Lance bursts into the kitchen in a bad mood and Joel wants to know what's wrong. Lance asks Joel for a game of darts and suggests himself as the dartboard, as he's such a victim. Joel realises he's talking about Amy and Lance explains about his confrontation with her. Lance wants to know why he should care about her, the baby or especially the father of the baby. Lance says he might ring Damien himself and says that Amy is selfish and irresponsible. Joel says there's nothing wrong with caring for someone else and that he's a nice guy. Lance says that the trouble with being a nice guy is that they always end up in the junk pile.
. . . 
Bill asks Susan to give away a big pile of his clothes to charity and she says there's no reason why he can't keep them in his room, but he says he wants a fresh start. Anne tells Susan and Karl about the send-off at Luna Park and Bill invites them along, but Susan insists that Karl gets ill on roller-coasters. Bill goes out to the laundry and Susan asks Anne how she's coping. She says she's managing - just.
Amy is alone at number 32 when there's a knock at the door - it's Toadie, telling her that everyone loves her Luna Park idea. He suggests they hire a stretch limo too, but she's not very enthusiastic and starts crying. He asks her what's wrong and suggests ringing Damien. She stops him and he offers him an orange for her craving - but she says her craving is over now. Then she asks him for some pancakes that you can only get at the Thai place at the airport, he says he'll go, but not tonight - there's too much to organise. Tess arrives back with a big bag of oranges and Toadie breaks the news to her, he also invites her to Luna Park, but she has too much marking to do.
. . . 
. . . 
Lyn and Joe are at one table in the pub, while the Kennedys are on the other side of the pub, toasting Bill. At the bar, Joe and Karl bump into each other and Joe says that with the kids leaving home, he won't need so much backyard space. Karl starts to rant at him and Joe walks off. Lyn tells Joe to give them some space while they say goodbye to their son. Karl goes back to his table in a foul mood, so Bill and Anne go to play darts. Susan tells Karl she's sick of it and wants the dispute to end.
. . . 
Toadie tells Tess what a great cook she is and Amy tells him he's a suck. Tess goes to answer the phone - it's Damien wanting to talk to Amy.
. . . 
Damien tells Amy he's flying to Rio. Bill and Anne get back from the pub and everyone is whispering while Amy is on the phone. Amy finishes up and everyone wants to know what's going on - she says she didn't tell Damien about the baby.
Lance and Joel are discussing the last time they went to Luna Park. Lance thinks it's kid's stuff, but Joel tells him he must hold onto the inner child. He bets Lance that it'll be great, but Lance says he isn't going. Joel tries to talk him round, but Lance if Amy's there, then he isn't. Joel says that both Dione and Carrie are going and Dione wants to set Toadie and Carrie up. Joel says that he's more interesting in Carrie and Lance says that Joel's love life should be serialised.
. . . 
Amy explains that Damien has this image of the two of them growing old together and everyone wants to know what he problem is with that. She says that Damien loves the party animal, but she can't be like that when she has the baby. Anne insists that if he loves her, he'll adjust and that if he was happy about the baby, then the baby will have two parents and she may not need to be a single parent.
The next morning at number 28, Karl is checking that Bill has got everything organised for his move. Karl says that Greg and Stella sounded very nice and she'll be a surrogate mum to him. Bill tells Karl that he'll be able to pay off a bit of the workshop lease each week, but Karl insists he'll do it himself, as a going away present. Karl says he's going to miss him.
. . . 
Toadie gets off the phone, arranging the limo and Luna Park tickets. Lance is getting ready to go for a run, which Joel is ribbing him about, and Toadie is trying to talk him into joining them on their afternoon out. Lance still insists he's not coming, and nobody can change his mind.
The limo arrives and Anne, Bill, Amy, Joel and Toadie line up by it so Susan can take their photo, even getting the driver involved. Lance arrives back from his run and they finally convince him to join them, so he goes inside to get changed. Everyone waits and waits and he eventually appears.
. . . 
. . . 
Lyn asks Joe if there's anything interesting in the mail. Karl knocks on their door and comes in, saying he's prepared to sell the land to Joe, but Joe says it's rightfully his land anyway. Karl says he'll pay much less than Joe would have to pay for a lawyer. Karl leaves and Joe considers accepting the offer, but Lyn says he can't do anything without consulting her first.
Lyn says that she knows Joe wants to sub-divide the property and sell it on, but he insists he just wants to move on to a nicer property. She says it would be more upheaval, especially for the kids, but he says it won't be that bad. He says that if it works out, she won't have to work again, but she's more worried about getting some stability.
. . . 
. . . 
The gang are enjoying the rides at Luna Park, but Lance isn't getting into the spirit very much. Anne is reluctant to go on the roller-coaster, while Amy stays off due to her pregnancy, so she ends up in the hall of mirrors. Joel has to go to meet Dione and Carrie out the front. Toadie tells Lance that he's doing really well and in a couple of hours, he'll never have to see Amy again if he doesn't want to. Once they all get in the hall of mirrors, they start talking about how weird it is how they've all changed so much since they were schoolkids. They all put their hands on top of each other and promise that whatever happens, they'll stay in touch.