Clive is giving Des a check-up at number 22 and tells him that things seem to be normal. Madge arrives back from the jail and announces that Henry isn’t coming home yet, as he lost his parole. Everyone is gathered at number 28 for Des’ birthday, when Clive announces that Des is sympathetically pregnant. They all make a toast to the baby, and Helen also makes a toast to Nikki, who is about to leave for America.
Des is sneaking around number 28 trying to eat pickled onions behind Daphne’s back, but she catches him. Clive turns up with some fake cigars for them all to celebrate, and Des asks how come he ended up being the one with cravings and morning sickness. Clive explains that there’ve been a few other documented cases, but so far, nobody really knows. Daphne wonders how she’s going to cope, but Mike says that with his exams over, he’ll be able to work at the Coffee Shop full-time.
. . . 
At the Robinson house, everyone is struggling to finish dinner after the party. Scott starts laughing as he thinks about poor Nikki stuck on her flight to America, probably being force-fed by the hostesses. Lucy mentions Clive and Susan’s engagement, at which Paul announces that he has to leave to catch a flight down to Adelaide, but should be back the next afternoon. Scott and Lucy then also leave the table to look over some of his work on his Bess Robinson memoirs. Jim then notices how distracted Helen is since she got back and asks if she wants to talk about it. She tells him that he has enough to worry about himself.
Susan is getting ready to leave for her business trip with Paul and Clive is helping her to make sure she has everything. Paul arrives to pick her up, and she goes to say goodbye to Sam. Susan goes to leave, and Clive reminds her to give him a kiss. Paul watches awkwardly and says that they have to go. Clive sees them off and goes back inside, and asks Sam if he wants to play Trivial Pursuit.
. . . 
Helen is explaining to Jim about her doomed romance in America. He asks if there’s something she’s not telling him and she tells him to just drop it. She says that she always tells the children that life goes on and that she feels ashamed for what she’s done.
The next morning, Jane and Charlene are planning to leave for their exam. Jane suggests that they should all do something after their final exam, and Charlene says that she’s planning to jump in the air, then burn all of her notes. Jane isn’t sure if she’s serious, and Charlene then suggests that they throw a party. Jane wonders if Scott might feel a bit left out and suggests that Charlene talk to him and try to patch things up. Charlene says that he’s too stubborn, and she refuses to talk to him, an irony that isn’t lost on Jane.
. . . 
Scott and Lucy are arguing about the scary movie they watched, and Lucy is blaming Scott for letting her watch it. Jim mentions driving lessons to Scott, and says that since he’s getting him a car, he might aswell help him get some lessons too. Lucy goes to feed Basil, while Scott goes out for a walk. Jim is worried about how miserable everyone seems to be at the moment. Helen assures him she’ll be fine, but isn’t sure how they can help Scott.
Des is swatting a fly in the Coffee Shop kitchen, and says he’s taken two weeks off work and is going to paint the spare room as a nursery. Mike, Jane and Charlene come in, and Daphne asks them how they’re planning to celebrate. They say that they’re just grabbing some food for now.
. . . 
Clive is putting out some flowers for Susan’s homecoming. She walks in the door and says she’s exhausted. She asks why he isn’t at work, and he says he’s been looking after Sam today. He asks her how work was, and she says it was fine. He then suggests that they get married the next day as he doesn’t like long engagements. She says that it’s too soon, but how about six weeks from now. He’s thrilled and says that he’s going to get her an amazing engagement ring.
Lucy and Helen are excited about something, then Scott comes in and they tell him to come outside and help Jim with the shopping. He reluctantly goes, and is amazed to see the car Jim has got for him.
Mike and Charlene are tidying up, and both wish that they hadn’t split up from Jane and Scott. Charlene tells Mike that he’s been a great friend, and they hug, when Scott suddenly bursts in with his news. He sees them, and storms out, so Mike quickly follows.
. . . 
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Outside number 24, Mike catches up with Scott and asks him why he walked out, when he knows there’s nothing between him and Charlene. Scott says that he isn’t sure what to think anymore and admits that he feels like everything is going wrong lately. Mike says that once the exams are over, everything will feel better, and then he can get the car that Jim promised him. Scott shows him the car, and says that he already got it. Mike is really impressed, then Paul comes outside and Scott asks him to take them for a test run. Paul suggests that they go somewhere where Scott can practice. They all get in and drive out of the street.
. . . 
Clive is pushing Sam along the street in his pram, and asking him where they should go for the honeymoon. They meet up with Susan, and discuss their options, before wondering if Paul will let her have any time off.
. . . 
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Paul, Mike and Scott are in the car, checking out all the features.
. . . 
. . . 
Clive asks Susan to close her eyes for a minute, whilst he puts an engagement ring on her finger. Neither of them notices the pram rolling away down the hill, and she opens her eyes and screams. They start to chase the pram. Meanwhile, Paul is driving straight towards it and he swerves. The car spins around and flips over…
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
Summary by Steve