
Magic Moments
> 2005
> Anniversary Week: Part Two
Episode 4772
by Megan Herbert, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Title: Out With The Trash
Serena tells Paul that he should leave town. Max tells Boyd and Kayla that they should be thanking Steph for giving them a break from the baby. Susan arrives to comfort Karl over Izzy, only to find that she’s still there. A shocked Susan asks him what lies Izzy has been telling this time…
At the flat, Karl tells Susan that Izzy has admitted to everything, and there are some details that Susan isn’t aware of. Susan scoffs at this, wondering what they could be, but Karl tells her that it’s none of her business. Susan wonders if Izzy simply said that she loved Karl, or whether she threatened to harm herself. Karl denies this, so Susan supposes that Izzy must have told a spectacular lie this time. Karl asks Susan to leave, telling her that Izzy has been through quite enough, and Susan laughs at the idea that Izzy is once again the victim. Karl tells Susan that he’ll put her hostility down to ignorance, as Susan asks him what she should put his ignorance down to. Susan then leaves, as a worried Izzy listens from behind the bedroom door.


At number 32, Boyd and Kayla are sitting on the couch and she thinks that she should go and check on Ashley. Boyd insists that Ashley is fine, and Kayla comments on what a quiet sleeper her baby is. Boyd remembers that his dad told him he was a noisy sleeper and he asks Kayla what she was like as a baby. She admits that she doesn’t know, as she wasn’t planned by her parents and her mum never spoke about it. Boyd then tries to find out what Kayla was like before she fell pregnant, what kind of music she liked, etc and Kayla asks him if this is a job interview. He apologises, saying that there’s just so much that they don’t know about each other. Steph then appears from the bedroom and eavesdrops on their conversation. Boyd leans over to kiss Kayla, but she pulls away, then apologises, as Steph carefully observes the scene.
At the bar, Annalise is interviewing Toadie for the documentary. When she mentions the Kennedy divorce, Toadie suddenly gets up, deciding that he doesn’t really want to talk about that. She continues to pester him, until she realises that it’s not going to make any difference, as he’s too loyal to the Kennedys to gossip about them. As Toadie then walks over t the bar, a person dressed as Darth Vader begins to attack him. He thinks it’s one of his nutty wrestling fans, and, as Annalise records the scene, he gets him into a wrestling hold. Struggling free, Darth Vader removes his helmet and reveals that it’s Lance. He and Toadie hug and Lance explains that he was in town for a Deep Space Nine convention and thought he’d check out Annalise’s documentary at the same time. He tells Toadie that he and Allana are now running their own sci-fi conventions and he’s going to be in town long enough to relive a few number 30 memories. Toadie tells him that it’s now called the House of Trouser, but Lance says that he’ll be happy, as long as there’s still mould in the fridge and stains on the couch.



At the hospital, Lucy is helping Paul back into his bed, and she asks him why he continued to pursue Lil when he knew that she was married – and had a child. Paul tells her that it seemed to be a good idea when he was doing it, but he doesn’t love her any more, he hates her. Lucy doesn’t believe him, pointing out that he’s obsessed with Lil, but he repeats that he hates her. She then brings up the subject of his children. He explains that he speaks to Chrissie once a month, but Andrew never seems to be at home, and also mentions that Gail seems to keep the triplets so busy with extra-curricular activities that they never have time to talk to him. Lucy tells him that Lucinda is the one that misses him most, but Paul says that even she is never around when he calls. Lucy reminds him that he’s hardly a stable father figure, especially now that he’s going to sell up to Rosemary and move on again. She tells him that he needs a proper home if he’s ever going to be a decent father.
In Karl and Izzy’s bedroom, Izzy brings him in a drink and climbs into the bed next to him. Karl admits that he doesn’t understand why Susan has to keep interfering, but Izzy reminds him that Susan doesn’t know the full story and her opinion might be different if she did. Izzy reminds Karl that it isn’t Susan he should be angry with, and Karl tells her that she should have gone to the police at the time. Izzy starts crying once again and says that she just desperately wanted to turn something bad into something good. She says that they would have made a great family, and that even after the baby died, she couldn’t risk telling the truth, as she was too scared of losing Karl.
At number 32, Ashley is crying and Kayla is trying to settle her down when Steph appears. Kayla apologises if she woke Steph, but Steph explains that she just came out to put the clothes in the drier. Kayla offers to do it, since she’s up anyway. Steph asks where Boyd is and Kayla explains that he’s asleep, defending him by pointing out that he has a lot of schoolwork on at the moment. She says that she doesn’t know any men who would do this much for their own kids, never mind someone else’s. Steph agrees, saying that Boyd gives his everything when he commits to something, but that’s all part of loving someone. Kayla quickly changes the subject, suggesting that she should try and lay Ashley down. Steph looks down at the baby and asks Kayla if she looks anything like her biological father. Kayla quietly replies ‘a bit’ before walking away.
Back in Karl and Izzy’s bedroom, Karl is quietly getting out of bed and grabbing his clothes, but Izzy wakes up. She asks what’s wrong and he tells her that he’s just going to sit up for a while and sort his head out. Izzy goes back to sleep.

