
Magic Moments
> 2005
> Anniversary Week: Part One
Episode 4771
by Helen MacWhirter, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Title: Hat Trick
Lou is surprised to see Annalise back in town. David finds out that Lil has ended things with Paul once and for all. Susan hacks in to Izzy’s hospital files and finds that the father of her baby was unknown. Izzy asking Paul for his help and him telling her that the solution to her problems is very obvious…
At number 22, Lou is asleep on the lounge and someone is drawing a moustache and beard on his face. He wakes up with a start to find Philip Martin and Doug Willis standing over him, laughing. Little realising what they’ve done, Lou asks what’s going on and they explain that Doug found the spare key and they let themselves back in. They tell him that Annalise invited them down for the screening of the documentary, but that Ruth and Pam aren’t with them, as this is going to be a men only trip. They tell Lou that they’ve both taken early retirement and have come to invite Lou to join them on a fishing trip.



In Paul’s hospital room, Izzy doesn’t understand what Paul is talking about and asks him to spell it out to her. He explains to her that everyone used to hate him, until he lost his leg, now he can play the sympathy card and gets endless amounts of sympathy. Izzy is still confused, so Paul tells her that she needs to put a little twist on the truth.
At the General Store, Lil and Susan sit down to discuss the situation with Karl and Izzy. Susan believes that Karl should have been told by now and will be a mess, but the man himself then walks in. He asks the two women if they’ve seen Izzy, as she didn’t return home the night before. They explain that they haven’t and he leaves. Susan and Lil are shocked by Izzy’s actions and Lil thinks that this is Susan’s chance to tell Karl the truth. Susan doesn’t relish the idea and decides to give it some more time. Lil tells her not to wait too long, as it isn’t fair to leave somebody hanging like that. As she says this, she looks up at David.

Back in Paul’s hospital room, Izzy has heard his plan and is horrified at what he’s suggesting. He tells her that she’s in no position to judge and that she really needs the sympathy vote. Izzy disagrees, saying that she’ll tell Karl the truth and he’ll be fine with it because he really loves her. Paul very much doubts that Karl loves her that much, but Izzy insists that it’s true and she won’t stoop to Paul’s level.
At the General Store, Liljana approaches David at the counter. He thinks she’s going to ask for some cake, but she actually asks him if the offer for her to return to number 24 is still open. At first, David thinks she’s kidding, then he’s thrilled and they hug. Serena comes running out of the kitchen and they tell her the good news. As the three of them hug, Lou comes in, still with a beard drawn on his face, followed by Doug and Phil, who indicate to them not to say anything about it. Lou explains that Phil and Doug are two former residents of Ramsay Street, famous for their practical jokes. Doug says that some of the happiest days of his life were spent in Erinsborough and David happily agrees.
At Karl and Izzy’s flat, he’s relieved to see Izzy finally come through the door. She claims that she was drunk last night, so she crashed at Max’s, but Karl says that he’s already phoned Max. Izzy then tells him that she slept in the park because she was too scared to come home. She says that she doesn’t want Karl to hate her and insists that he tells her he loves her and that he’ll forgive her. Karl is confused and asks Izzy what she’s done…
Karl and Izzy are sitting down and she tells him that she loves him and she only did what she did because she was so scared that she was going to lose him. Karl takes her hand and asks her what she did. Izzy begins to break down as she tells Karl that the baby wasn’t his. Karl quickly removes his hands from hers and looks shocked.

At number 24, Serena is cleaning up the house as David carries Lil in through the front door. They want her to relax, but she insists that she’ll be happiest if she makes lunch for them. Serena insists that she and David will make dinner, in that case. David follows Lil into the kitchen and she asks him to back off a little bit as this is still a little bit strange for her. She also asks if they could clear out Harold’s office in the spare room so that she can use it for a while. David understands and agrees to give her some space.
Back at the flat, Izzy insists that she wasn’t just using Karl as a father for the baby and that, if that were the case, she’d have left after the miscarriage. She insists that she loves him, but Karl gets up and heads to the bedroom, telling Izzy that she’s leaving as he throws her things into a suitcase.



