
Magic Moments
> 2005
> Anniversary Week: Part Four
Episode 4774
by John Upton, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Title: Left Holding The Baby
Harold proposes a toast to ‘Neighbours’. Peter Reece demands to speak to Steph and Max about why Boyd lied and why Kayla has been living with them…
At number 24, Sky, Joe, Harold, David and Lil arrive back from the documentary viewing and are talking about how wonderful it was. Joe disagrees with the others, and says that he saw nothing but people feuding on that screen, especially when Sarah came on and blew a kiss to Karl. He also mentions that he picked up on the tension between Lil and Paul, which leaves everyone feeling awkward. Joe then asks where he’ll be sleeping and Sky tells him that he’ll have to sleep on the sofa as there’s no room anywhere else. Joe remembers that there used to be three and a bit bedrooms, and works out that the bit should still be free, little realising that Lil and David aren’t currently sharing a room. Everyone else vanishes to the kitchen whilst Sky sits her dad down to explain everything that’s been going on.


At number 32, Kayla continues to apologise to Steph and Max as the family arrives home. She realises that she shouldn’t have put the Hoyland’s house down as her address on the forms. Max insists that it isn’t Kayla’s fault, as they knew what they were doing was wrong. Boyd asks if they’ll be able to appeal the decision, but an upset Steph tells him that the list is very long and they have now blown their only chance.
Back at number 24, Sky has explained everything to Joe and he isn’t very subtle about it as he realises that David and Lil are in separate rooms. Joe is shocked about everything that’s been happening in Ramsay Street, commenting that the most excitement he had when he lived there was the dog running away. Joe then mentions Dylan, who he noticed Sky sharing a few looks with, and asks her why she isn’t talking to him. Sky explains that she and Dylan have agreed not to see each other for a month, but Joe gives Sky the idea to go and meet up with him now, as what Harold doesn’t know won’t hurt him.


Back at number 32, Boyd and Kayla are sitting with Ashley, when Max emerges from the bedroom. They ask after Steph, and Max says that she’s going to need some time. As he leaves, Kayla feels terrible for ruining everything and Boyd suggests that they get their own flat, as this whole situation is killing Steph. Kayla reminds him that they wouldn’t be able to afford their own place, but Boyd says that he’ll give up school and get a job. She reminds him that he won’t be qualified for much and will be working hard for little money. She also tells him that he’s smart and has a loving family – he shouldn’t give it up for her. He tells her that he wants to.
Later, Kayla is just finishing changing Ashley as Boyd approaches her to see if she’s had any more thoughts on them getting their own place. She insists that she’s not comfortable with the idea of him leaving school, but he assures her that he can go back and finish it later, if he ever needs to. He tells her that she needs to stay positive, as they’ll be able to cope on their own and Max and Steph will be fine without them there.
The next morning, at number 24, a naked Joe is asleep on the couch when a horrified Harold walks out of the bedroom and spots him. David and Lil then walk into the room and are also shocked. When Sky walks out, Harold tries to stop her from seeing the naked man on the couch, but Sky simply walks up to him and grabs his feet, telling him to wake up. Joe covers himself with a sheet and apologises, saying he’s been living in the bush too long. He then goes off to “drain the spuds” in the garden.
In the backyard, Dylan is busy gardening, when Joe comes out and starts chatting to him as he “drains his spuds” over the petunias. Joe asks Dylan why he’s doing the gardening and Dylan explains that he’s just helping out. Joe thinks there’s something else going on and assures Dylan that he’s the one he needs to impress, not Harold any more. He also warns him that he’d better behave himself where Sky is concerned.


Back inside, Joe walks in and mentions that he met Dylan, who didn’t bat an eyelid as he was “pointing percy at the petunias.” A shocked David quickly excuses himself to go for a power-walk and Lil quickly arranges to meet up with him later that day. Back in the kitchen, Joe is telling Harold that he thinks Sky’s ban on Dylan is a bit harsh, but Harold then explains that Dylan trashed the house. Joe realises that he must have misjudged Dylan, but Sky insists that he didn’t and that she wants to explain. Joe tells her that he’s heard enough from her.
Over at number 32, Max and Steph are in the lounge room when Boyd and Kayla announce that they’re going out to find somewhere to live and hope to be gone by the end of the week. Max is angry at this idea, particularly as Boyd is going to give up school, but Boyd is insistent, forcing Steph to admit how unhappy she is. But she also agrees with Max, warning the kids that they’re not in love and they won’t be able to build a happy home without it. Boyd insists that she’s wrong, but when she asks them both if they’re in love with each other, neither of them answers. Steph tells them that things are only going to get worse if they keep on pretending like this.


In the park, Kayla is sitting on a swing, pushing Ashley in her pram when Boyd comes over. He tells her that Steph didn’t mean what she said, she just needed to take her anger out on someone. Kayla tells Boyd that they shouldn’t be together. Boyd insists that Ashley needs both of them in her life, but Kayla says that, although Boyd is the nicest person she’s ever met, she doesn’t love him, because she’s still in love with Anthony, Ashley’s dad.
In Ramsay Street, Dylan is doing some work on his car when an annoyed Joe approaches him, calling him all sorts for trashing the Bishop house. He adds that he won’t be seeing Sky any more. Dylan then puts across his side of the story, listing all of the ways David insulted his family, but concedes that he was in the wrong. Dylan explains that David refused to listen to reason. Joe insists that this doesn’t excuse wrecking the house, and Dylan agrees, saying that he’s grown up now and is happy to accept the ban. Dylan continues to say that he’s extremely protective of his family and Joe has been won round, but before leaving, he clips Dylan round the ear, telling him that he behaved like an idiot.



At Lassiter’s, Lil and David are discussing what sort of alcohol they want with lunch as they approach the bar. He decides on champagne, but only a cheap one, and she goes inside to get it. As he waits, a woman named Jackie walks up to him and is happy to see him, telling David that she’s in town on business, so it must be destiny for them to meet up. He looks worried as she asks why he didn’t call after their first date, so David explains that he’s had a rough time lately. She tells him she knows what it’s like and asks him to join her for a coffee. David says he’s a bit busy, but whilst she’s insisting, Lil returns from the bar. Jackie realises that this is “the wife” and wishes David could just have been honest to start with. Jackie walks off as Lil looks at David, wondering what just happened.
At number 32, Kayla tells Ashley how much she loves her and kisses her on the forehead. She then places her back in her crib and puts a note next to her.


Back at Lassiter’s, David is explaining that after the revelations about Paul, he went to Geelong for three days and met Jackie there. The two of them got chatting and realised that they had a lot in common, before one thing led to another… Lil suddenly asks if they slept together, before retracting the question, stating that she had no right to ask.
In the backyard of number 24, Harold is gardening as Joe tells Sky that Dylan is one of those bad boys that they talked about. Sky disagrees, but Joe then goes on to say that Dylan’s heart is in the right place. Sky is thrilled to be able to see Dylan again, but Harold isn’t too pleased to have his authority stomped all over, particularly as Joe won’t be around for long. Joe then breaks the news to a thrilled Sky and a slightly confused Harold that he might not actually be going back to W.A.


At number 32, Boyd comes in, asking Max and Steph if they’ve seen Kayla. They haven’t, so Boyd goes over to pick up Ashley and they spot the note. Boyd hands Ashley to Steph and reads the note, announcing that Kayla has gone and she wants Steph to have the baby.
To see the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve