Magic Moments > 1994 > The Willises' Departure Episode 2239
Written by Jenny Lewis, Directed by Grant Fenn
Philip commiserates with Debbie over the breakfast table who tells him that the only thing that makes Julie happy is having him under her thumb. Cody informs a less than enthused Pam and Doug that she has found someone to stay with in Erinsborough during her exams - Marlene...
Cody talks to her parents as they pack boxes and wants to know what the problem is causing Pam to admit that she'd feel like they were abandoning her. Doug disagrees and Cody is quick to point out that she lived in America for two years and still survived. Pam insists that it's completely different but is unable to give Cody one good reason why she and Doug shouldn't still go to Darwin except that they'll miss her. Pam hugs Cody before snapping at a dawdling Doug to get on with the packing.
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At Number 26, Philip tells Debbie that until Rosemary sent over photographs of New York, he was blissfully in denial about her going away. He jokes that without her around, Julie's going to have one less person to yell at and guess who's going to cop her share. They laugh with Helen as Julie enters stony-faced from the laundry room accusing them of laughing behind her back. Phil retorts that it's pretty hard to laugh when she's around but she's sick and tired of him holding her responsible for everything that goes wrong in the house. She only flies off the handle out of sheer frustration because he never listens to a word she says. Phil counters that he does nothing but listen and is sick of her trying to turn him into someone he's not. Angry at the scene, Helen says that she can't cope with this and is going out with Debbie hot on her tail. Following them, Phil states that nobody can bear to be in the house anymore including him. Julie wants to have it out once and for all but Phil doesn't see the point and goes to the front door. He ignores her threat about him walking out and leaves Julie standing alone and dejected in the living room.
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Cody is sat with Sam and Marlene in the living room of Number 24 as Marlene expresses surprise over Pam allowing her to move in. Cody stresses that she shouldn't take it personally - Pam's just feeling bad about leaving her behind. Perking up, Marlene thinks that they're going to get on very well but when Cody muses that it should be fun she becomes serious setting about laying down some ground rules. She's going to watch over her with the same eagle eye her parents did but Cody jokes they didn't need to - she was the perfect daughter. Sam thinks Cody's too big a girl to need rules but Marlene is adamant she won't let the Willises down. On weekdays Cody's curfew is nine o'clock and at weekends ten thirty. Cody begins to express dismay but Marlene continues that everyone pitches in with the chores such as gardening and the housework. This is fine with Cody so long as she gets to dust all the furniture and ornaments. Visisbly pleased, Marlene is surprised that Cody likes them because every piece tells a story. A horror story according to Sam. Marlene thinks it's lovely to find someone who appreciates her artifacts and offers Cody a part time job in her shop to earn extra money. She animatedly leads Cody off to see some of her things suggesting on the way that they throw a party for Pam and Doug. Sam can't believe the rules haven't been laid down fully but tricked by Cody's humouring her, Marlene suggests they make them up as they go along.
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Phil and Debbie have taken refuge at Number 28 where Doug explains the sticker system on the boxes so Phil knows what to sell and put in storage. Pam thinks he's causing confusion but Phil is pretty sure he understands and Cody will be around if he gets stuck. Doug mentions that Cody's going to keep her eye on the place until it gets sold but he's given Phil's number to the estate agent who can call him if she has any queries. He doesn't want to accept any offers under the reserve - at least not for a while. Pam is worried that Philip's got enough on his plate but he says it's the least they can do considering they didn't even give the Willises a farewell party. Pam is glad of it as she'd just spend the whole night bawling but she agrees with Debbie that she'll be glad to be closer to Zac - she just wishes she could take everyone with her. Phil cracks that they should take Julie and Doug asks if they're still having problems. He laments that they can't even look at each other sideways without starting a major brawl.
Cody is sat on Rick's lap in the kitchen of Number 30 as Ren busies around in the fridge. He thinks that without a nagging parent in sight, they can do whatever they want. Cody agrees that they can stay up all night together and no one will know. Ren suggests that they be careful because Pam and Doug have got spies in the street but Cody replies that she now knows why Mark called her 'Dippy'. She knows Marlene's no push over and she doesn't want to neglect her studies anyway. Sam and Debbie arrive after looking everywhere for Cody and joke that they should tell Marlene what she's up to. Cody's got her won over, she's even throwing a party for her folks tomorrow night. Debbie wonders what's going to happen to the Murder Mystery Weekend now the Willises are leaving and Brett's dropped out. Rick remembers that he's mourning over Lata. Sam suggests awkwardly that Ren should come along and she'd love to. She could go as Pam's character - Jemma DeLaPietre - mistress to millionaire Nigel Hyphen. That's cool as far as Ren's concerned just so long as Nigel isn't a real Nigel. Sam offers to play him so Ren doesn't get stuck with someone she doesn't like but Debbie scotches the idea as it's going to be confusing enough for everyone without him changing characters.
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Phil returns home with Pam who apologises to Julie that she's sorry for barging in but she wanted to say goodbye before she left. Julie is oblivious to the fact that she's going away and Pam informs her that she's leaving for Darwin with Doug tomorrow night. Shocked, Julie says it's so sudden as the last she heard they were staying behind to look after Cody. Marlene's offered to take her in and it was an offer too good to refuse. Julie thinks it's awful and Pam feels awful about it too - Julie interrupts that she didn't mean that, she meant the Willises leaving without a proper send-off. Pam doesn't mind as they cracked a bottle of champagne with Philip at least. Julie visibly bristles and asks Phil if he'd stopped to think that she might have liked to go too. Philip thinks she'd have ruined everybody's night but Julie counters it's not enough him turning her whole family against her, now he has to do it with her friends. Unfazed, he states that she doesn't need any help in that department. Julie snaps with venom that he makes her sick and awkwardly, Pam offers to leave but Phil says there's no need as he's going to bed and leaves. Coming over to the dining table to peel her orange, Julie observes that he left without even a glance in her direction. Unsure what to say Pam offers that they're probably just going through a rough patch but throwing her knife down, Julie tells Pam not to patronise her. It's more than that and she knows it. Pam admits it does seem rather serious and Julie continues that she doesn't even know how it started. Before she knew it everything was spiraling out of control and now there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it. Pam begins to talk about Phil caring about their marriage but Julie gets up from her seat, cutting her off. It's too late. Phil doesn't care about their marriage or her. He wouldn't care if she was dead. She knows it sounds melodramatic but it's how she feels. Pam denies that Phil hates her but Julie insists he does and she hates him too. In her anguish, Julie knocks one of Helen's glasses off the kitchen counter and it goes smashing to the floor. Julie repeats that she hates him and enraged with pent up frustration, she begins to pick up the glasses, hurling them across the kitchen where they smash against the floor. Desperately, Pam physically restrains her before she can do any serious damage.
. . .
The next morning, Ren opens the door of Number 30 to be surprised by an old friend, Paulo, and cries out how pleased she is to see him wondering what he's doing there. He asks if three years wasn't enough between visits but she had thought he'd forgotten about her. They enter the kitchen where Rick is washing up and Ren introduces her housemate to Paulo, an old friend of the family. Another hippy, Rick observes and Paulo jokes that he went to so much trouble to disguise it. The jewellery hanging off every part of his body kind of gives it away but Ren informs Rick that Paulo make it himself. He reminds her he doesn't make all of it. He imports jewellery from South America and what he can't afford, he copies. Ren adds that he then sells it at markets around the world which is where he met her parents. They couldn't afford jewellery because they were living on love at the time but Ren enthuses that he gave her mother a pendant as a present because he's so wonderful. She asks if he heard about her mother and Paulo tells her he has. He's been with Dave for the past few weeks in Alice Springs and he's okay. Ren asks if Paulo is intending to stay who asks if it's okay. Of course it is as Mark's overseas at the moment and Paulo can camp out in the back yard. Rick is aghast at her manners but Paulo quells him as he has his teepee and prefers living outdoors. . . . 