In Paul’s hospital room, he hears a noise and starts complaining, thinking it’s the nurse, who’s late for his physio session. However, he’s in for a shock when Rosemary pulls back the curtain. She tells him that she’s in town for a few reasons, and has come to make him an offer on Lassiter’s. She points out that he’s once again messed everything up and she’s not about to see Lassiter’s go down the gurgler. He insists that he won’t be selling and Lucy suddenly interrupts their conversation, bursting in with some flowers for her brother. As she sees the state Paul is in, she begins to cry and hugs him.
At the flat, Karl continues dumping Izzy’s belongings in a case, as she holds on to a photo from the bedside table. He then takes the frame and rips the picture out, saying that she let him grieve for another man’s child and that he had a great relationship with his own kids until Izzy came along. Karl promptly takes the case and throws it out the door, before taking Izzy out with it.

Outside, Izzy is in tears, saying that she has nowhere else to go. He reminds her of all the times he nearly walked out on her and went back to Susan, but he loved Izzy and the baby. He tells her that the time with her was wasted. As Karl walks away, Izzy suddenly blurts out that when she fell pregnant, she wasn’t with Gus any more. Karl stops and looks at her. He asks her what exactly she’s saying. She says that Gus wouldn’t take no for an answer, but she tried to stop him…
In Ramsay Street, Lil and Susan are standing outside number 28, watching Serena and David rush over to number 24 with her cases. Susan insists that she’ll miss Lil, but Lil suspects that Susan will only miss her home-made plum brandy. Lil tells her about a secret stash, but it seems that Susan has already found it. They say that they’ll miss each other and Lil asks Susan if she’s going to check up on Karl. Susan says that she’ll leave that for later, as right now, she’s going to catch up with some old friends.



At the bar, Doug, Phil and Susan are enjoying a catch-up, as Lou buys them some drinks. Phil says that he’s gone back to writing romance novels as Philippa Martinez in order to fund his retirement. Lou sits down with their drinks and they start joking about having grown a beard, as the drinks took so long. Lou notices his reflection in the tray, but luckily he sees the funny side of things. Lucy then wheels Paul into the bar. He wants to leave as he spots Phil, but Lucy insists that Robinsons don’t run away. Phil approaches them and starts verbally attacking Paul for setting him up for fraud 12 years ago and then doing a runner. Paul tries to act casually as Lou and Doug pull Phil away. Phil calls Paul scum, as Lucy looks embarrassed and Paul struggles to keep smiling.
At the flat, Izzy is explaining that Gus forced himself on her and that was when she fell pregnant. Karl asks why she didn’t report it to the police, but she says that she was too ashamed and that she didn’t want Karl to reject her because she was dirty and damaged. Karl insists that he wouldn’t have done that because he loved her and she says that she knows that now. She takes his hands and says that Gus only attacked her because she told him she was leaving him – for Karl…


Back at the bar, Susan, Lou, Phil and Doug are chatting about old times, remembering, amongst other things, Phil’s worm farm. Paul is looking miserable, but Lucy insists that he has as much right to be there as anyone. The Bishop family then enters and Serena approaches Paul, asking why he hasn’t left town already. She accuses him of moving on quickly with a new bimbo, until Lucy points out that she’s actually his sister. As Serena walks away, Paul asks Lucy if she has Rosemary’s mobile number, as he’d like to re-discuss the offer she made…
At number 24, Lil enters the kitchen to find that David and Serena have made quite a disaster of dinner. Lil wants to try and salvage it, but David decides that they’re going to have a take-away instead.


Back at the flat, Susan has called in to check on Karl. She’s surprised as she realises that Izzy has confessed, but Karl is even more surprised that Susan knew about this all along. Karl asks if she’s just trying to cause trouble, but Susan tells him that he should just be grateful that Izzy is finally out of his life. At that moment, a smug Izzy opens the bedroom door and looks at Susan, before closing it again. A disgusted Susan asks what lies Izzy has been telling now…
Notes: This episode saw the opening titles updated for the first time in 2005, to include Janelle, Janae, Dylan and Bree Timmins, as well as Paul Robinson. Those five characters are now also included in the regular cast list at the end of the episode.
To see the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve