Paul Robinson... Unsurprisingly, the main two candidates for this award were Paul Robinson and Dylan Timmins. Although Dylan, who’s spent time in juvenile detention and almost found himself back in there during his six months in Ramsay Street, received around a third of the votes, it was Paul who took the lion’s share. Paul’s recent involvement with international corporation Affirmacon has certainly put him on the wrong side of the law. Paul also spent much of the 90s on the run from the law in South America, eventually returning to Australia where he spent several years in jail. With a history like that, Paul could certainly go either way in the coming months and years.

Izzy Hoyland... Although Izzy Hoyland won this category, she was very closely followed by two other Ramsay Street princesses – Serena Bishop and Sindi Watts. Although she probably doesn’t need the money, what with her successful business and a nice little sideline in blackmail, it seems that Izzy has an uncanny ability to land on her feet. Were a millionaire to be passing through Erinsborough, it’s likely that within a matter of months he’d be busy planning his wedding to Miss Hoyland and mourning the loss of a baby that wasn’t even his to begin with.

Sindi Watts... No prizes for guessing this one either... most voters thought that unconfident, obsessed-with-appearances barmaid Sindi Watts would be the most likely neighbour to undergo a little nip and tuck. It’s possible that just one insult from a friend could have Sindi scurrying off to the nearest plastic surgeon, whilst the suggestion from a boyfriend that she might be getting wrinkles would have her there in record time. Close behind Sindi in the voting were the surprising pair, Janae and Janelle Timmins, but it seems that Sindi’s ability to turn almost any situation into a superficial mess has won her the award.

Harold Bishop... If anybody in Ramsay Street were the complete opposite of a politician – honest, kind and caring – it would have to be Harold Bishop. But it seems that most voters want a Bishop in parliament, with David also scoring many votes, but his father just winning out. Whilst the idea of Prime Minister Jelly Belly may seem amusing, is Australia quite ready to be led by the man who amused and terrified, in equal measures, students everywhere by donning an afro?

Sky Mangel... It seems that Sky’s ability to turn her hand to most things has won her the award of most likely to have a number one record. She’s already shown herself to be a talented artist, but whether her lyrics would be suitable for broadcast is another matter entirely. And although he ‘delighted’ the locals several times with his musical efforts, it didn’t put everyone off, as Karl Kennedy came in as runner-up. Barely featuring, which is a relief, were the dubious singing talents of one Izzy Hoyland.

Izzy Hoyland... Given everything she’s been through during her two years in Erinsborough, it’s not surprising that Izzy won her second award for most likely to require counselling. However, it seems that Izzy isn’t the only one with problems – every single current character, plus a few past ones, received at least one vote in this category. But it was Izzy who pipped her closest competitors, including Janae Timmins and Steph Hoyland, to the post. Her exploits have included affairs with younger man Jack Scully and mentally unstable Gus Cleary, the latter leaving her pregnant. She then turned to older man Karl Kennedy, claiming the baby was his, suffered a miscarriage but kept the lie going for almost 12 more months, running out on her wedding to Karl along the way. A few brief sessions with psychiatrist Jeremy Levi last year didn’t seem to do the trick, but maybe an extended period of counselling will be just what Izzy needs to understand why she’s so self-destructive.

Toadie Rebecchi... He’s been at both ends of some nasty practical jokes during his time in Erinsborough, and even had his mullet cut off for charity, so it’s hardly surprising to see Toadie win the award for most likely to shave their head. There must be something in the Rebecchi gene pool, as most of the other votes in this category went to brothers, and cousins of Toadie, Dylan and Stingray Timmins. But it looks like Toadie hasn’t lost that rebellious streak, at least in the eyes of the fans, even now that he’s a successful lawyer.

Lyn Scully... Whether it was a case of wishful thinking for many people, who might want to see her move to the other end of the country, Lyn Scully receives the award for most likely to move to Darwin. She certainly wasn’t the only person to receive votes however, with Izzy, David and Lou also polling quite highly. But it seems that Lyn’s interference in everybody’s affairs, not to mention the fact that she invited the Timmins family into the street, has seen her ousted from many people’s affections and off to take her chances with the crocodiles in the north.

Liljana Bishop... Most of Ramsay Street received at least one vote for this award, with drama queen Sindi closest behind the winner. But with the history of secrets in her family, it’s hardly surprising that voters deemed Lil Bishop the most likely character to find out that they have an identical twin. She only found out that her stillborn baby was actually alive when he was in his teens, with her mother, Svetlanka, having kept the child a secret all those years. Whether Svetlanka has Liljana’s twin holed up somewhere remains to be seen.

Susan Smith... After all she’s been through during more than ten years as a resident of Ramsay Street, it seems that most voters would like Susan to at least have a peaceful exit. Most other voters wanted either Stuart, Liljana or Izzy to be the one to be driven away from the street once and for all, grinning and waving as they went. Whether people genuinely want her to have a happy ending, or whether they simply want to see the back of her, is not clear, although I’d put my money on it being the former. Sadly, there was little mention of Karl in all of this, but I suppose it’s possible that he could be the one driving.