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Weekly Reviews > Episodes 4597-4601 by Rhys

UK Broadcast: Monday, 24th January – Friday, 28th January, 2005
Written by: Piet Collins, John Upton, Drew Tingwell, Jeff Truman, Linda Stainton
Directed by: Tony Osicka, Chris Adshead, Julie Bates
Episode Titles: Fallout, Ghosts, Familiar Demons, Lust In The Village, Guilting The Lily

A week of dramatic events, a departure and relationship woes stirred Erinsborough!

The most traumatic event of the week had, ironically, been narrowly avoided at the end of the previous week’s episodes. However, it would seem that bad karma prevailed and Izzy lost her baby as a result of falling down the stairwell in the hospital’s multi-story car park (following a flashback to witnessing a similar fall by Darcy a few months previously). When she regained consciousness after the fall, and Karl gave her the knowing glance confirming her baby’s death, Izzy’s tragic scream could be heard all through the hospital. Irony would have it that Susan and Libby were at the hospital that same time with toddler Ben, and they offered their support to a visibly distressed Karl. When the Hoylands later arrived, Max firmly advised Libby and Susan to stay away from the hospital and Izzy. During the week Karl appeared not to be handling things well at all, and he found consolation in alcohol again. Things came to a head when Libby found her dad asleep in his car in Lassiter’s car park, obviously with a hangover. Determined not to give up on her ex-husband, Susan managed to spend some time alone with Karl at the flat and made clear she wasn’t going to let him throw the towel in twice. To a degree, the loss of the baby brings a large part of the Karl and Izzy saga to an end. By and large, it suggests that Izzy will keep the baby’s father’s real identity a secret to the grave. There is of course the possibility that Darcy could wake from his coma, or that Gus could make a return visit to Erinsborough…

There was a spark of joy for the Kennedys this week, however, when Libby revealed she’d won the Channel 44 competition to have a lunch date with soap star Allessandro. She took along a thrilled Lyn and Susan as guests to the dinner at Lassiter’s but was disappointed to find Allessandro, who was admittedly not all that attractive, spending more time with, and lavishing all the attention on, her mother and neighbour. However, a chance encounter between them at the pub later revealed it was all a publicity stunt, and that Libby had been the real one to catch Allessandro’s eye. Thrilled, she accepted his card, and later that evening made her way to Lassiter’s Hotel to visit him. In a fashion most unlike Libby’s, it appeared they had done more than just evaluate the finer points of Brazilian soap production, when Allessandro chased his fan out of the lobby wearing little more than a robe the following morning. He kissed her and declared he would never forget that night… Feeling quite ashamed of herself, Libby couldn’t escape the twenty-questions of Sindi who demanded to know all. Fortunately, she couldn’t beat herself up about it for long because a bouquet of flowers from Darren Stark arrived on the doorstep, with a note declaring his love for her!

Drama also continued in the Bishop houshold, all thanks to Svetlanka’s lies. The evil witch was all set to return to Perth, convinced her relationship with Liljana couldn’t be salvaged. However, Harold, witnessing how kind his new infatuation was with a lost boy at the complex decided to try and reunite mother and daughter. Liljana and David were furious that Svetlanka had managed to convince Harold of her intentions and also of her desire to take the muffin-maker back to W.A. with her. David threatened that if Harold did move away to Perth with her, their relationship would be over. Fortunately, Lil got to her mother first and made her see that she would be ruining another parent-child relationship if she took Harold away too, and that she should leave by herself. In a fit of conscience, Svetlanka persuaded Harold to remain in Ramsay Street. Tension between Lil and David did not cease, though, as it was revealed that Lil still had a photo of Luka’s father, Ivan, from all those years ago, and he became jealous when he overheard his wife sing Ivan’s praises to her son.

Sky and Lana’s relationship was also complicated this week as the former wondered to what extent her feelings for her close friend were more than just ‘friend’ feelings. She confided in Libby who suggested that many teenage girls have very close friendships with other girls, but that doesn’t mean to say there’s anything deeper present. However, when Sky later went to give Lana her support and backing of her relationship with Buffy, Lana revealed that they had in fact broken up – Buffy having realised how much affection there was present for Sky. Meanwhile, some fun was had as the girls helped out Stingray and Boyd to make Lou’s spare parts website at the pub. They feigned drunkenness from the supposedly non-alcoholic lager Lou had supplied them to drink, and he was furious when he found out they were pulling his leg!

Elsewhere, Connor finally discovered that Carmella’s supposed hunky boyfriend didn’t exist, and that it had been a ploy by her to make the Irishman jealous, as she had felt when she saw him with Michelle months earlier. She declared her feelings for him, and they kissed, sealing their new romance. Also at No.30. tension continued between Stuart and Toadfish until Connor made a comment about them all having to move out and find separate places to live. Toadie realised he was being childish and he and Stu made peace. And finally, Lyn decided to put her ability to talk for Australia to good use by training to become a Life Coach – someone who counsels people and offers advice and solution to life’s problems!