Philip is clearing up shards of glass from the kitchen floor and apologises to Helen who assures him they're only things. She's more concerned about Julie. What drove her to lose her temper like that? Phil voices Pam's explanation that she has a lot of pent up frustration and anger inside but they already knew that. Helen never knew it was this bad. Julie's highly strung but has always managed to keep things in some sort of perspective and Helen's worried that she's going over the edge. Phil thinks he's pushing her as he's causing the marriage to break down although Helen sees it differently. He has the right to change things if he's not happy. He's resigned himself to the fact that Julie's not going to change as she doesn't even know that what she's doing is wrong. Helen states that she's been bossy all her life, always getting her own way and Phil's either going to have to accept her how she is... or not. Phil can't do it. He informs a downhearted Helen that he's thinking about separation and then divorce but he doesn't know what's going to happen. A sweaty Sam comes into the kitchen from a run and Marlene blithers about making a go of something which Sam assumes to be Doug and Pam's party. Impatiently Marlene snaps that he never listens; she's having the party there and is talking about her bric-a-brac shop. He's just glad that she's getting rid of some of that junk in the garage as it's been like living in the aftermath of a bomb blast. Marlene haughtily reminds him that that 'junk' is going to provide them with a better standard of living and his tune will soon change when the dollars start piling in. Sam thinks she deserves it but he doesn't want her getting her hopes up too soon. Giving her grandson a hug, she says that the income isn't all that important. She's going to be doing something she really enjoys. . . .
Helen is sat on the sofa thanking a visiting Paulo for bringing a bag of herbal tea. He jokes that she apparently had a bit of trouble the last time she had a package in the mail and she laughs, telling him not to remind her. Julie walks in with Phil behind her announcing that it's time for afternoon tea. Ren jump up excitedly expecting to join but Julie says they have family matters to discuss and Paulo begins to lead Ren out. Helen jumps up dismissing that as nonsense and confirms that they're perfectly welcome to stay for tea. Julie angrily reminds her that they have things to discuss causing Phil to snap that it can wait. Julie forces that it can't. She's sick of being put on hold like she doesn't matter. Now she comes second to some shabby looking hippy they don't even know. With that Julie storms into the kitchen and Phil apologises to Paulo and Ren who swiftly leave. Phil enters the kitchen where Julie is making tea and blasts her for being so rude asking what on earth has gotten into her. Or maybe she can't explain her actions anymore. Julie is horrified that he's calling her insane and he retorts that there's obviously something wrong with her. As he leaves, Julie grabs the kettle to pour tea but changes her mind and hurries out the back door.
. . .
Phil is in the backyard tending to his worm farm when Julie races out with the kettle and offers angrily to tell him what's wrong with her - him and everyone else conspiring against her. Phil thinks she's paranoid but Julie answers she's got every reason to be as they're all on his side. Oh yes he's the hard done by husband and she's the wicked witch. Maybe it's because she's goes around smashing glasses, insulting guests and yelling at everybody all the time, Phil suggests. Tearfully, Julie cries that she's only reacting to the way he's treating her. He just doesn't care about their marriage anymore. He wants to know if she's stopped to think that she might be accountable for what's happening to them. Of course Julie's stopped to consider it but he's the one that started doing things without asking her? Phil asks if she was going to say permission and disgustedly tells her to get out of his sight. She insists she hasn't finished but he has and she wants him to look at her. Enraged by him ignoring her, Julie pushes Phil out of the way and pours boiling water all over his worm farm. Throwing the kettle into the steaming mess, she yells that now maybe he'll get his priorities straight. . . .
Cody enters Number 24 with herfret as it's all going in her bedroom. Marlene is glad as they're going to have a hoard of partygoers any minute and Cody thanks her again. Marlene wonders if the Willises suspected anything but Ren denies it as they're too preoccupied with their dots causing Cody to laugh. Rick and Paulo are about to flop down on the couch but Cody stops them as they've got to get ready for the party once her stuff is out of the way. Marlene thinks they should have a rest and Ren is regretful about making Paulo work the minute he arrived on the street. Sam asks how long he's staying in Erinsborough but he has no idea - a week, a month, a year? That long, Sam replies. Ren is just glad to have someone around who's on the same wavelength as her but Rick says she shouldn't insult the poor guy. Ren thinks they're more than just friends and Paulo agrees - she's his mistress. Adopting a Southern accent, Ren remembers she'll be playing Jemma DeLaPietre and Sam is less than happy that Paulo is coming on the Murder Mystery Weekend. Paulo says there's nothing like a good murder to make life interesting.
