Magic Moments > 1990 > Kerry's Death: Part 1 Episode 1285
Written by Ray Kolle, Directed by Chris Adshead
Paul explains to Christina how much in love he is. Christina tells him that he doesn't know how much this means to her, but is interrupted by Paul when he says he though it would never happen to him again before Isabella Lopez walked into his life. Christina is shocked to learn it's the best thing that's happened to him in a long time...
Christina is shocked, but continues to act cool. Paul tells how he met her at a cocktail bar in Buenos Aires. She says it sounds like a typical holiday romance - but Paul says it isn't, he realised he was in love with her when he went to say goodbye to her. He goes upstairs "to dream of her", leaving
Chrissy downstairs crying.
Kerry and Amber are at home in the lounge room the next morning. Amber informs Kerry that some out of season duck-poachers are shooting near the lake. Kerry wants to go but Joe thinks it might be dangerous for her, Kerry says she'll be careful. Joe reminds her of how 'careful' she was being when she got arrested. Kerry says she is going to go and that's all there is to it. Toby asks if he can go too. Joe says he has to go to school, and Kerry says that even if he did come, he'd have to do things he wouldn't want to do: put down the injured animals. He wonders why people would want to hurt animals, asking why they couldn't shoot at targets. Kerry says she doesn't know why they do it either, which is why she wants to go so much to try and stop them. Joe agrees to let her go, but makes her promise she'll be careful.
. . . 
At the office, Paul has just told Caroline of Isabella, and she says she wondered why he'd been so happy recently. He says he thought it would be a while before he got into a new relationship. Paul asks if Caroline knows what was wrong with Christina that morning, Caroline says she just must have been sick. Adam shows up and asks for his limo keys. Paul says he was surprised Christina didn't know that Caroline and Adam were a couple. Caroline is upset that they didn't get the chance to tell Christina herself, and hopes that that isn't the reason she is staying home.
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Eddie and Harold are talking about the dresses Eddie had gotten off a friend to try and sell (It turned out that a batch of the same dresses he had been given were recently stolen), and if anyone would continue buying them. Harold tells him no one will, and Eddie leaves for the kitchen. Dorothy comes up to pay for her lunch. She tells Harold she has more information on Felicity Brent for Madge. Harold doesn't approve with the gossip and thinks Madge would not be interested in spreading rumours. Dorothy says she just wants Madge to have enough protection. She says Harold's attitude towards all of it is very naive, and it's better Madge was elected than him: "It's a very rough world outside this cloistered little Coffee Shop, and I'm sure Madge is aware of that even if you aren't!"
. . . 
Chrissy is asleep on the couch when Caroline comes home. She asks if her sickness has anything to do with her being an item with Adam. Christina says she doesn't mind about that. Caroline is thankful as she really likes Adam - Christina says she should have told her as she wouldn't have minded. Caroline is glad Christina is glad Chrissy isn't angry at her for breaking the agreement but Chrissy says she probably broke it first. She reminds Caroline of the deal they had not to get romantically involved with Paul. Caroline is shocked and comforts a distraught Christina who says she's loved Paul for ages, and now he's met this woman from Argentina and practically doesn't know she exists.
Caroline is still comforting Christina. She says the relationship with Isabella might all fizzle out, because Paul might just be pretending he's in love. Caroline explains that he can romanticize over Isabella while she's over the other side of the world, and think he's gotten over Gail while not really having to do too much. Christina thanks her sister for cheering her up.
At The Coffee Shop, Harold asks Joe how he is getting on with Amber these days. Joe says she's not as bad as he first thought, and that she got a shock when Eric (Sky's father) turned up in his 'whistle'. Harold is confused but Eddie explains: whistle and flute - suit. When told someone should teach him some cockney English Harold says he'd rather speak English the way it was meant to be spoken, which Joe laughs at. Kerry and Amber arrive and ask if Joe could pick up Toby from Madge later, as they're about to head up to the marshes now. Harold doesn't think Kerry should be going, so suggests Joe goes with her. Amber says that three people is more likely to sway the poachers than two. The three head off.
. . . 
Paul questions Carolina about Christina's strange behaivour. Caroline tells Paul that Christina last night found out that someone she liked didn't like her - she got a call from him. Paul says that whoever it is must be crazy. When asked what he means Paul says Christina is a great kid. When he starts describing Christina, Caroline says to Paul it sounds like she has the same qualities that Paul found in Isabella... except that Christina is here. Paul changes the subject, picking up the phone and asking what time it would be in Argentina...
Back at the Coffee Shop, Harold is telling Toby how to help around. Toby says when he grows up he wants to help ajnimals just like Kerry and Amber. Harold thinks that sometimes Amber doesn't consider people's rights. Toby asks if Harold thinks animals are more important than people. Harold says he thought those sorts of questions stopped when Kerry grew up, and explains he feels no person has the right to harm any other living creature. He starts talking to Eddie who announces he's going to try and apply for permanent residency.
. . . 
At the marshes, Joe, Amber and Kerry wander through the mud and water, hearing constant gun shots. They meet up with Amber's activists group. A woman shows up with an injured duck. The leader tells her to take it to the vet, explaining to Joe and the girls that they have a vet on board for any animals that can be saved, otherwise they "know what to do". With that, he takes them to show them the land they have to cover.
Caroline has arrived home early. The twins start talking about Isabella, and how Paul was making a lot of phone calls to the Argentine Consul. Chris says she still can't believe he fell for a cocktail waitress, as she thought he was only interested in high powered businesswomen, and that's why she was trying to be more like Caroline. Caroline says she wouldn't want to be known as a high powered business women as it sounds cold. Christina says she meant the brainy efficient type, but Caroline still isn't convinced that's a good thing. She also adds in that Paul would be trying to stay away from that type of woman, as his marraige to that type turned sour, so he'll go for the complete opposite. She says Paul will be sure to realise the woman here is much more interesting than the woman thousands of miles away. She ads that she isn't sure Christina should go for Paul, as he might end up upsetting her. Christina says she is willing to take the risk. Paul arrives home early as well, 'to celebrate'. He announces that he's been able to pull a few strings, and within a week Isabella will have a passport. He says he's sorry for the short notice, and that it will be a little cramped. Shocked, Christina and Caroline realise that Isabella is coming to live with them at number 22.
. . . 
Later, Paul has left and Chrissy asks Caroline if she thinks Paul could see she was upset. Caroline remarks that at the moment he probably wouldn't notice if they both turned blue. She says that they'll have to tell Paul they just don't want Isabella living with them, but Christina says she can't let Paul know that she likes him. Caroline isn't sure Chrissy will be able to cope with her living there, and that her chances are pretty slim - having Isabella in Argentina was one thing but this is entirely different. Christina says that it'll be good to have Isabella there so that she'll be able to see what makes Paul go so gaga over her... to see the competition.
. . . 
Walking through the marshes with Amber and Joe, Kerry spots some firing poachers. She runs up to them and starts yelling at them asking them what they think they're doing, saying they don't care what they hit. The poachers laugh at the fact that they've been approached by greenies. Kerry tries to explain that half the time they don't kill the birds, only wound them, and then they have to die. Amber says that the shootings are out of season, and the police are on their way, which provokes the man into saying that they'll just have to shoot more birds before they arrive. Distraught, Kerry tells them they've already killed and wounded dozens of birds. Amber asks them if they even care that a a whole species is disappearing. The man asks them why they don't disappear, and after throwing a beer can at them tells them to get lost. Joe protects the girls and asks the guy if he wants is face smashed in. Cocking his rifle, the man warns Joe not to try it. The group walk off, and Joe says to Kerry that they'll never get through to morons like that. Amber suggests that they at least go and save some of the injured birds, so they walk off still surounded by the sounds of shooting guns.
. . . 
Back at The Coffee Shop, Toby is walking around looking for how to help people. He sees Dorothy getting up and quickly rushes over to collect her cup, accidentally spilling what is left in it over her. Harold apologises as she wipes herself down but she insists that there was no harm done. She asks Harold if he told Madge she wanted to speak to her. Harold said he didn't, and that he thought he had made it quite clear he didn't approve of gossip. Obviously not caring much for Harold's lectures, Dorothy willingly gives in but warns him "woe betide you if Madge finds out I could have helped her and you stood in the way", and leaves. Toby apologises to Harold for knocking the cup over, to which Harold murmurs that it was a pity it wasn't full. When questioned over what he said he quickly replies that he said "Thank heavens it wasn't full!". The two walk into the kitchen. Harold states he thought Kerry would have been back by now-her causes are well but she shouldn't neglect her family. Toby asks if him and Sky are neglected, and that what Kerry is doing is important. He also says Harold should be proud, as he is. Harold says he is proud - most people think they've only got problems and forget about the world's, but Kerry tries to do something about it, finishing that of course he is very proud of his daughter...
. . . 
Meanwhile, at the marshes, Kerry is crying, distraught at what is going on, as another bird falls from the sky. In tears, she tells Joe she had to just kill two more birds. Amber notices that the police have arrived-sirens can be heard - and Kerry wanders off. Joe and Amber start talking, and he says this isn't good for Kerry or the baby, that they shouldn't be here. As Kerry continues walking, she is suddenly shot, and collapses into the marshes. Shocked, Joe stumbles his way over to her, constantly falling. As he gets to her he realises she is bleeding severely. Crying hysterically, he cradles her in his arms.
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Summary by Joe