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> Episode 6995
Written by Stephen Vagg, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 17/10/14, Channel 5: 31/10/14
• Chris is punched outside the Waterhole
• Josh gives a speech to the school about coward punching
• Josh tells Amber he doesn’t want anyone to know he is behind the fund for Chris
• Sheila catches Georgia and Kyle at the hotel room when they are supposed to be stuck in an airport
• Paige and Brennan break up
• Terese asks Paige to move in with the Willis family but then changes her mind and Brad has to tell her to move out again
• Lauren tells Paige she is coming to live with the Turners

No 32: Matt finds Paige in the pool, not realising Lauren has asked her to move in. Matt comes into the house and he and Lauren
then discuss Paige moving in. Lauren explains she couldn’t say no because of Bailey putting her on the spot and also what Terese and Brad did to Paige. Matt asks why they changed their minds and Lauren explains it was because Terese
was worried about Brad visiting Paige all the time if she moved in with the Turners. Lauren assures Matt that won’t be the case. They discuss how Amber will feel and Lauren brushes Matt’s concerns aside. Matt agrees and Lauren thanks him.
Harold's Store: Imogen and Josh are discussing the Paige situation. Imogen is avoiding home because of it so Josh asks if he can hang out with her
too as even helping with her work for Toadie is better than being there at the moment. Josh receives a text from an unknown number asking him to call them but when Imogen asks who it is he changes the subject.

No 30 - Living Room: Sonya and Toadie are pleased to see Kyle and Georgia as they come home (though they manage to break the front door on the way in, and
Toadie explains that it's been broken since the tornado), and they ask about the honeymoon. They talk about how
Georgia is moving into her new home, and Sonya and Toadie are sad that Georgia is “leaving the nest”.
No 26 - Living Room: Kyle carries Georgia over the threshold. As they walk in they are greeted by Sheila who asks how their honeymoon was and knowingly
saying it was a shame the weather kept them there longer than expected. Georgia and Kyle look guilty and Georgia soon realises that Sheila’s price for keeping their hotel stay a secret is some perfume! Sheila has laid out the wedding presents
for them along with email addresses. They thank her and Sheila welcomes Georgia to the family. She leaves, and Georgia and Kyle start to kiss, leaving the present opening until later…

No 30 - Living Room: Sonya and Toadie are discussing what to do with Georgia’s room. They can’t agree on what to use it for until Toadie comes up with the idea
of using it as an office, and Sonya agrees saying they can claim a tax deduction for it. They are both excited about this but then realise it is sad they are so happy about a tax deduction. This leads them to talk about doing something fun now
they’re the only adults in the house. Sonya has an idea but then has second thoughts until Toadie tells her he wants to hear it...
No 30 - Living Room: A little later, Sonya and Toadie are going about their normal business naked in their house. They discuss how they’re feeling and
decide that they both feel OK with it. Nell is fully-clothed and runs off to the bedroom.
No 32 - Kitchen: Paige asks if it’s still OK for her to stay, and Lauren and Matt say it is, but it’s clear from his body language that Matt isn’t happy with the
idea. Lauren asks Paige to get dessert as she can see how tense the atmosphere is. Paige leaves but she is sad that she isn’t wanted there by Matt.
Harold's Store: Josh explains to Imogen that the texts he is receiving are from a newspaper who want to do a piece on him and how he gave a speech at the
school. Imogen thinks it’s a good idea to get his point of view across but he doesn’t want to do it. Paige enters and says hello to Josh and Imogen, who apologise for the way Terese acted. They talk about the living situation
at the Turner house, and Paige tells them Matt is unhappy with the arrangement. Imogen suggests that Paige bakes a cake to help warm him up to the idea of her living with them.

No 26 - Kitchen: Georgia and Kyle are halfway through their presents and are not having fun. They crack open the present from Honga – beer!
They are then disappointed with Karl’s present of a Right Prescription CD.
Harold's Store: Imogen gives Paige an idiot-proof cake recipe. Imogen is comparing the cake baking to Anne of Green Gables and Josh says at the very least Matt will
appreciate the gesture! Paige thanks them for their input and heads home to make the cake. Josh then makes fun of Imogen for being so nice to Paige, as it is so unlike her.
No 32 - Kitchen: Paige is having a nightmare in the kitchen, breaking things and burning the cake. She says she’ll fix everything
but Matt tells her to leave it, he will do it.
Harold's Store: Josh and Imogen are talking about Imogen’s role at Toadie’s law firm when their client walks in. At first Josh thinks it’s a reporter and
tries to hide but then Imogen realises who it is and goes over to introduce herself and generally suck up to her. Gretchen wants to talk to Toadie, so Imogen gives her his address and tells her it will be fine to go over there. Josh gets
another text from the paper and when Imogen tries to push him to putting his side of the story forward he firmly tells her no. He goes to get some fresh air as Imogen calls the paper…

No 30 - Living Room: Sonya and Toadie are still naked but starting to get bored of it as the novelty has worn off.
Toadie’s client then turns up, walks in through the broken front door and catches them both naked.
No 32 - Kitchen: Lauren and Matt discuss his reluctance to accept Paige living with them. Matt explains his concerns about Brad being round all
the time. Lauren tells him she understands but she can’t turn her back on Paige - she asks Matt to try to be OK with the situation even though it is difficult for him.
No 30 - Living Room: Toadie and Sonya are now fully-dressed, and he's taking Gretchen through some work. She asks what she walked in on before and
when they try to make excuses about
why they were naked, Gretchen explains that she and her husband are naturists too, and she is excited to find some like-minded people in Melbourne. She is relieved to have met them and invites them to have dinner together. Sonya starts
to explain they aren’t naturists but Toadie agrees to the dinner, as Sonya gives him a funny look.
No 32 - Back Garden: Matt has asked Paige to come and see him. He explains about the situation and they talk about what has happened and how hard it
is for everyone. Matt tells Paige they’re family and when family are struggling they help each other out. He tells she will always come first as his child, even if she isn’t his own blood. Matt asks her to think of it as her
home. Paige is happy and says she’d like that.
No 26 - Kitchen: Kyle and Georgia are writing emails saying what they really think about the terrible presents they have received then deleting them
and writing their real thank you notes. When they get to Sheila’s present - an ugly lamp - they think it’s horrible. They write the real email saying how awful it is then before they delete it they start kissing and accidentally press
send. They realise they’re in big trouble with Sheila!

Harold's Store: Imogen tells Josh she spoke to the newspaper. However, when she reads the article online it is exactly the opposite of what Josh wanted to happen, and he's furious.
Featured Regular Characters: Matt Turner, Paige Smith, Lauren Turner, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning
Guest Cast:
Elissa Elliott as Gretchen Kruger, Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Elissa Elliott, who plays Gretchen in this episode, previously appeared in 2008 as Philippa Drake
by Nicola
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