes outside to feed her.

Erinsborough High - Schoolyard: Bailey chases after Gem, wanting to know why she's been avoiding him - she claims that she can't be seen to be playing favourites.
She then tells him that Josie's had to drop out of the China trip, so a place has become available, with full funding provided by Paul's scholarship programme. She explains that any students who want to go can put their names forward, and the teachers
will vote - and she thinks that Bailey should volunteer. He agrees, and she tells him to come and see her later to arrange the paperwork. As she goes inside, he thanks her for thinking of him - 'I always do' is her response.
Lassiter's Complex - Car Park: Lauren and Sheila are looking around at the new paid parking sign, and a lack of cars in the car park. A car drives in, sees the sign, and
leaves again, and Lauren complains about how quiet it was at the store all morning. Brad then jogs by, joking that they just need a couple of deck chairs and they'll be all set. Sheila suggests that Brad could be their topless waiter, but Lauren gets
flustered and quickly says that she needs to get back to work. Another car pulls into the car park, and Brad says that things are looking up, but then the car drives off.

Erinsborough High - Schoolyard: Gem wanders out to Kyle's ute, and he thanks her for meeting with him. She asks what was so urgent that it couldn't wait until later, and
Kyle explains that he needed to talk to her in private, and he asks whether Gem thinks that Scotty put Georgia off marriage. Gem wonders why he wants to know, and says that Georgia's never mentioned anything to her. She then says that the only thing on
Georgia's mind seems to be this emergency care course that's starting next week - Kyle says that he knew about it, though he didn't realise that it was still happening. Kyle wonders why Georgia is keeping it from him, but Gem doesn't have a chance to
say anything else, as the school bell rings and she has to go inside.
Charlie's: Sheila is grateful that Brad and Josh have come in for lunch, to help move things along on a slow day, but says that they could really help by
persuading Terese to get rid of the paid parking. Brad insists that it's none of his business, and then Lauren comes in, to borrow some tea towels. She's very distracted, and knocks her bag on the floor - Brad helps her, and she snatches a book
away from him. As Brad and Josh pay their bill and leave, Sheila looks at the book, about recurring dreams, and realises that Lauren is having dreams about Brad. Lauren tries to deny it, but eventually admits to Sheila that she'd had some dreams
in which she and Brad are dancing. Sheila says that she fantasises about Brad too, and it's nothing to be concerned about - and they both agree to keep quiet about it.
Harold's Store: Bailey has been showing the application for the China trip to Lauren, who thinks that there must be a catch. Bailey says that there isn't, and that it's too good
an opportunity to pass up. Lauren points out that, even with the expenses covered, he'll still need spending money and they have no spare cash right now. Bailey says that he can use his own savings, and Lauren wonders if he's so keen to go because there's a girl involved.
Amber joins them with some coffees, and says that, if there were a girl involved, they'd have heard about it by now. Bailey wants Lauren to speak to Matt about it now, but she snaps that she has other things to worry about, looking around at the almost empty shop. Bailey
leaves, and Amber asks if she can have some extra shifts to pay for a new dress for the school dance - Lauren tells her that there are barely any shifts to go around. Amber then takes the coffees to Gem and Georgia, congratulating Georgia on her new song, which was
played on the radio earlier. Gem says that the music isn't half as exciting as the opportunity to work overseas, and then suggests that she could go with Georgia, reminding her that it's always been her dream to help people, and she could make a real difference in a place
like Africa. Georgia agrees that it all sounds perfect, but asks Gem not to say anything until she's had a chance to talk to Kyle.

Charlie's: Kate is putting in a take-away food order, and asks Sheila to hurry, as she only had enough change to pay for 15 minutes of parking. An unhappy Kyle
then comes in and gives Sheila the ring, saying that he won't need it now, as Georgia is planning to go overseas for the emergency medicine course. Kate thinks that Kyle should at least ask Georgia and find out what he wants, before he throws the
whole relationship away and ends up regretting it. Kyle, however, has made his mind, sadly stating that he and Georgia just don't want the same things.
Lassiter's Complex - Car Park: Sheila and Lauren take Terese to the empty car park, showing her how bad things are. Terese insists that people will learn to adjust,
just as another car drives in and out again. Terese says that the only other options are to increase their rent, or reduce hotel services, and she isn't willing to do either of those things. She says that there's nothing she can do, and walks away.
Lauren and Sheila wonder what they're going to do, but then Sheila comes up with the idea of using meter maids to make parking 'sexy and fun'. Just then, Amber comes looking for her mum, as she's needed back at the store, and Sheila thinks that
Amber would make a perfect meter maid. Lauren says that she won't exploit her own daughter to save her business, and then leaves, as Sheila asks Amber how she feels about gold lamι.
Lassiter's Complex - Car Park: A little later, Amber is dressed up and complaining about her outfit, though Sheila tells her that the other option would be a string
bikini. A car pulls in, and Sheila sends Amber over to it - Amber hands over the ticket, and tells the driver to remember to visit Harold's and Charlie's, and to tell all of his friends that the Lassiter's traders are paying for everyone's parking.
Sheila is delighted, and as she leaves, Josh walks over, shocked to see how his girlfriend is dressed. Amber doesn't see the problem, but Josh says that she'll be a magnet for all kinds of sleazebags - Amber tells him to suck it up, saying that she's
only doing this to help her mum.
No 30: Georgia is trying to make a potato salad for the picnic, but her potatoes are overcooked and mushy. Kate says that it's still nice of Chris to organise a
get-together, and Georgia mentions that it might be the last chance they get. She then tells Kate about the emergency course, and her dilemma over whether to go. She explains that she always wanted to work overseas, but now she's not so sure - Kate
suggests that Georgia should talk to Kyle about it, as it's the only way she's going to reach a decision.
Lassiter's Lake: Kyle and Kate are manning the barbecue, talking about her bruised finger after getting the ring off. Gem and Georgia then turn up, having been
on a detour to see Amber as a meter maid, and Georgia asks Kyle if they can go for a walk later, as there's something they need to discuss. Gem quickly drags Georgia away, to put the food on the table, as Kyle says that it's great being around good
mates. Gem comments quietly to Georgia that she now understands that Kyle would be reluctant to travel, and be away from his family and friends. Chris then proposes a toast - to the future.

Lassiter's Lake: Gem is wittering on about how important it is for her to make a difference in kids' lives - Chris quickly changes the subject, asking Georgia if she's
considered trying to take her music overseas. She says that she'd need a manager to do that, and she can't picture Paul following her all over the world. Chris says that Kyle could do that, and Georgia can't imagine that he would - Kyle, however, says
that he'd do anything for her. She then shocks Gem, Kate and Kyle by suddenly proposing...
Featured Regular Characters: Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay, Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Terese Willis, Brad Willis, Joshua Willis
Guest Cast:
Kathryn Beck as Gemma Reeves
Trivia Notes
Past character Scotty Boland is mentioned
by Steve