Magic Moments > 2002 > Matt and Leo's Car Crash: Part One Episode 3973
Written by Judith Colquhoun, Directed by Gary Conway
Maggie tells Toadie that she understands how much he was putting on the line by owning up to his feelings for her. Elly finds an envelope with ‘Ian Conway’ written on it, on Karl’s desk, and confronts him…
Elly tells Karl that she feels betrayed because he’s gone behind her back to track down her father. He is about to explain his actions, when a patient arrives and he has to see to them.

At the garage, Lou tries to assure Drew that he’s still a valued employee, despite Stu working there now, but also mentions Matt, who is working outside on his new car, and tells Drew to make sure that he pays for anything he uses on it. Leo starts pestering Matt to take him out for a drive, but Matt tries to get him to go away. Leo is suspicious, wondering if his brother is going to take but in another drag race, and Drew comes over, wondering why Matt needs to do so much high-performance work on the car, when he’ll just be driving it around the suburbs. Matt quickly changes the subject to Harold and his new obsession with power walking and the two of them, along with Lou, laugh about Harold suddenly becoming a muscle man.
At the Coffee Shop, Tad is talking to Leo and asks why he didn’t go to Adelaide for the break-dancing competition. Leo grudgingly explains that his father wouldn’t let him go. Elly then tries to talk to Tad about what Karl did, but Tad can’t believe that Susan and Karl would be so sly. Meanwhile, Leo starts to defend Emily when some schoolkids come in and try to push her off the table she’s sitting at. Leo eventually realises he’s out-numbered and takes Emily and leaves.

At the pub, Tad begins work and Harold comes in to get the Salvation Army collection tins. Lou starts ribbing him about his new power walking regime, and Joe asks Harold if he’s getting himself ready for a new romance. Harold isn’t amused, and Rosie then arrive, so they all quickly change the subject, and Lou and Harold are upset to see that Rosie has brought a male friend, Colin.
At number 30, Toadie and Maggie are working on their case when Matt walks in on them. He quickly walks out again and Toadie follows, trying to explain that he was stupid and nothing is going to happen between him and Maggie.

Back at the pub, Harold and Lou are trying to find out whether Colin is Rosie’s boyfriend or just a friend. Rosie explains that they’ve known each other for a long time and are certainly closer than friends. She realises what they’re trying to find out and continues to string them along, before admitting that Colin is her brother. At the bar, Tad tries to tell Susan and Karl how upset Elly is, and Susan is shocked as she didn’t realise Karl had been looking into it. Karl says that, even if they have found the right Ian Conway, he’ll leave it up to Elly as to whether she gets in touch with him.
At number 30, Toadie is practising his speech for the court room as Maggie listens in. She smiles and tells him that he should be a barrister, and he says that he’ll have to wait until he’s grown up. Maggie flirtingly says that she thinks he’s already done that.

At the Coffee Shop, Susan and Karl track down Elly and try to find out whether she really wants to get in touch with her birth father. She isn’t impressed and accuses them of only finding Ian so that they could get rid of her and send her to live with him.
At number 32, Maggie is daydreaming when Leo comes in and starts asking her whether Evan is a brave man. Maggie says that Evan has strong convictions and isn’t easily swayed, but Emily then mentions Leo trying to stand up to the bullies in the Coffee Shop. Maggie isn’t impressed and says that violence doesn’t solve anything, and Leo is annoyed, saying that real men don’t back down from a fight.


At the garage, Lou turns up, ready for some exercise, and Drew is amused to find him competing with Harold. Matt arrives to collect his car and Lou starts asking him when he’ll be paying for the parts he’s used. Drew realises that Matt is very distracted and obviously has to be somewhere, and checks that Matt isn’t about to do something very stupid.
At the surgery, Karl sends Elly out of the room, before giving Susan the information on where to find Ian Conway. He says that it’s safer for her to have it, as he won’t do anything rash. Lou then comes in, complaining that he’s hurt his back with all the exercise.

At the pub, Harold is back and Lou is laughing about the amount of time he’s been spending there lately. Joe comes in to give Lou a building quote on some work in the kitchen, while Elly has also come in to speak to Tad, and ask him why he spoke to Karl and Susan. He explains that he was just worried about her, and she is quite touched by his concern.
At the surgery, Susan comes in and confesses that she tried phoning Ian Conway, but it turned out to be the wrong one. They agree that this is a sign that they should just give up looking.

Harold is out power-walking, meanwhile, Matt and Glen Bushby meet up for their arranged drag race, and agree on a bet of $2000.
At number 30, Toadie is talking to Maggie about the case, but she’s not paying any attention to him. She finally snaps out of it and says that she has something important that she needs to say to Toadie…



Back at the drag race, Leo suddenly appears and jumps in the car next to Matt, just as the race begins. Matt tries to tell him to get out, but it’s too late. As they race along, Matt gets distracted and swerves, clipping Harold before crashing to a halt. Glen’s car is wrecked as it hit a tree, while Harold lies on the ground, unconscious…
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here...
by Steve