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Interactive > Crazy Caption

Crazy Caption is a weekly feature on our sister site, the Neighbours Message Board. Each week, we'll be picking a winning caption to our posted image. Why not head over to the board and join in the fun!

7th October 2007: Frazer was beginning to despair of Rosie's attempts to spy on Pepper's love life - although even he had to admit the disguises were good.
Submitted by the fabulous Patchthehamster.

23rd September 2007: Swapping Elle's lipgloss for superglue provided Steph with hours of entertainment.
Submitted by the always-entertaining Malm.

9th September 2007: I've already tried John, George and Paul, so why not Ringo?
Submitted by the spritely Ramsay Street.

26 August 2007: Go on; tug the beard... I know you want to.
Submitted by beard enthusiast david1979.

12 August 2007: Luke, I am your father...
Submitted by jolly amusing Ramsay Street.

29 July 2007: Lou and Harold weren't sure Osama Bin Laden was the best choice of costume for the Under-1s Fancy Dress Competition...
Submitted by the ever-hilarious smurfy.

15 July 2007: "Due to complaints from other cast members, Jackie was forced to hide her scene-stealing facial expressions."
Submitted by the comical Malm. Again.

10 June 2007: "Sorry Sindi but unless you change that hideous top, the blindfold stays on."
Submitted by the comical Malm.

27 May 2007: Aaron: "While I can appreciate the subtle use of symbolism during the title sequence, I can't help feeling this subliminal balloon prop is art for art's sake, and as such, over kill. Don't you agree ladies?"
Submitted by the delightful david1979.

13 May 2007: Aaron: "Calm down dears, it's just a commercial." The effects of the news that Neighbours may move to ITV caused widespread conflict.
Submitted by the charming Ramsay Street.

29 April 2007: By the time Paul had explained the misunderstanding over the oregano, Rosie had already swallowed the suicide pill.
Submitted by the quite often amusing smurfy.

15 April 2007: "I'm sorry Karl, I just didn't think your version of D-I-V-O-R-C-E was appropriate!"
Submitted by the often juicy Mike.

01 April 2007: I'm telling you, he said 'freaking'!
Submitted by the always topical Malm.

18 March 2007: Zeke himself was shocked at just how hard he pinched Madison's derriere.
Submitted by the always comical Edmundo.

04 March 2007: Sky was too engrossed in the latest episode of Murder She Wrote to notice that Harold had shrunk overnight.
Submitted by the hilarious Malm. Well done.

04 February 2007: Katya recieved some horrifying news
Submitted by the comical Ramsay Street. Indeed.

21 January 2007: Oscar: "Paul, pirates are so last year..."
Submitted by the hilarious Malm. Congratulations.

07 January 2007: "This is really the only thing suitable for vegetarians in here?"
Submitted by Grinch-Girl. Congratulations.

10 December 2006: "Whatever's going on here, I'm having nun of it."
Submitted by Ramsay Street. Well done.

26 November 2006: Janae was at least thankful that she'd been wearing sunglasses when Boyd sneezed.
Submitted by Patchthehamster. Well done.

12 November 2006: Steph looked on in horror whilst Max proceeded to fart the tune of the Wedding March in lieu of an organist.
Submitted by the always weddable (is that a word?) Malm. Well done.

29 October 2006: Toadie's worries over Katya faded in the face of Susan's sudden conversion to Neo-Nazism.
Submitted by the wonderful smurfy. Well done.

15 October 2006: "Hi! You're through to Smug Chat Live, where you get to talk one on one with incredibly smug guys in your area..."
Submitted by the delightful david1979. Well done you.

01 October 2006: Toadie: So, you're launching a singing career then, huh? You could be the next Holly Valance!
Submitted by our very own Billy L.

17 September 2006: Janelle stands shocked after realising that "Informal dress" on the wedding invite, doesn't mean she could turn up naked.
Submitted by the hilarious shamrock. Congratulations.

03 September 2006: Filming 'Angie Rebecchi: The Naked Truth' proved quite an eye-opener for Stingray...
Submitted by the always comical smurfy. Congratulations.

20 August 2006: "O'Neill!, Parker! Time to die!!!....Oh I've dropped me knives"
Submitted by the hilarious david1979. Congratulations.

06 August 2006: "Yeah, hi. About those serious storylines you said you'd be giving me...?"
Submitted by the fabulous mauefw. Well done.

23 July 2006: "Connor? Why are you wearing shades, a fake moustache, false eyebrows and a fake nose?. And why's there a large question mark drawn on your stomach?"
Submitted by the always amusing Enunciate. Well done.

26 February 2006: "Erm, nice hairstyle Sindi. You haven't been taking tips from Susan by any chance?"
Submitted by the utterly hilarious Enunciate. Well done.

19 February 2006: After eldest Kinski boy's 34th attempt at a caption, Joe was getting a little confused.
Submitted by the comical mauefw. Well done.

12 February 2006: Janelle is gobsmacked when it's announced she has won the 2006 Booker prize.
Submitted by the lovely Affirmicon. Well done.

05 February 2006: Even with a large pencil, Connor struggled to write HELP.
Submitted by the delightful Rhi. Well done.

29 January 2006: The Melbourne branch of Madame Tussaud's was more than happy to loan Neighbours it's newest exhibits.
Submitted by the slightly insane Andy. Well done.

22 January 2006: And the award for 'Least Convincing Abba Tribute Band' goes to...
Submitted by the hilarious mauefw. Well done.

15 January 2006: Budget cuts were starting to show in the make up department.
Submitted by the always-amusing Snuggles. Congratulations.

08 January 2006: If she was quick, she could shave at least one eyebrow off before he woke up.
Submitted by the fabulous Rhi. Congratulations.

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