At number 30, Toadie arrives home with a pile of books, which he promptly drops all over the floor. Flick and Joel are busy filling in an application for their own flat and Toadie is furious to hear that he’ll be losing another of his housemates. Toadie asks Joel if he put the announcement in the paper about Madge, and he’s horrified to realise that he forgot. Toadie looks at their application and laughs, telling Flick that she’ll get nowhere by putting her occupation down as ‘high school student’. Flick wonders if they should say that they’re engaged to show that they’re stable, but Joel isn’t impressed.

At the pub, Matt is asking Tess about Dee, when the woman herself walks in. Lou gets Matt to do some work rather than chatting to the patrons, as Tess and Dee ask for a few tips about bidding at the house auction. They try to find out the reserve price, but Lou insists that he’d be letting Phil down if he revealed it. They beg him for a clue and he tells them that it’s more than two dollars!
At number 26, Michelle returns home with a box full of chicks from the animal shelter. Lyn isn’t impressed, pointing out that Harvey will probably eat them. Michelle insists that she’ll keep them in her room, until a lamp, and Lyn reluctantly agrees, but Joe doesn’t think that Flick will be happy to come home and find her room full of chickens. Lyn and Joe then argue as Joe says that he’ll make sure that Flick comes home, while Lyn tells him that it’s attitude is what’s keeping her away.

At number 30, Toadie finds a case that sets a precedent for his own, until he realises that the defendant went to prison. Michelle arrives to tell Flick how bad things are getting at home. Joel tries to convince Flick to talk to her parents, but she knows that her dad just won’t listen. Michelle then asks Joel and Toadie for some old breakfast cereal for her chicks, and takes great delight in telling Flick that the chicks are now using her side of the bedroom. Toadie helps Michelle find some old cereal as Joel has another unsuccessful attempt to talk Flick ‘round.
Back at the pub, Matt is trying to impress Dee with his cocktails, as Lou looks on, unimpressed. Tess tastes the cocktail and is impressed, but just as Dee takes a sip, Darcy walks in. A thrilled Dee goes over and greets him, as a despondent Matt gives up.

At number 30, Toadie is studying, whilst Joel tries to convince Flick to go home and speak to her dad. She’s beginning to wonder if he’s on her dad’s side, but he says that he’s on nobody’s side, before correcting himself and saying that he supports Flick. She insists that there’s no point anyway, as Joe will just get angry. Joel says that she should at least go over there and tell them that she loves them and isn’t doing this to hurt them. Eventually, she agrees to go the next morning, but Joel tells her to go now. Once she’s gone, Toadie tells Joel that he must really love Flick if he’s getting so serious with her and talking about moving in together.
At number 26, Joe tells Flick that they’re going to get a few things straight, but she interrupts and says that she wants to say something first. Lyn tells Joe to let Flick speak. He asks her if she’s coming home, and she says that she’s not, so Joe asks what she could possibly have to tell him then. She says that she loves both Joe and Lyn and is convinced that what she’s doing is right. Although Lyn is moved, Joe is unimpressed and says that he’s been sucked in by Flick’s hollow words once too often. Flick storms out, as Lyn tells Joe that he’s pig-headed and has blown the only chance of fixing things. Joe is shocked as both Michelle and Lyn walk out of the room in disgust.

Back at number 30, Toadie walks in and finds Joel brushing Bob. Toadie takes this as a sign that Joel is thinking about his problems with Flick. Toadie isn’t convinced and asks Joel is he has any worries at all about Flick. Joel says that it’ll be the best thing ever, but isn’t happy when Toadie starts humming the wedding march.
The next morning, the auctioneer, Richard King, tells Lou that there are at least three serious bidders. Tess and Dee overhear this and realise that they might have some competition. Joel and Flick then come past, but can’t stop as they’re on their way to look for a flat. Toadie walks up and stands with Tess and Dee as they watch Flick and Joel walk away. Dee suspects that Joel is getting a little too serious too quickly with Flick. Richard King then kicks off the auction…

At number 26, Lyn is frantically cleaning the kitchen as Joe comes in and says he had a terrible night’s sleep. Lyn isn’t impressed as Joe says that Flick will soon find out how hard it is to be on her own, and she asks him if he wants to see his daughter fail. She says that she wants Flick to be happy and Joe says that he’ll try to fix the situation.
Back at the auction, Joe arrives and Lou is pleased as it looks like Dee and Tess are going to win with a decent price. Just as it’s about to be sold another bidder enters the race, beating Dee and Tess and winning the house. Tess and Dee are devastated.



Some time later, Dee and Tess are looking at the house, disappointed to have lost it, as Joe walks up and tells them that serious bidders always enter the race at the last second. The winning bidders walks over and apologises and introduces himself as Evan Hancock. Tess realises that he’s the new maths and science teacher at the school and asks if she can sleep on the couch if she can’t find anywhere else. Evan tells her that she can bunk in with his five-year old. The auctioneer then takes Lou and Evan off to sign some forms as a sad Tess and Dee stare at the house.
Flick and Joel are walking through the park on the way to viewing a flat, but he stops and she tells him to hurry or they’ll miss out. He tells her that he can’t go, as it doesn’t feel right – she’s in her last year at school and him at university – the timing is all wrong. Flick is shocked and asks him if he loves her. Joel tells her that he does, but maybe not as much as she loves him. Flick runs off, throwing the flat details at him as she goes.

At the pub, Toadie tells Tess and Dee that he has the perfect place for them to live – number 30. Dee is impressed with the idea, but Tess says that she doesn’t want to return to student housing ever again. Evan walks in and Dee isn’t happy to see him. Tess asks him if he’s come to celebrate, but he says he’s here to see the bartender and tells Matt that he’s found them the perfect house. Matt calls over to the girls and says that they’ll be neighbours, but Tess says that they would be if he hadn’t bought their house. Matt is mortified by his father’s actions.
At number 30, Joel gets back to find Flick packing and asks if they can talk about it. She tells him that there’s nothing to talk about as his studies are more important than her. She asks if he’ll give them up for her, but he won’t. He tells her that they were rushing into things and he had to stop them. A tearful Flick says that she loves him completely, before leaving.

At number 26, Lyn and Joe are cleaning the silverware when Flick bursts in and announces that she’s split up with Joel. She runs off to her room and Lyn warns Joe not to say anything, no matter how much he wants to. Flick runs out and says that there are chickens all over the bed. Lyn goes to help her as a smug Joe remains on the couch.
Back at the pub, Evan buys Tess and Dee some champagne as a peace offering, whilst Lou pops out to his office, leaving Matt in charge. Darcy tells Tess and Dee that Evan seems really nice and that they shouldn’t be complaining. Tess asks Darcy how Susan is doing, what with Madge dying and Darcy tells her that everyone’s pretty upset. In the office, Lou takes a pill bottle out of his desk drawer but is shocked to find that it’s empty. Back out in the bar, Evan brings over the champagne and raises a toast.



At number 30, Joel is sitting on the couch looking upset when Toadie comes in and asks what happened with Flick. He says that he didn’t mean to upset her, he just thought that they were rushing things a bit. He says that he feels so bad. Toadie then announces that things are going to get worse – Dee is moving in with them. Joel is horrified and asks why it has to be her. Toadie tries to lighten the mood by telling him that he’ll now have an ex in the house and another one across the road.