Magic Moments > 1988 > Mrs Mangel and John's Wedding Episode 841
Written by Roger Moulton, Directed by Steve Mann
Bronwyn arrives at number 32 with a bouquet for Mrs Mangel, telling her she looks gorgeous. Nell decides to sit down while she waits for Harold to come and pick her up, when she suddenly starts hiccuping. Joe goes to get her a glass of water, which seems to have done the trick, until she hiccups again and starts to worry that they won’t stop before the wedding…
At number 26, Jim and Helen are getting ready for the wedding. They’re discussing whether John realises what he’s getting himself into, marrying Mrs Mangel, when Beverly comes in the door. Jim asks her whether she’s going to start getting ready, but she tells him she’s not going and disappears into the bedroom. Helen says she’ll try to talk to her, but Jim think there’s no point as Bev doesn’t want to listen and barely even wants to look at him. He throws down the dress he bought for Bev as a peace offering, saying that he’s beginning to wonder whether his marriage is worth all the effort, before storming out the front door.
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At number 32, Mrs Mangel is holding her breath and it seems to have stopped the hiccups until she starts again. Jane remembers that David Bishop had hiccups when he was staying and he cured himself by standing on his head, but Nell refuses to do that. Joe then sneaks up behind his mother to give her a shock, but it doesn’t work and Jane reminds him that she has a bad heart. Just then, Harold sounds his horn so Jane goes out to speak to him. Nell is insistent that the wedding will have to be cancelled, but Jane tells her to hold her breath a bit longer and everything will be fine.
Outside, Harold is checking that the car looks good enough to drive Mrs Mangel to the church. Jane runs out and tells him that it’s looking like there might not be a wedding, explaining the situation with the hiccups. Harold finds it amusing, saying that it’s really not that big a problem, but Jane assures him that it’s very serious. He offers to go and look for a cure in his medical encyclopaedia, just as Paul crosses the street to ask Jane how things are going. She tells him that there are a few hiccups, and he explains that Gail won’t be able to attend the ceremony but will try to make it for the reception. He assures Jane that everything will be fine and she runs back inside, saying that she just hopes her nan can get the words out…
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At number 24, Harold is looking up a cure for hiccups, much to the delight of Madge, who thinks it’s just what Mrs Mangel deserves for playing the organ out of tune at her wedding. Harold tells her not to be so uncharitable and she tells him he should look up snoring while he has his encyclopaedia out. He tells her to drop the subject, mentioning that he must help Mrs Mangel, as this problem could mean that she won’t be able to leave for her honeymoon. Madge suddenly realises that she might not get rid of her old enemy after all, and sneaks out the door with a plan in mind, as Harold continues to search through his book.
Back at number 32, Joe has placed a paper bag over his mum’s head when Madge comes in, greatly amused by the scene that confronts her, and she asks Nell if John insisted on her wearing the bag before they got married. Mrs Mangel takes the bag off her head and Madge tells her that she should have left it on, as it was an improvement. Jane and Joe tell Madge that this really isn’t appropriate right now, but Madge reminds them that with Nell leaving, she won’t have many more chances to have her say. Nell accuses Madge of being insensitive on her wedding day, but Madge asks her if she has anything else to say before she thanks her. A horrified Mrs Mangel wants to know what she would ever have to thank Madge for, before they all realise that the hiccups have stopped. Joe is impressed to realise that Madge did all of that on purpose and Jane insists that her nan should now thank Mrs Bishop for what she’s done. Mrs Mangel is astounded.
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At number 26, Helen finds Beverly in the laundry room and asks if they can sit and talk. Bev says that she’ll sit, but she won’t be lectured. She points out to Helen that she’s grieving for her baby and can’t always be in control of her emotions. Helen explains that she understands that, but she can’t bare to see the way that Jim is being shut out. Bev accuses Helen of intruding and says that she can handle her own relationship. Helen shows her the dress that Jim bought for her, but Bev storms out, saying she asked not to be lectured. She then stops, saying that she can’t help acting like this and that there’s a wall between her and Jim. Helen tells her to break that wall down, and the first step will be attending the wedding.