. . .
Julie is sat at the table when Phil returns with the kettle and she wants to know how the worms are. He asks how she expects them to be. She just poured boiling water all over them. They're dead. Helen is horrified and Julie apologises but Philip brushes it off. She just hated the fact that he had a hobby so she destroyed it. Julie denies that a worm farm is a hobby but he counters that at least it was a distraction from her for a while. When she ponders that perhaps now she might be able to get his attention, he snaps that she's jealous of worms and must be sicker than he thought. Julie emotionally states that she's not sick and looks at Helen who says nothing.
. . .
Various Ramsay Street residents have gathered for the surprise party at Number 24 and Marlene offers food to Helen and Julie. Marlene thinks Julie's being very quiet tonight but she tells Helen that Phil is talking about her causing Marlene to sigh. Rick shouts out that the Willises are coming and everyone runs to get in their places. Cody leads her parents in through the front door to be greeted by Sam and Marlene. Pam wonders if they have guests and Sam jokes that Cody's bad enough. If they'd given some notice, they could have organised a party. On that word, the residents run through from the laundry room throwing streamers and blowing whistles. Doug and Pam laugh and exchange hugs with Helen who's going to miss them. Pam thinks she's going to cry and they begin to hug everyone gathered there. . . .
The party is over and Pam is looking around a bare Number 28 with tears in her eyes. She tells Cody it's hard to imagine another family living there soon. There won't be a trace that they were ever there at all. Pulling herself together, she comments that she never expected to get so emotional about a house but she feels like she's saying goodbye to part of her. Cody reminds her that she's taking the memories with her and that's the most important thing. Not quite, Pam says as Doug enters. He walks with Pam towards Cody. Pam doesn't want to say goodbye but Cody has to call if she has any trouble and even if she doesn't, just so they can chat. If anything goes wrong, she should let them know. Doug states that they can be on a plane and back in no time. Cody assures them she'll be okay and tells Pam to take good care of the big dag, pointing to Doug. She tells her parents she loves them and tearfully they hug. . . .
Julie is helping Helen wash up and apologises for the glasses. Helen wants to know why she did it but Julie doesn't know. She was angry with Philip and must have needed to get it out of her system. Helen thinks it rather extreme but Julie replies that his behaviour towards her has been extreme. She just can't do anything right anymore as far as he's concerned. Sighing, Helen tells her that she's been very difficult to get along with lately and Julie can't believe she's taking his side. She's Helen's granddaughter. Helen loves her very much which is why she hates to see her acting so irrationally. Julie is certain that Philip's convinced Helen she's going crazy and Helen tactfully admits she thinks Julie has problems. She has to dominate people and when she doesn't get her own way, she throws tantrums and makes life miserable for everybody. Julie apologises but thinks she has good reason and Helen yells that there's no excuse for the way she's been behaving. She thinks that she speaks for the rest of the family when she says that they are not prepared to tolerate Julie's behaviour any longer. Stunned, Julie asks if she's being told to leave but Helen continues that she just wants her to get some psychiatric help. Walking away Julie replies that she'll do no such thing and frustrated Helen cries out that she's damn more stupid than she thought. An if Julie continues to behave like this then she doesn't want her living in this house any longer. . . . 
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Notes: Julie Mullins stated that in the lead up to Julie's death, she deliberately played the character as a woman pushed to breaking point which is evident throughout the episode. Julie's desperation and erratic behaviour were designed to leave the story open for the writers should they want to take the route of her committing suicide although this was never followed through. The episode also marks the last appearance of the Willis family but Sue Jones returned briefly in 1996 to reprise the role of Pam when Cody died in hospital after her shooting. Read the next episode in this sequence, Episode 2240. Summary and captures by Jay
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