Magic Moments > 1996 > Cody's Death: Part Two Episode 2580
Written by David Allen, Directed by Tony Osicka
The doctor informs a devastated Pam that they did everything they could, but they were unable to save Cody.
Pam and Sam are by Cody’s side. Pam tells her daughter how proud she always was of her, and how proud Doug was too, and how much they will always love her. She wonders why such an unfair thing would happen to someone like Cody and she begins to cry. She kisses Cody on the lips and on the forehead and tells her she’ll miss her, before leaving. Sam then steps forward and tells Cody that she’ll always be his best mate. He kisses her on the forehead.
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Outside, in the corridor, Pam sits down and breaks down in tears.
At the Coffee Shop, George, Billy and Toadie arrive, talking about the football trials. Billy gets the drinks and Toadie quizzes George about what she thinks of Billy. She thinks he’s a good player, but is critical of Toadie for being a bit of a thug when he plays. He says that he’s built big, so he has to use that strength when he plays, but George thinks that he should concentrate on taking marks and kicking goals, rather than charging people. Toadie suddenly realises that he could be a goal-kicking legend, but George tells him not to get ahead of himself.
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At number 28, Stonie is showing Mal his audition piece for his performing arts course. Mal thinks that it’s funny and Stonie says that he really wants to impress the course leading, Leith Davidson. Sam then arrives and Stonie is about to show him his audition piece when he realises that something is wrong. Sam tells them that Cody died that morning. Stonie is stunned and asks what happened – Sam explains that she had a blood clot – a one in a million chance of it happening.
At number 26, Karl and Pam are there, and Hannah is inconsolable over the news about Cody. Phil admits that he can’t believe she’s really gone and asks Pam and Karl if they’d like some tea. Hannah goes off to her room, in tears. Karl says that it feels like a bad dream and Pam says that she feels like part of her is missing. She says that she wished that she’d seen more of her, but Phil promises her that Cody understood about the move to Darwin. Pam breaks down in tears, wondering how this could happen.
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At the sports oval, Coach Garfield is wondering why Toadie is just standing there, doing nothing, but George tells him that he’s just biding his time. The ball then heads Toadie’s way and he kicks a goal. Coach Garfield admits that Toadie does seem to have some potential.
Phil knocks on Hannah’s door and he finds her lying on the bed, in tears. He tells her that he knows how she feels, as he’s feeling it too. Hannah asks why everyone she gets close to has to die – Julie, Reuben, Cody. She thinks that the family is cursed, but Phil tells her not to think like that. She says that Cody became her new big sister, with Debbie away, and now she’s gone. Phil tells her that nobody is to blame, it’s just part of life. Hannah then wonders who’s going to be next and tells Phil not to die.
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At the school, Coach Garfield is reporting back on the game. He says that he was impressed with Billy and that Toadie will make a great player if he can just learn to run. He says that they’re going to move up from the bottom of the ladder this year, and names Rupert Sprod as team captain. He also announces that George is going to be the new assistant coach, and asks her to fill everyone in on their team positions for the year.
At number 26, Phil asks Pam if there are any arrangements that need to be made. She says that she and Cody will fly back up to Darwin, as she wants her to be buried close to her family. Just then, Toadie, Billy and George burst in, celebrating about their places in the football team, when they realise that something is wrong. Phil introduces them to Pam and explains what’s happened. They’re all stunned and George says that they’re very sorry about bursting into the house. She asks about Hannah, and Phil says that she’s in her room and she’s taking it very badly. She tells Pam how sorry she is, and goes to talk to Hannah.
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In the bedroom, George tells Hannah how sorry she is about Cody. Hannah asks her if she feels guilty, as she didn’t want to chat earlier. George apologises and asks how Hannah is feeling – she says that she felt terrible when her mum died and didn’t want to talk about it. Hannah agrees and says that she can’t believe that Cody has gone. George tells her to handle it well, as that’s how Cody would have wanted everyone to handle things. She’s tells her to remember the good times and take them with her, then Cody will never really die.
At his audition, Stonie is telling the interviewers about Cody and how special she was. He says that she never had any pretensions and she had a great sense of humour. He tells them how much he’s going to miss her and that he feels like somebody’s blacked out the sun.
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At number 28, the Kennedy family are all sitting around, shocked by the news about Cody. Mal thinks that they should be doing something, but he isn’t sure what. Susan thinks that they should talk about Cody, but Billy suddenly gets angry and says that he doesn’t want to talk about what’s happened. He storms out of the room and Susan calls after him. Mal tells her that he’ll be alright and she hugs her son and says that maybe it is too soon to talk about it.
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At number 24, Sam is sitting alone, drinking whisky. He wonders out loud why it had to be Cody, of all people. There’s a sudden breeze in the room and Sam looks up to see Cody sitting across the room from him. He says that he thought he’d never see her again and she tells him that he’s a real idiot sometimes. She goes across to him and tells him that he has to learn to live his life without her. She tells him that she’ll always be there, no matter where he is. The breeze blows again and Cody vanishes, but Sam finds that one of her rings is in his hand, and he smiles.
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by Steve