Magic Moments > 1988 > The Fifties Night Episode 763
Written by Unknown, Directed by Steve Mann
At Gail’s birthday, Rob accidentally breaks Ian’s gift to her, and an argument breaks out between the two men. Gail shouts at them to stop, and warns them that if it carries on, she’ll have nothing to do with either of them.
At the office, Paul asks Gail to read back a letter to him. She reads it – a final demand for an outstanding bill – and Paul tells her that client already settled it. She apologises and admits that all the stuff with Rob and Ian has got her distracted, she feels like she’s caught in the middle. Paul kisses her and tells her not to let it get to her. Jane then turns up and announces that she’s put some coffee on, and they start chatting about the fifties night, when Madge arrives. Madge doesn’t want to talk about it, as she’s had quite enough of listening to Harold and Henry’s rehearsing, particularly as they both think they’re wonderful, when they’re not. Although she’s had enough of hearing about it, she admits that it will be fun to see Harold make a fool of himself.
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At the Coffee Shop, Harold is attempting to style his hair like Elvis. Scott is sitting at a table looking depressed, and asks Harold for another cup of tea. Henry then bursts in, with his guitar, and asks Scott to listen to some changes he’s made to the song, but Harold tells him not to play, as he’ll be disturbing the other customers. Henry points out that there are no other customers and they start arguing, only stopping when Mrs Mangel comes in and says that brawling in a public place is what she’s come to expect from them. Harold claims that it was just a creative difference and asks Mrs Mangel what time she and Mr Worthington will be coming to the church social. She starts being evasive and demands to know whether there’s any chance of being served. As she goes to wait for her order outside, Charlene comes in and sits with Scott. She says that she doesn’t want to fight any more and she’s sorry. Scott barely says a word, so Charlene stands up and says that she’ll understand if he wants to break up, but she doesn’t want him to hate her. She walks out, leaving Scott looking upset.
At number 32, Jane gets home from work and finds her nan very upset. She asks if it’s about Mr Worthington, and Mrs Mangel explains that they were asking her questions at the Coffee Shop, and she feels like they’re trying to take away her dignity. Jane insists that they weren’t being cruel on purpose, but Mrs Mangel says that she had to lie to them and now she feels awful about everything. She says that she won’t be going to the church social, but Jane should still go. Jane realises that her nan wants her to stay, as Mrs Mangel admits that someone told her just the other day that she didn’t deserve a man like John in her life, and now she’s realised that they were right. Jane says that she’ll go and call Henry and tell him she’s not going out, then she’ll cook dinner, while her nan chooses a nice movie for them to watch.
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At number 26, Todd emerges from the bedroom in his fifties outfit, closely followed by Helen, and he tells Bev, Katie and Helen that they all look ‘foxy’. Jim then appears in his jailhouse outfit, telling everyone not to laugh, and Paul arrives in a matching outfit. Paul checks that they’ve got their act all ready, and Bev decides that the rest of them should get going, before the men start rehearsing again. They all go, and Paul starts running through the song and says that they need to do it properly, so he handcuffs them to the pillar, pretending it’s a tree. Jim isn’t very impressed and wants to undo the cuffs, but they realise that the keys are on the table, and they can’t reach them.
At the community hall, the fifties night is underway. Henry arrives and tells Des, Mike and Scott that Jane’s pulled out. They all wonder who’ll be their backing singer now. Various other Ramsay Street residents start arriving, including Charlene, who shares a few charged looks with Scott. Henry then brings Scott back down to earth, and announces that he has an idea for some replacement backing singers. He goes over to Gail and Madge and pleads with them to help. They’re not sure, but once Henry gets on his knees and starts begging loudly, Madge agrees. Everyone then gathers in front of the stage, as Harold gets the proceedings started, calling them ‘groovy guys and gals’, then surprises everyone with a rather strange rendition of Amazing Grace.
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Back at number 26, Paul and Jim are still chained together, but Jim tries to look on the bright side, pointing out that they won’t need to sing, or make fools of themselves, now. Paul reminds him that they live in Ramsay Street and it won’t be long before everyone finds out what’s happened – but at least, in a few years, they’ll be able to look back on it all and laugh.
At the fifties night, backstage, Madge and Gail are wondering how they let Henry talk them into this, as Harold introduces The Ramsay Street Band. The curtain goes up and everyone applauds, as they sing On The Brow with Mike on saxophone, Des on drums, Henry and Scott on guitars and Gail and Madge on percussion. Scott plays solemnly and Charlene can’t take her eyes off him. In the midst of it all, Henry has a fantasy moment, imagining himself as a rock star with everyone chanting his name. The song then finishes and Henry goes down to chat to Helen and Beverly, telling them how amazing it was and that it felt like electricity was running through his veins. He goes off to chat to some young girls, as the rest of the band realise that he’s delusional. Helen tells Madge that it was all a bit loud, particularly Henry, while Scott is about to go and speak to Charlene, when Helen stops him to ask if he’s seen Jim and Paul. Gail offers to go home and see what the problem is. Helen then asks Scott what he’s going to say to Charlene, and he admits that he isn’t sure – he doesn’t know how he feels about her any more.
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At number 26, Jim and Paul hear the car arrive and realise they’re about to be ridiculed. Gail walks in and Paul asks her to get the key, but she can hardly control her laughter and collapses on the sofa in hysterics.
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Back at the fifties night, Charlene is dancing with Des, while Henry is telling Scott and Bev about his plans to launch his recording career. The song finishes, and Suddenly by Angry Anderson comes on. Scott and Charlene look at each other, and she rushes over to get her bag, but struggles with the catch on it. Scott walks over and apologises for never fixing it for her, before asking her to dance with him. They kiss, and he says that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him too, and everyone watches as a reunited Scott and Charlene dance under the glitterball.
To read the next episode in the sequence, click here.
by Steve