Magic Moments > 2002 > Elly's Departure Episode 3998
Written by Jenny Lewis, Directed by Tony Osicka
Elly and Connor bring Steph’s bike back and accidentally push it over. Evan tells Maggie she has to choose between him and Toadie. Liz tells Elly that she wants them to be together and has arranged for her to go and live in Sweden...
Karl explains to Elly that she’ll always have a home in Ramsay Street if things don’t work out in Sweden. Elly wants to know why the sudden change of heart, and Liz explains that she just wants her daughter back. Elly wants to know what’s in it for her, and gets angry with her mother who explains that she’s simply offering to take her in. Elly storms out and says she’s staying in Erinsborough.

At number 32, Evan is trying to do the ironing when Maggie comes in and they begin bickering about her not refilling the iron before putting it back. She tells him that it needs to be empty or it’ll rust. They continue to argue about this until Maggie suggests that Evan goes somewhere else to do the ironing. Leo and Emily, who are busy packing books away, look upset and Leo comments that it’s a lot of fuss about ironing.
Michelle tells Connor that his entry into the radio logo competition has been disqualified. She claims that it was really obvious that burning the logo into the grass was a stupid idea. He says they’ll have to come up with another, better, idea and she seems pleased until Connor mentions Elly, at which point Michelle becomes very defensive. Joe walks in on Michelle and Connor arguing and Connor claims that Michelle is competitive, to which she takes offence.

Liz wonders how long Elly can stay in her room and Karl says he can’t blame her really. Liz thinks that Karl is being superior, and he claims that they all just want what’s best for Elly. She says she does love Elly, and Karl says that’s fine, but she needs to show it from time to time. Liz claims that taking her back to Sweden is doing that, but Karl wonders about her motives and she storms out. He follows her, asking if she’s remembered Elly’s birthday, she says he would just accuse her of being materialistic. Elly comes out as Liz leaves and Karl says he thinks he wound Liz up. Elly says that it doesn’t take much.
Maggie finds Leo cleaning and asks what they did to deserve this. He goes on to list all the chores he’s done and she sits him down, asking what he’s broken. He says he just wanted to be useful, because he wants to stay with her, rather than Evan. She looks upset and tells Leo that there’s not going to be a divorce, they all still love each other. Evan comes in with Emily and says they’re going out for an ice-cream and ask Leo to join them. Leo asks Maggie to come, but Evan tells Maggie she has work to do. She tells them all to go and have a good time, but looks very upset once they’ve gone.

At the coffee shop, Michelle gives Elly some earrings as an early birthday present. Elly is feeling a bit down and Michelle says it’s good that she stood up to her mother. Elly tells Michelle that her mum even forgot her birthday, but who needs mums when she’s got a friend like Michelle. She then checks out Michelle’s new top, which she says will definitely impress Connor. At the next table, Emily has finished her ice cream and asks for some money for another one. Evan says she’s had enough, but Emily explains that it’s for Maggie, to which Evan claims that it’ll melt in the car. Emily says that they should hurry then, but Evan says it’s just not practical. Leo asks if all the other stuff that’s been going on is practical and Emily says that they don’t want a divorce. Evan looks concerned.

At number 26 the next morning, Michelle is wearing her new top and Connor asks if she always gets that dolled up to hang around the house. Michelle tells Connor to clear the table, and he explains that he’s got some parts to fix Steph’s bike and she asks where he got them. He says they fell off a wall somewhere, but she doesn’t believe him.
Matt is preparing to visit his QC and Evan is trying to give him advice, but Maggie says it’s ok, it’s not a court visit. Evan asks if he should maybe just stay at home because she knows so much about these things but she tells him not to be so ridiculous. She then sends Matt out to the car so that she can have a word with his father. Evan claims they don’t have time, but she says they need to have things out. She tells him she’s sick of his games, of him using the children as a weapon against him. She tells him that she’s made her decision – she’s still there, so can’t they at least forgive and forget. He falters for a moment, then says they can’t leave Matthew waiting and heads off outside…


Liz arrives at the Kennedy house with a birthday gift for Elly. She asks if Karl reminded her, then walks off. Liz asks why Elly is so cold and distant and Elly says she’s just telling things how they are. Liz explains that she didn’t want Elly to be burdened by her, and that she couldn’t ruin Elly becoming a wonderful, independent girl. She tells Elly she loves her and Elly says the same.
Michelle watches from the window as Connor works on Steph’s bike in the driveway. Joe sees her and asks what’s so interesting. Michelle explains and Joe says that Connor is just helping out with other stuff since he can’t afford the rent. Michelle thinks that Connor probably got the parts for free, but Joe says there’s nothing wrong with that and that he likes having another bloke around. Michelle asks if Connor’s going to move out, and Joe says that he’s mentioned it and he wouldn’t blame him if he did. Michelle continues to watch Connor.

At the QC’s office, he explains to Matt, Evan and Maggie that he’s managed to negotiate a reduced sentence. Evan wants to know what’s so good about that, but Maggie tells him that it’s the best they’re likely to get. The QC then says he wants Matt to plead guilty to all charges, something which upsets Evan. Maggie explains that honesty goes a long way with some people, which is an obvious dig at Evan.
At number 26, Joe finds some invoices, showing that Connor paid for the bike parts, and is impressed. Jack phones to explain that he can’t make it to Steph’s wedding. Joe then gives the phone to Connor, who’s just come inside and Joe mentions to Michelle that it’s like having Jack back at home.

Karl gets home and finds Elly looking at a pendant that her mum gave her for her birthday. Karl then gives her a gift from him and Susan, and Elly goes on to explain today was the first time she believed her mother loved her and is now confused about whether she should go to Sweden. Karl says he’d miss her if she went, and he even quite liked the idea of being her dad. She opens her present and thanks Karl.

In the meeting, the QC tells Matt to play up on his remorse and the fact that he had a good previous record. Evan asks for the best case scenario, the QC explains Matt will lose his licence and may get a sentence, but it could be a suspended sentence and a fine. Matt asks if his parents can afford the fine, but they insist that Mal’s put in a good offer on the house.
At the Kennedys, Connor and Michelle are discussing how he came between her friendship with Elly. Elly and Karl come back from saying goodbye to her friends and Liz appears with all of Elly’s stuff packed. Elly then says her farewells to Connor and Michelle and they go to help Liz load the car. Elly tells Karl that she loves him.


Maggie tells Matt that he might not get a fine. Leo and Emily are worried that Matt will go to jail, and Evan accuses Maggie of trying to scare the children. Maggie sends the kids to the kitchen, and Matt tells them that they don’t need this. Once alone, Maggie accuses Evan of not even trying to move on and that Emily and Leo think they’re getting a divorce. Evan says that a divorce isn’t what he wants, and Maggie tells him that unless they resolve this, that’s exactly what’s going to happen…
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
Summary by Steve