At the Scarlet Bar, Karl has finished one beer and is asking an uncertain Max for another, when two men come in talking loudly about how disappointed they are that the sexy blonde barmaid – the scarlet woman – isn’t in there tonight. Karl quickly flies off the handle and grabs one of the men by the throat. Max quickly breaks it up and forces Karl to go into the office. Once in there, he asks Karl if he and Izzy have been fighting again, as he’s noticed how fragile she’s been lately. Karl gets angry with Max for letting people like that into the bar, but Max says that neither he nor Izzy care about people like that, it’s just a bit of fun. Karl starts shouting, saying that Izzy thought that Gus was harmless, but she went through something that no woman should have to go through – all because of Gus.
At number 30, Susan is delighted to see Lance and hugs him. He tells her now sorry he is about the divorce, just as Annalise once again appears with her camera. She asks them if they could hug again so she can get a shot. Toadie tells Annalise that he doesn’t remember giving her a pass to film in the house and Susan quickly leaves. Annalise then begins questioning Lance about his love life as Toadie grows more uncomfortable. Annalise asks Lance how he gets all the gorgeous girls – Allana, Carmella… - and Lance asks who Carmella is. Annalise checks her notes and realises that it was Connor who dated Carmella, but Lance and Connor are so alike that she got confused. As Toadie tries to push Annalise out of the house, Annalise points out that Toadie replaced one nerd with another. Toadie tries to play it down, but an unimpressed Lance asks Toadie how long it was before he was replaced…


At number 32, Steph is holding Ashley as Boyd does some study. Boyd tells her to tickle her feet as it’ll make her smile and he tells Steph that it sometimes scares him when he thinks about how much he loves Ashley. Steph tells him that she hopes he feels that way about Kayla one day too. Boyd gets defensive, but Steph points out that it would just make things a lot easier. As Boyd leaves, Max comes stomping in. Steph tells him that she’d hoped a good night’s sleep would clear his bad mood and she asks him what’s wrong. He tells her that it’s Izzy…
Outside Lassiter’s, Karl tells Izzy that he thinks they should leave for their European trip as soon as possible and that he’s going to see the travel agent to arrange it all. A delighted Izzy kisses him, just as Susan comes along. She shakes her head as she sees them and, as Izzy walks over to the bar, Karl calls after Susan. He apologises to her for what happened last night and explains that Izzy made him come and apologise. Susan then asks Karl if Izzy will ever feed him a line that he won’t swallow…


Kayla is sitting with Ashley in the park, telling her she’s gorgeous and that she takes after her dad. Boyd walks up behind them and overhears this. He asks her if she still has feelings for Anthony and she doesn’t deny it, explaining that they were together for two years. Boyd wonders if they have any chance if they don’t love each other. Kayla then asks Boyd if he wants out of it, but she also tells him that she’s happy and loves the way he is with Ashley. Boyd wonders why the baby is always smiling – she must know something they don’t.
At the bar, Max and Steph walk in and Steph is thrilled to see Lance. She stops to hug him as Max approaches Izzy at the bar. Izzy is waxing lyrical about her upcoming holiday when a disinterested Max grabs her arm and pulls her into the office. Max then confronts Izzy with the information about Gus and she tries to talk her way out of it, but Max asks her directly if it’s a lie. He points out that if Gus had really raped her, she’d have told everyone about it at the time and wouldn’t have stopped until she had everyone’s sympathy. Izzy crumbles, saying that she did it to protect Karl, but she can’t possibly tell him the truth. Karl suddenly appears in the doorway and says that she won’t have to tell him, as he heard everything…






Outside the bar, Susan and Paul watch as Izzy chases Karl, with Steph and Max following close behind. She tries to tell him that she loves him, and that’s all that should matter but as she goes to grab him, he pushes her away and she falls to the ground in an embarrassing heap. Max is about to go and help her, but Steph stops him. Karl then throws the airline tickets at her and she pleads with him not to leave her. She tells him how much she loves him, but he replies that she only loves herself and that she is the lowest person there is. He tells her she makes him sick and she begs with him that there much be something she can do to make it up. He tells her that if Gus were still alive, he’d have gone out and killed him himself, because that’s how much he loved her. He then walks away, leaving Izzy, as well as the gathered audience, in shock.
Toadie introduces an excited Lance to the bikini shop and Lance tells Toadie that he’s the luckiest man alive. Toadie explains that the shop actually isn’t making much money and he might have to close it down. Lance quickly offers to leave his job and work there for a month to turn business round, even offering to do it for free. As Toadie begins to laugh, Lance realises that his arch-nemesis Connor already works there.


Karl is sitting on a bench by Lassiter’s in tears, as Susan and Lyn walk by. Lyn is trying to find out about the Karl and Izzy situation in her usual subtle way, insisting that she’s just trying to be a friend to Susan. Susan tells Lyn that it isn’t fair for them to gossip behind Karl’s back, but Lyn insists that she isn’t gossiping. Susan then spots Karl and goes over to him, as Lyn arches her eyebrows and walks away. Susan sits beside Karl and slowly places her hand on his leg. He looks up at her and takes hold of her hand, as she sympathetically looks back at him.
At number 32, Max is furious with Izzy, telling Steph that he isn’t sure he’s going to be able to forgive her this time. Just then, there’s a knock at the door – it’s Izzy, pleading with Max that she needs somewhere to stay. He tells her that she’ll have to work this one out on her own, before slamming the door in her face.



In the street, Izzy reaches her car, just as Susan is leaving her house. Izzy looks over at Susan, unable to even form any words to insult and blame her. Susan looks at her with little more than pity, before putting a rubbish bag in the wheelie bin and dusting off her hands. She then looks over at Izzy one more time, before returning to the house. Izzy then drops her bags and breaks down.
To see the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve