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> Episode 6997
Written by Sam Meikle, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 21/10/14, Channel 5: 04/11/14
• Terese confessing that she doesn't really want Paige to move into Number 22
• Lauren inviting Paige to move into Number 32
• Toadie warning the Willis family not to talk to the media again about Josh's case
• Chris discovering Josh is responsible for the food parcels and yelling at him that he is pathetic

Number 22: Josh bursts in, following his run-in with Chris. He immediately runs over to be sick in the sink, causing a concerned Imogen to
run down the stairs. She asks Josh what is wrong and, despite Josh protesting it must have been something he ate, Imogen doesn't believe him as they had both eaten the same for lunch. Imogen goes to call Terese and worries that
her talking to the media caused Josh to have stress sickness. Josh yells at Imogen to drop it and runs upstairs.
Number 26: Chris is calming down at the table worrying over the fact he lost his temper with Josh. Sheila brings over a drink and urges Chris
to take small sips, adding that standing up for himself isn't a crime, despite Chris wanting to go and talk to Josh. Kyle and Georgia come in and Sheila fills them both in on what happened, stating that people who hurt others
deserve what they get. Georgia and Sheila try and reassure Chris, reminding him how reasonable he is and Kyle points out that getting things off his chest might be a good thing. Chris wonders what the confrontation achieved and
Sheila points out that with everything that is going on at the garage, it is important Josh realises. Chris gets up and walks off, stating that what he did makes him as bad as Josh.

Ramsay Street: Unloading the car, Lauren is trying to offer Paige some money for shopping, but Paige refuses saying that she promised Matt she would
contribute. Just then, Brad and Terese walk over, asking if they need a hand. Terese invites Paige over for lunch the following day, but she declines, explaining she has some sorting out to do. Paige is still reluctant, even though
Lauren says she can handle things and Brad promises to cook his special ham and pesto ravioli. Lauren comments that the last thing Brad cooked for her was reheated spring rolls, and Paige accepts, before heading inside Number 32 with Lauren.
Brad and Terese head off down the street, saying that he knew his offer would clinch it. Terese coolly replies that it was lucky he suggested it.
Park: By Daniel's car, Daniel tells Amber that things are starting to look up now they have a fridge and can have cold drinks and not long life milk.
Amber is not especially excited but perks up when Daniel reveals that he is in the clear with the police and what happened with Dakota won't return to bite him. She suddenly realises that Daniel now doesn't have a job, but Daniel says it
will give him time and space to think. Amber wonders if they can afford it and Daniel tells her they have everything they need and Paul confirmed he could go back to Lassiter's if he needed to. Suddenly, Amber sees a large huntsman spider
on the rug and jumps back: Daniel promises to do a bug sweep of the area from then on. Amber gingerly picks up a bucket from near the spider and heads off to do some washing. She tells Daniel before she goes she will need a cold drink
upon her return!

Number 32/Number 22: Unpacking the shopping, Lauren asks if Paige is ok: Paige admits she is still upset at Terese over her offer of moving in.
Lauren tells Paige that Terese is probably hanging out o her family with a thread and that with everything that happened, it is no wonder Terese was nearly tipped over the edge. Paige tells Lauren she has been burned so many times
by Terese that now she doesn't know how much more she can take. Lauren points out how hard it has been for Terese and advises Paige to suck it up as sometimes that is what it takes to be part of a family. Meanwhile, Brad is telling
Terese that Paige will still feel upset as she hurt her. Terese admits she knows and that she is owning it. She adds that she wants to help Paige, but is trying to hold on to the family she already has. Brad replies that he understands
and Terese explains that she wants to sort things out, but that Paige needs to meet her halfway. Brad heads off saying that they will keep trying to fix things as a family: however long it takes.
Harold's Store: Imogen spots Josh at a table, holding a coffee and looking pale. He tells her to leave him alone, but she refuses telling him he has
to start believing that things will be ok as everyone is doing their best to help. Josh reveals to Imogen about his run-in with Chris and says it literally made him sick. Imogen advises Josh not to take it to heart as Chris is still
recovering and was just lashing out. Josh adds that Chris called him pathetic and Imogen says that Chris didn't mean it. Josh retorts that Chris was right and that he felt the same way too, following his shoulder injury from the abseiling
accident. Imogen reminds Josh that he recovered and so will Chris, but Josh isn't sure how as Chris has a brain injury: he adds that Chris doesn't know if he will ever get better and knows that Josh can live his life normally. Josh tells
Imogen to get everyone to stop defending him. Imogen is shocked, pointing out the result will be Josh going to jail. Josh explains that would be fair - he deserves to be punished and wants to go to jail.
Park: Daniel is wondering if the new fridge is cold enough to store ice cream in. Daniel heads over to Amber and points out they will be able to have
dessert that evening and that the whole set up is perfect as they have everything they need. Amber points to the washing line and explains they have some clean clothes but that the bucket wasn't big enough for them all. Daniel says he
will do the rest later, but just then the line breaks and the clothes land on the muddy ground. Through gritted teeth, Amber says they probably needed another rinse anyway. Daniel suggests Amber go and use the washing machine at the
Turner house as that is what she wants, but she refuses saying that she'll be fine, despite the blisters on her hands. Daniel asks Amber to go home, pointing out that it might help Paige settle in and adds that he needs to go and see Paul
anyway. He helps her collect the washing from the ground.

Number 32: Paige and Lauren are sketching at the table. Paige asks Lauren if she has seen a sketch of a man's head she has drawn, but it turns out Lauren,
without realising, had drawn a fruit bowl in the same but of paper, creating a bowl of fruit with a head. Paige thinks it's hilarious and goes to draw a pair of legs and feet on it, when Amber arrives with her basket full of washing. She
sees the close connection Paige and Lauren have and heads off to do the washing alone, despite being invited to join them at the table.
Number 32: A little later, whilst hanging up the washing in the back yard, Matt and Bailey arrive home, Bailey teasing Amber about living in a car and setting a good example
to all the other students at the school. Matt greets Amber and asks if there is any chance she is moving home soon. Amber retorts whether there is any chance Matt will accept Daniel is the person that she is going to marry soon. Matt replies that there is no
need to bring it up, and invites Amber to stay for dinner. Amber accepts, wondering if Matt is sure the will be enough food. Matt explains that there will be and heads off, looking forward to the family gathering together for dinner.
Number 26: Chris is sitting on the sofa, studying some mechanics papers, when Georgia comes in. Chris is struggling with the mechanics, telling Georgia he
has been looking at it for an hour and that it won't go in, even though he knows all about it. Georgia reminds Chris they all have days like it, but Chris retorts its like a foreign language and that both he and his brain aren't working.
Georgia sits down, and reassures Chris that things will get easier but Chris asks when and wonders how long it is going to take. Georgia points out that the doctors said they didn't know as it is impossible to say. Chris replies that it is
his exams soon and he won't pass his apprenticeship with things currently as they are. Georgia reminds Chris that the human body is resilient and that it will heal himself and adds that he should never give up. Chris reminds Georgia that he
is keeping going and that it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Despite Georgia telling him that it will, Chris adds that he is scared it won't. Chris angrily pushes away the papers, saying that it isn't fair: Georgia urges him to use
the anger and frustration to get better as it makes the difference between recovering and not.
Number 32: Lauren leads Terese into the kitchen, where Paige is tidying the drawings from the table. Terese tells Lauren that she won't keep her long, as she can
see that she is busy. Lauren informs Terese that she got carried away with sketching and Terese heads over to Paige, explaining she forgot to ask what dessert Paige wanted the following day. Paige replies that she doesn't mind, but Terese insists,
until Paige replies she is a sucker for creme brûlée. Paige continues to tidy the table and hands Lauren her journal from in amongst all the sketches. Terese heads off, pausing briefly near the door after spotting a photo of Paige on the shelves.
Once she has gone, Paige wonders if Terese is going to poison the dessert but Lauren replies that the conversation wasn't about the dessert: it was about Terese offering an olive branch, and she thinks Paige should do the same.

The Waterhole: Imogen sees Josh and heads over, Josh wondering if Imogen is ever going to stop following him around. Imogen replies that she won't but
Josh says that whatever speech she has prepared won't work and adds that Imogen works for Toadie, who is his lawyer and, as a result, she has to do what he says. Imogen tells Josh he is being ridiculous. At that moment, Chris and Georgia
arrive and head over to Sheila at the bar. Chris and Georgia are shown to a table and Sheila puts down a bag of potato chips. Georgia passes them to Chris and, when he notices Josh and Imogen, Georgia urges Chris to refocus his energies
into being able to open the bag up. He does, but spills them all over the floor, to which Georgia says she told him he could do it. She eats a chip and Chris sarcastically says it is nice, stealing chips from a cripple. He goes to pick
them up, whilst Josh and Imogen uncomfortably watch on.
Number 22: Terese and Brad are on the sofa. Josh and Imogen arrive home, Josh immediately going upstairs. Imogen fills Terese and Brad in on the
fact that Josh wants to go to jail. Brad wonders why Imogen didn't tell them sooner and Imogen explains that she thought she could handle it. Terese reminds Imogen she can't handle everything by herself and that she knows it is because
of the newspaper article. Imogen says that everything is messed up, but when Brad replies they will get through it, she yells that they won't as everything is getting out of control. Terese states they will get everything back in control,
but Imogen isn't sure it is possible. Terese reassures Imogen that Josh will get through everything and Imogen will study hard and go to uni. She turns to Brad and asks him to go and put the kettle on, inviting Imogen to sit next to her.
Terese explains she will fix the situation with Josh and will do everything she can to fix things with Brad. Imogen admits she is frightened of how things are happening but Terese reminds her that family is everything, adding that they are
not going to go under.
Number 32: At the Turner family dinner, Amber is perplexed to discover bamboo shoots in her meal. Lauren apologises, saying that she threw some in because
Paige had said she liked them. Lauren suggests she put them on the side of her plate, but Amber replies it is ok and says she will try them again. Bailey and the rest of the family discuss Lou's photos from an Internet call earlier in the day:
Amber is disappointed not to have seen them, especially as they were not able to be saved and begins to feel left out, especially as Paige was there to share the experience.
Park: By Daniel's car, Amber calls Daniel and leaves a message telling him he had nothing to worry about as Paige was fitting in fine. She hangs up, informing
him that she is back at the car. She tries to call Lou, but as the computer is connecting, the battery power runs out, much to the annoyance of an exasperated Amber.

Park: A little later, Amber is trying to sleep when the car starts being shaken by a group of thugs. Amber cowers inside, frightened.
Featured Regular Characters: Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Paige Smith, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson,
Georgia Brooks, Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning
Guest Cast:
by Alex
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