Outside the church, Mike is taking photos of John with his best man and Reverend Sampson. Des, Paul and Bronwyn notice that John is looking a little nervous so they go over and chat to him. Des starts telling him about all of the women who’ve stood him up at the altar – Lorraine, Joan, Daphne – and says that it was fourth time lucky. John starts to worry, but Bronwyn and Reverend Sampson assure him that nothing is going to go wrong. Everyone then starts going into the church, while Mike comes over and takes a quick snap of Des and Paul together.
. . . 
At number 26, Madge and Helen are waiting for Jim to come back, so that they can all leave for the church. Madge comments that it was nice of Sharon to look after Todd and Katie over at number 30, so that the oldies could have the afternoon to themselves. Jim walks in, apologising for being late and explaining that he just needed to cool down a bit. Just then, Bev emerges from the bedroom wearing the dress Jim bought for her and thanking him for it. She apologises to him and he says that he’s just glad she’s decided to go with him. The four of them then go out to the car.
Across the street, Harold is finishing polishing up the car when Joe, Jane and Mrs Mangel come out of the house. Harold tells Nell that she looks wonderful and, as he opens the car door for her, Bouncer suddenly comes running out of the house and hops into the car. Mrs Mangel tells him that he can’t come today and he jumps out of the car and solemnly sits on the grass, watching. As they drive away, Mrs Mangel sees him and smiles, before stopping the car and calling for Bouncer to come and get in.
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The car arrives at the church and Mike is surprised to see Bouncer with them. He gathers Mrs Mangel, Joe, Jane and Bouncer outside the church to take some photos, while a sneezing Harold goes inside to let the organist know the bride has arrived. After the photos, Joe and Jane tell Mrs Mangel how proud they are of her. Nell then tells Bouncer that he has to wait outside, whilst she enters the church on Joe’s arm.
Inside, everyone is gathered to watch as Joe walks his mum up the aisle.
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Nell and John say their vows and are pronounced husband and wife. As they finally kiss, Madge says “Amen.”
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Later, at the reception at Lassiter’s, Beverly congratulates Nell on becoming Mrs Worthington and she says that nothing has ever made her happier. Meanwhile, Reverend Sampson tells Harold that the acapella group want him to re-audition and he’s delighted with this news. Beverly notices that Des is struggling with a fidgety Jamie and offers to take him outside for a walk. Jim spots her leaving and goes to follow. Meanwhile, Nell goes over to speak to Des and explains that she spoke to Eileen this morning in England and it looks like there might be someone else getting married. Madge is chatting to Helen in the corner, saying that it’s a shame the feud will have to end, but decides that one last pop at her is in order. Helen tries to stop her, but Madge goes over and offers Nell all the best, calling her “Mrs Mangel” as she walks away. She asks Helen if she’s ok, and Helen explains that she’s worried about Jim and Bev.
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Outside, Jim finds Bev sitting by Lassiter’s Lake, crying and telling Jamie how much she wanted a baby of her own. Jim goes over and kisses her.
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Inside, Harold is finishing his speech, telling everyone how much Nell’s presence will be missed in the neighbourhood during her extended honeymoon in Britain. He then loses his place in his speech and, as he’s stalling, Bev tells Madge that she thinks she might have the solution to Harold’s snoring – hypnotism. As Harold finally finishes up, Joe begins his own speech, embarrassing his mum by telling everyone about their past when she didn’t speak to him because he held up a service station. He goes on to talk about Amanda disappearing to get married when she fell pregnant with Jane and Len running off to Surfer’s Paradise with a younger woman. Nell is horrified, but Madge can’t stop laughing throughout the whole thing, and John finally steps in, telling Joe to wind things up. Joe then make a toast and everyone gives three cheers for the new Mr and Mrs Worthington.
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve