BBC One: 23/05/94, UK Gold: 09/05/00
Hannah asks Julie if her and Philip have had a fight but Julie brushes it off. Jack invites Gaby into his hotel room to talk business but implies they could move on to other things...
In the Willis house, Lauren tells Brad he can't expect to win everytime he bets on a horse, but Brad can't understand how the horse lost. Lauren says there are a million reasons why and that next time he should give it a miss. A knock comes at the front door while Brad determinedly states there's got to be a sure fire system of betting somewhere. It's Wayne at the door and he asks for Gaby. Brad tells him she's doing a business deal at Lassiter's. Brad asks if they're together or not and Wayne says that's what he wanted to find out. Lauren and Brad convince him to go look for her at the hotel.

In Jack's suite he hands Gaby a drink and says that he didn't think Gaby liked him when they first met, but Gaby says it just wasn't a very good night due to Julie's filthy mood and the dinner party not being Wayne's cup of tea. Jack asks how involved she and Wayne are and Gaby says it's nothing heavy. They flirt a little and Jack asks where she'd like to eat. Gaby asks what's wrong with right here.

Julie and Hannah are in no. 32's kitchen looking at the clothes they've bought for Hannah. Debbie comes in and comments that her wardrobe will be chock-a-block; she asks when they'll be going shopping for her. Julie says she's got loads of clothes and complains she always seems to need money. Deb says she doesn't cost half as much as Hannah but Julie says that's not true. Debbie persists that Hannah's treated better and Julie argues she doesn't show favouritism. Debbie counters that she should tell that to Michael and begins to leave the room. Julie says she's sounding more like that brother of hers. Debbie turns looking hurt and Hannah sticks her tongue out at her.

Michael is mopping the corridor in Springfield detention centre. One of the wardens tells him he's got weekend release, but he needs to get his parents approval. Michael excitedly asks if he can call them but is told it'll have to wait till tomorrow. Michael says he can't wait and hopes it'll be OK.

At no. 26 Helen is eating alone. She picks up her glass of wine and stares at it before taking a sip. Debbie comes in the back door asking if Annalise is in but Helen tells her she's out as she had better things to do, but she'll tell Annalise she came to see her. Debbie says she came to see Helen and says Julie's been driving her up the wall since she got back. She goes on to say she's all over Hannah but everyone else can go drop dead. Helen suggests it's because Hannah's still very young but Debbie goes on complaining until Helen snaps that she's getting tired of people only coming to see her when they have a problem and that no company at all would be better than being used as the Ramsay Street Wailing Wall. Deb looks stunned.
Back in the detention centre Michael is still mopping while his friend Freddo asks if he is OK for the weekend. Michael says he is once he's cleared it with his parents. Freddo says he can't wait to get out and tells of his plans to go to Darwin to work on the prom boats and then go to Thailand. Another inmate, Darren Stark, appears in the doorway and says "You talk a load of rubbish". Michael tells him to rack off and shuts the door. Darren opens it again and continues saying Freddo's a liar. Michael questions how Darren ever got release and says he'll be back as fast as he went out. Darren walks over mocking that Michael will get sent home to mummy and daddy and then kicks Michael's bucket over. He walks away, turns, and gives a smug look back at Michael and Freddo.


Gaby and Jack have had their meal in the hotel room and are drinking champagne. Jack asks Gaby what the perfect way to drink champagne is and she suggests while flying over the Pacific on route to Paris for a shopping spree. Jack says that's a very female answer and says Gaby's a very feminine creature. Gaby asks how he likes to drink his champagne and he says confidently "in the spa". He moves closer while describing his spa fantasy. Gaby gets up and makes her excuses to leave. As she gets to the door Jack laughs that he was right; she couldn't go through with it. He reveals that he was testing her to see if she was the kind of businesswoman who would use her body to get what she wanted. As they say their goodbyes, Wayne approaches in the hallway and sees them together. Gaby turns to see him and asks what he's doing there. A stoney faced Wayne says he could ask the same but doesn't need to. He leaves and Gaby looks upset.


The next morning at the Willis house, Gaby is complaining to Brad about him sending Wayne to find her. Brad says he wasn't to know she was off chasing another guy. Gaby says she wasn't and then grumbles she doesn't need "Mr Teacher" telling her what she should and shouldn't do. Lauren says she thought Gaby liked Wayne and, after a pause, Gaby states she can think again. Brad says she should sort it out with him and leaves the room. Lauren confides to Gaby that she's really worried about Brad's gambling but Gaby seems uninterested and thinks Brad can sort it out himself.
At no. 32 Julie is complimenting Hannah on her hair while she brushes it. Debbie comes in and asks for some pocket money. Julie says she’d only blow it on junk food. Debbie says that if Hannah and Julie are going out for the day; why shouldn’t she? Julie says she was invited too but Debbie wasn’t impressed with idea of going to the fun park. The phone rings in the hall and Philip answers; it’s Michael. He asks if it’s OK to come home for weekend release. At that moment Phil hears Julie snapping at Debbie for spilling some juice, so he tells Michael that things are complicated there at the moment, but he’ll do what he can. He tells Michael how proud he is and that he’ll ring him back soon. Phil goes into the kitchen to give the news and Debbie is excited but Julie sternly says he’s not coming to this home. Debbie and Philip argue that he’s got nowhere else to go but Julie is adamant and Hannah makes matters worse by saying she finds Michael scary.


In no. 26, Helen is just getting up and looks ruffled. Wayne says he didn’t sleep well either because he was in a rage about Gaby’s dinner with Jack and says she’s using her femininity to win Philip’s job. Helen says Gaby wouldn’t cheapen herself like that, then she gulps a big glass of water. Wayne tells Helen she doesn’t look too well and recommends she take two aspirin and go back to bed. Helen agrees.

At Springfield detention centre, Freddo and Michael are playing basketball and Michael talks about his dad having to ring back about him getting weekend release. Darren Stark turns up and mocks that it sounds like he doesn’t rate too well with his dad. Michael says he’s got a big job and needs to sort things out first. When Darren leaves, Michael admits to Freddo that it’s his stepmother who’s the problem.

Back in no. 26 Helen is taking her aspirin but Julie is banging at the door. Helen answers and is told by Julie that she looks awful. Julie asks what’s wrong and Helen says it’s a touch of the flu she suspects, which Julie says is a blessing. She explains that that’ll mean Helen won’t be able to take Michael in over the weekend. Helen says it’d be fine with her if it’s just a couple of days, and he must be behaving if they’re letting him out. But Julie says that’s what they thought last time. Helen pleadingly reminds Julie that he’s Philip’s son; Julie agrees but as such he’s Philip’s responsibility and she won’t forgive Helen if she agrees to take him in. Helen looks despondent.


Gaby arrives at the Lassiter’s office where Jack is working. They are a little awkward with each other and Jack hands Gaby her handbag which she left behind at the hotel. Gaby checks if Phil will hear about what happened the night before but Jack says there’s nothing to mention. Gaby thanks him and gets down to work. Phil comes in and apologises for being late, he also says he won’t be able to stay as he has to see Michael. He asks Gaby if she could take the call he’s expecting from Hoskins & Associates without pinching them from him. Gaby says of course.

Brad’s vacuum cleaning his lounge and talking to Wayne about how cross Gaby was that morning. He also mentions how his betting system with the horses seems to have stopped working. Wayne tells him he had an uncle who did alright at betting and he’d say forget the horses; study the jockeys and trainers by checking their body language. Brad seems very excited by this new suggestion.
Phil and Debbie walk through the outside grounds of Springfield detention centre. Debbie is upset that Julie wouldn’t let Michael stay just for two days and wonders how Phil puts up with her. Michael meets up with them and Deb hugs him. She asks if he’s made any friends, so he tells them about Freddo and that he’ll be getting out soon. Michael then asks what Julie said about him coming home. Phil is stoney faced when he has to tell his son that he can’t visit; all he can do is apologise.

In no. 28 Brad, Lauren and Wayne are watching a horse race on TV; Brad has placed a bet on the horse “Meatloaf” as a result of Wayne’s uncle’s system. They notice the jockey is smiling; Brad is delighted but Lauren thinks they’re crazy.

Michael’s visit comes to an end and Phil again says he’s sorry about Julie but will try to talk her around again. In the background Darren Stark is listening in.
In the Lassiter’s office, Gaby is on the phone but it sounds like she’s lost a customer. After the call, Jack tells her she can’t win them all. Gaby is grumpy and says she can’t let Philip beat her. She and Jack look at the competition graph which shows Phil is currently leading Gaby. The phone rings and Gaby picks up. It’s Phil’s client Mr Hoskins. Gaby explains that Philip is out but she can deal with him and collect his signature later that day. A cheeky grin crosses her mouth.

Phil and Deb are back home and are lecturing Julie on Michael’s situation again but she says she ran out of sympathy for him a long time ago and then goes out to the garden. Phil and Deb talk about how Michael must be feeling and worry that this must make him feel very alone.

Michael walks towards the basketball court and is seen by Darren. He follows Michael and taunts that his dad doesn’t want him around and his mother couldn’t be bothered to visit. He suggests they must think he’s slime if they couldn’t put up with him for a weekend. Michael tells him to shut up, but Darren carries on saying they don’t want him. Michael finally snaps, turns on Darren and shoves his face up against the basketball court’s fencing.
Cast: Scott Michaelson as Brad Willis, Sarah Vandenbergh as Lauren Carpenter, Jonathan Sammy-Lee as Wayne Duncan, Rachel Blakely as Gaby Willis, Julie Mullins as Julie Martin, Rebecca Ritters as Hannah Martin, Marnie Reece-Wilmore as Debbie Martin, Troy Beckwith as Michael Martin, Anne Haddy as Helen Daniels, Ian Rawlings as Philip Martin
Guest Cast: Phillip Parslow as Jack Parker, Brendan O'Connor as Prison Officer no. 1, Luke Wright as Freddo, Scott Major as Darren Stark, Ashley Coleman as Prison Officer no. 2
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Darren Stark; played by Scott Major
• Brendan O'Connor who played Prison Officer no. 1 returned to Neighbours in 2001 as Richard King and also as Geoff Hillier, in 2004 as Bob Watson, in 2006 as Jim Hobbs, and in 2007 as Brad Jordan
• Darren Stark's first words are "You talk a load of rubbish"
• Jack is staying in Suite 55A at Lassiter's
• Michael Martin is added to the regular cast list in the closing credits
by David