Magic Moments > 1999 > The Martins' Departure Episode 3418
Written by Jeff Truman, Directed by Gary Conway
Liam tells Joel to stay away from his mother. Hannah is upset to be leaving Ramsay Street, but Ruth tells her she’ll get over it eventually...
Hannah is in the tree house looking through a photo album, talking to her Gran, telling her how weird it feels to be leaving for Darwin, where she won’t know anyone. Paul appears and asks if he can come in. He sees the photo of Helen and asks who it is, Hannah explains and Paul says he’s heard Madge and Harold talk about her. Hannah starts crying, and tells Paul she doesn’t want to leave her home.
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Lance arrives at number 30 with some of his stuff. He says he can’t believe how much stuff his mum and Phil have to pack. He then asks who the young kid he saw leaving was, and Joel explains about Liam going nuts at him. He says he doesn’t need that grief in his life and it’s just his luck, as he really likes Natalie. Joel decides he’s going to tell Natalie when she comes over later.
At the surgery, Karl and Pippa present Ruth with a hammock as a going away gift. Susan arrives and Ruth says that Phil is on his way. Susan mentions the magazine article and says she’s worried that the school might get to hear about what’s happened, while a worried Pippa looks on.
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Paul and Hannah talk about the future and she says she hopes to be famous one day. Paul says he’s like to go into space, but Hannah says he’s scared of heights. She tells him that she never wants to lose touch.
Karl is making a farewell speech and says how their valuable friendship won’t be diminished by them being in Darwin. Just as he’s making a toast, Pippa owns up to speaking to the magazine.
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Natalie arrives at number 30 and Lance lets her in. Joel appears and says he really needs to talk to her about something. She tells him about having tickets for the opera next week and a new tapas bar she wants them to go to. He sees how excited she is and chickens out of telling her, so they leave for the restaurant.
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Karl is furious with Pippa and her disloyalty. Meanwhile, outside his office, Ruth is saying how sorry she feels for Pippa, but Phil points out that this is the girl who irritated the hell out of her from the beginning. Ruth claims that her heart’s in the right place. Pippa explains that the reporter was making some shocking accusations so she had to put her straight, then she bursts into tears. Karl and Susan accept her apology and he says they’ll just have to move on from it. Ruth mistakenly thinks Pippa’s been sacked and defends her and Pippa is touched.
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At number 30, Joel offers Natalie another nightcap and she tries to kiss him but he pulls away. She asks what he wanted to talk to her about and he explains about Liam. He says he thinks she’s amazing, but he can’t cope with her baggage. She quickly gets the message and he explains that if it was just the two of them, it would be fine. She says that Liam has to be her first priority and, fighting back the tears, she leaves, saying it’s best to make a clean break from it all.
Paul and Hannah are setting up a bed in the tree house and she says she’s glad they got to spend their last night together, despite Harold’s threats. He asks what time she leaves tomorrow, she says it’ll be in the morning. He tells her she has a nice smile and they stare at each other, but the moment is broken by a terrible smell eminating from Bonnie…
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At the pub, Ruth is claiming that she felt she had to support Pippa and Karl says that Pippa’s planning a trip to Darwin already. Lou brings them some champagne and Lance arrives, apologising for being late. Lance tells Phil that he’s been like a dad to him, and Anne agrees. The three of them hug while Ruth looks on.
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They all arrive back at number 26 and Lance says he’ll stay over. Ruth says it’s been a great house, and Phil says that what’s made it so great has been them living there. In the tree house, Paul and Hannah are arguing about whether people eat crocodile in Darwin. Phil and Ruth watch them from the window and agree that there’s no harm in them spending the night out there.
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Anne is sorting her stuff and finds a box of letters from Bill, but she tries to play it down. They plan to go to bed and Ruth comes in and tells them how much she’s going to miss them both and that she’s only a phone call away. She makes them promise to look after each other. They all hug.
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Everyone is having breakfast in the kitchen when Hannah and Paul come in. Anne, Phil and Ruth go off to finish things off and Paul tells Hannah what a great night he had last night. Phil comes in and tells Hannah to hurry up and finish packing.
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Out on the street, Phil and Ruth are saying goodbye to everyone. Pippa says she’ll make sure to visit, but Ruth tells her not to go out of her way. Hannah says goodbye to Paul and promises to email. She gets in the car and they drive away with everyone waving.
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As soon as their car goes around the corner, a removal van pulls into Ramsay Street. The residents seem surprised as their new neighbours immediately start arguing in the middle of the street. The father of the family sees them all watching and says ‘G’day, we’re the Scullys’.
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To read the next episode in this sequence, click here
by Steve