> Continuity Watch: Episodes 5596-5615
Soap operas are often infamous for forgetting important details or, with one sentence, completely changing the course of history, and Neighbours is no exception. But it's also capable of dropping in subtle references to past characters and storylines to give us a better idea of a character's motivations, or simply to bring back memories for long-term viewers. Our new monthly column, Continuity Watch, looks at the continuity issues, both good and bad, episode by episode. We've also incorporated Lou Watch, our monthly look at the antics of the much underused Ramsay Street veteran Lou Carpenter, just so we can all be sure he's actually still around.
Episode 5596
* Lou mentions that Sky is 6 months pregnant.
* Steve telling Declan how he had taught Riley to drive in his car, but in episode 5261, the Parkers arrive in a hire van – so how did the car get from Sydney to Erinsborough?
* Miranda describing Bridget as “sixteen and pregnant” – despite her being sixteen upon their arrival a year and a half ago and Steve saying that she was seventeen in episode 5481.

Episode 5597
* Harold being discovered under the guise of Ted, the Salvation Army Officer again.
* Number 30’s old sofa turning up at the Salvation Army centre having been donated to them in episode 5204 – even if it did find its way into various arrangements of ‘the flat’ in between!
* Libby explains to Dan at Sam’s ultrasound appointment that Dr. Olenski delivered Ben.

Episode 5598
* Carmella says a touching farewell to one-time love, Ringo.
* Former nun, Carmella (Sister Mary Catherine) gives Harold her rosary beads.
* Carmella mentions Marco and his dreams for the General Store as she sells before leaving to be with Oliver.
* Steph convinces Harold to undergo chemotherapy after talking to him about her battles with breast cancer.

Episode 5599
* Harold mentions Scott & Charlene and Tad & Paul when going over his will with Toadie.
* Susan mentions her initial reaction to the MS when discussing Harold’s reaction to his cancer.
* Steph mentions how she only took on the bar for Max.

Episode 5602
* Sam looks out of the front window of Number 22 and sees an out-of-date establishing shot of Number 32 with its blue woodwork, rather than the current white.
* Lou makes a reference to the Lassiter's fire.
* Susan subtly compares Sam & her pregnancy to Izzy and Karl.
* Paul treats Elle, Lucas, Donna & Ringo to Christmas dinner at Lanzini’s – still Erinsborough’s top restaurant.

Episode 5603
* Miranda references her previous work in real estate – first mentioned in episode 5267.
* Toadie mentions Susan’s good behaviour bond for running over Bridget when she is arrested for breaking the conditions of Sam’s AVO.
Episode 5604
* Steph does her hair and puts on a pretty frock causing Harold to compare her to Doris Day. A nice reminder of the teenage crush he mentioned during episode 2965 way back in 1997.

Episode 5605
* Harold mentions a place Mal & Billy used to go to and Tad & Paul going to the BMX track at the allotments when Toadie is looking for Callum & Mickey.
Episode 5606
* With the teens away on the rafting trip, Karl suggests that Susan gets the Pom Poms out again – a reference to episode 5565.
Episode 5607
* An establishing shot of Number 24 is used before a scene at Number 22.
* Karl wonders if Zeke knew that he loved him as much as he loves Libby – a reference to the 2007 finale & early 2008.
Episode 5611
* Susan contacts Taylah Jordan hoping she may know where Zeke is.
* Elle prints flyers with a picture of Paul in a nappy (from episode one).
Episode 5612
* Donna decorates the house with balloons to make up with Ringo - a reference to him doing the same thing for her in episode 5580.
Episode 5613
* Steph joins the Breast Cancer Awareness Committee and tells Sam of her experience with cancer.

Episode 5596
* After fretting over Harold's disappearance and ringing Kate and Sky, Lou got on with giving Harold's allotment a makeover.
Episode 5598
* Bid Carmella farewell and ate some party sandwiches. Lent Harold his support as he went in for his operation.

Episode 5599
* Was agog to discover Harold wasn't going to have chemotherapy. Was delighted when Steph changed Harold's mind.
Episode 5602
* Gobbles Miranda's gloopy pudding. Makes a nice little speech for the opening of Harold's Store.

Episode 5608/5609
* Lou gets into the spirit of things with Callum's pirate party.
Episode 5614
* Toadie chats to Lou about Callum starting to call him dad. Then later acts as a witness to Toadie proclaiming himself Callum's dad and adopting the name 'Squid'.
Episode 5615
* Served coffee in Harold's Store. Used a French accent at one point.
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