Magic Moments > 1998 > The 1998 Season Finale Episode 3220
Written by Jeff Truman, Directed by Gary Conway, David Myles and Chris Adshead
Anne and Billy decide to share a tent for their first night together. Amy asks Anne how the night went, and Anne says it was amazing. When Pinhead asks Billy how it was, he brushes him off saying it was average and nothing special, but Anne overhears. She drives off in the ute with Amy attempting to stop her...
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Billy appears and wants to know what Amy said to make Anne react like that. Lance wakes up and asks what's going on, they tell him and he realises that she doesn't have her license. Everyone wants to know what Amy said, but she insists it isn't her fault. Billy starts looking for Pinhead so he can take The Beast and go look for Anne, but Amy tells him that the keys are already in the car, so Billy takes off, insisting Pinhead won't mind because it's an emergency. Amy and Lance are left arguing over who will tell Pinhead, but then the man himself returns from collecting wood and notices The Beast is gone. He goes crazy, so Amy tells him what happened, but he isn't sympathetic so Amy starts pushing him and calling him a moron. They decide not to call Phil.
Lou asks Drew to look after the garage for a few days so he can fly up to visit Lauren, who's feeling a bit down during her pregnancy. Drew agrees, and Lou wonders who he can get to look after the pub, considering Toadie. Sally walks in and asks Drew for a game of pool.
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Pinhead asks the Magic 8 Ball if The Beast will be wrecked and it replies with 'Yes, it is certain.' Amy thanks Lance for his gift, but is worried about how much it cost him. He says it doesn't matter because he loves her and he knows she loves him too. He says he hardly slept because he couldn't stop thinking about her and she suggests that they do something together when she gets back from the health resort. Just as they are leaning in to kiss, Pinhead comes running up saying that The Beast is back. Amy and Lance are worried when they realise that Billy is alone, but he says there were just too many roads and tracks for him to check all of them. They are wondering what to do next, when it suddenly starts pouring with rain.
Meanwhile, Anne is driving, in tears, while Karl and Joel have stopped for a loo break. As they get back into the car, the rain starts and they notice Anne speeding past in the ute, so they follow her.When they eventually find her, she's parked the ute down by a river. They try to find out what's wrong, but she won't talk to them, so Karl persuades her to open the passenger door so they can get in with her.
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The rest of the group are trying to get to some higher ground so they can get a signal on their mobile phones and ring Phil. Lance is having trouble getting the call to connect, while Amy still can't believe that Anne would do something so stupid and reckless. They still can't get a signal so they move on.
At the pub, Sally and Drew are beginning their game of pool. She remembers that they first met playing pool at that table. She is obviously a better player than he is and he suggests that she has a misspent youth. She gives him some tips, but when she demonstrates, she fails to pocket the ball. She tries to help Drew, but he can't concentrate with her breathing on the back of his neck. She suggests they go and see a film, but he says he has to fix Sarah's fridge, so she says she'll join him at number 30 and if they make it, they make it. He says it'll be pretty boring, but she isn't swayed.
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The rain has stopped and Karl is trying to find out what's wrong with Anne. He asks her if everyone at camp is ok, and she insists that they are. They decide to head back to camp, but Joel can't move the ute as it's stuck in the mud.
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At number 30, Drew is fixing the fridge and is worried that Sally must be really bored. She insists she isn't and that she'd only be studying otherwise. Drew brings up the subject of Joel and she decides to give him her side of the story. She says they can go back to the pub for a chat, then catch that movie. He agrees, saying he'll meet her at the pub after he's cleaned up, but she says she'll wait with him, because sleazy guys always crack onto her when she's alone in pubs.
Karl is trying to push the car out of the mud, but is having no luck. They decide that Anne should get in the car and Karl and Joel should try to push it out. Joel tells to reverse nice and gently when he tells her to. They manage to push it back a bit, but then it starts sliding back down towards the river. Joel puts some twigs behind the wheels to give it some traction and they decide to give it one last try, but it's still no good. They agree on one last attempt but the wheels start to slip again and Anne is unable to break as the car slips down the riverbank. Karl and Anne manage to jump out of the way in time, but Joel gets trapped as the car rolls on top of him, trapping his leg under the water. Karl tries to pull him out, but the pain is too much and the ute is too heavy.
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Karl gets a log to try and lever the ute out of the water and release Joel's leg, but it isn't doing any good and Joel is in extreme pain.
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At number 22, Drew is in his room getting changed to go out and calls down to Sally that she can watch TV if she wants to. Just as he's taking his jeans off, she walks in and says there's never anything on tv at this time of day...
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The rain has started again and the water level in the river is rising. Karl is holding Joel's head above water, while Anne has retrieved Karl's mobile phone from his car, but she slips and drops it in the water. Karl tells Anne she'll have to drive the Thunderbird to find some help from somewhere. She isn't sure she can do it, but he insists that they have no other choice.
Anne is driving through the bush and is finding it hard to see where she's going.
The water level is continuing to rise and Joel is finding it hard to keep his face out of the water.
Anne finds a fallen tree blocking her path, but is unable to move it. As she gets back into the car, she realises it won't start.
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Karl is using a drink bottle to help Joel breathe underwater, but he is beginning to slip into unconsciousness.
Anne continues on foot, but is also finding things tough and is close to collapse.
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Karl has an idea, and tells Joel he'll have to leave him, but just for a minute.
Anne sees a car and calls out to them, but they continue to drive on.
Karl pulls some plastic tubing out of the car and takes it down to Joel in the water, then swaps the drink bottle for the tubing.
. . . 
Anne arrives back at the camp and screams at Billy and Lance to get her mobile phone. They want to know if she's ok and what's going on, but she insists she has to get a call through to the emergency services or Joel is going to drown. Lance tries to call, while Billy tries to get some sense out of Anne.
Back at the river, Joel's breathing is beginning to slow down and he is losing his grip on Karl's hand. A distraught Karl calls out 'Oh God, please don't let this happen.'
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To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
Summary by Steve. Captures by Karl