Magic Moments
> 2005
> The Plane Crash: Part One
Episode 4836
by Peter Mattessi, Directed
by Chris Adshead
Title: What Goes Up...
Harold offers his plane tickets to David and Liljana. Serena tells Connor that their relationship is over. Dylan tells Stingray that Roo is going to hand in the gun, used in the hold-up, to the police...
In an aircraft hangar, a mysterious person approaches the plane and attaches a bomb to its engine. Next to the bomb, is a small picture of Paul and Izzy. The bomb begins its countdown from 6 hours, 30 minutes… as Izzy, Paul and Elle start to get things ready for the flight. Paul promises that there’ll be plenty of time for him to spend with both of them once they’re up in the air. As Paul goes off to talk to one of the workmen, Izzy and Elle stop smiling and get back to bitching, as Elle says that she can’t wait to spend some time with her “cool stepmum”.



At number 24, Harold is practising the tuba, when David comes in. He explains that, as a way of thanking his dad for the plane tickets, he’s arranged some private tuba lessons with Trevor Foley, who is the tuba expert in the Eden Hills community orchestra. Harold is delighted, as Trevor is normally very difficult to get in touch with.
At number 26, Stingray is agitated, waiting for the police to turn up. In the kitchen, Sky is telling Dylan all about her experiences in the exam they’ve just done and Dylan then breaks the news that he has more study to do and can’t come on the Lassiter’s anniversary flight. Sky doesn’t believe him, and Dylan admits that he’s had a falling out with Paul, but Sky’s phone rings and she leaves before he can say any more. Sky’s phone makes Stingray jump and he comes into the kitchen, asking how Dylan can be so calm. Dylan explains that he wiped his prints off the gun, so they’ll be fine.

At the police station, Stuart enters Steiger’s office and says that they had an anonymous tip-off, and found a gun in Chambers Park, West Waratah. He suspects that it’s the same weapon used in the service station robbery and Steiger tells him to send it off to check for prints and they can take another look at the security tape footage.
At number 24, Liljana is laughing as she watches David pack two spare shirts for one night away from home. She reminds him that they have shops in Tasmania. Sky asks Lil and David how they’re going to cope with Paul being on the flight, but they don’t see him as a reason to knock back a free night away. Sky then explains that Dylan’s not coming, and Harold mentions that Lou isn’t either, so he’s offered his ticket to Serena. Serena doesn’t want to know and flounces off to the lounge room as Lil follows. Harold tells David that it’s good to see him and Lil getting on so well these days, as Sky goes to find something for Serena to wear on the flight. Meanwhile, Serena is telling her mum that she wants to trust Connor but he lied to her. Lil reminds her that sometimes people can do bad things for the right reasons.

At number 30, a nervous Connor awaits Toadie’s return. As he walks in the door, Connor says that he needs a word, but Toadie is too busy as he needs to change for the flight. Connor then suddenly announces that he stole the money from Bounce and Toadie is horrified.
At number 28, Alex shows Susan the new 40s-style outfit he’s got for her and she’s slightly confused. He then presents her with the plane tickets and she’s still not exactly bubbling over with enthusiasm. He thinks that it’s because the tickets came from Karl, but she explains that it’s actually because she’ll be trapped in a confined space, then a casino, with Izzy. Alex explains that they don’t need to sit near Izzy on the plane and they won’t be at the casino – they’ll be sharing a hot tub in a luxury hotel suite. Susan is won over and they kiss.

Back at the police station, Stu tells Steiger that they only found a couple of partial prints on the gun and have matched them to seven suspects. Steiger takes a look at the seven suspects, when Stu suddenly recognises one of them – Dylan.
At number 30, Connor is trying to explain how desperate he was when he took the money, but Toadie is still furious and suggests that he could have offloaded his mortgage repayments rather than steal from a friend. Connor says that he’s going to confess to the police, but Toadie doesn’t seem to care what Connor does.
At the bar, Paul offers Dylan a lift to the airport, but Dylan explains that he won’t be going. Paul apologises for being a little harsh towards Dylan the other day, he was just worried for him, as jail changes people. Paul tells Dylan that he won’t be going to jail and he needs to come on the flight so they can talk strategies. He tells him that the worst-case scenario is that he just won’t be able to go home.
At number 30, Serena calls in to see Connor and tells him that he doesn’t look too good. She suggests that they share a cab to the airport so they can have a chat. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to go on the flight and he has to take care of something, so she leaves. Toadie then walks by and Connor asks if he can go with Serena on the flight and talk things through with her, then go to the cops when he gets back. Toadie says that he doesn’t care if Connor never comes back.

At number 24, everyone is dressed up and ready to leave for the flight, including Susan and Alex. Susan is laughing at their costumes and starts making movie star-esque poses and Harold, who’s the only one not dressed up, says that he feels like he’s in Casablanca. Lil says that David looks a lot like Humphrey Bogart and they share a kiss.
At the police station, Steiger and Stuart are interviewing Rob, the service station assistant who Dylan robbed, and they show him the various mug shots. Rob immediately recognises Dylan and Stu looks awkward.


Back at number 24, Sky and Serena share a hug on the couch as Sky tries to cheer her cousin up. Meanwhile, Lil is trying to read the coffee grounds but can’t find anything in David’s cup. She thinks that it’s just because he drained his cup too quickly. Susan looks into the cup and says that she sees hours of torture ahead of them, but that’s just because Isabelle will be there. Connor arrives at the door and Serena is delighted to see him all suited up and they share a kiss, just as the taxis arrive. Susan, Alex, Connor and Sky all go outside, as the Bishops stay behind to say goodbye to Harold and thank him for the tickets. Harold tells David that he loves him and they share a hug. They all go in for a group hug, but Serena quickly breaks it up and they leave, with Lil calling back “Ta ta Tata!”.
At number 26, Steiger and Stu arrive to arrest Dylan. Stingray answers the door and panics, but is met by more police officers as he tries to run out the back door. Steiger grabs Stingray and demands to know where Dylan is. Stingray claims not to know.

Later, Stingray is sitting on the couch, refusing to tell them anything until his lawyer arrives. Steiger warns him that he could be charged as an accessory. Toadie then arrives and tells Steiger that he can’t interrogate a minor without an adult present and anything Stingray has said will be inadmissible in court. He then asks the cops to leave.
Back at the airport hangar, the bomb counts down into its final hour. Izzy and Elle are still bitching, but quickly stop when Paul walks towards them. Lil and David are looking at the plane and wonder if it’s completely safe. Lil mocks David and says that it’ll probably fall apart, before telling him to relax and kissing him.


At number 26, Stingray is refusing to tell Toadie what happened, fearing that his brother will go back to jail. Toadie says that he’ll only make things worse if he doesn’t speak now.
Back at the airport, Sky is sorting out Serena’s hair and Connor is getting slightly over-excited as they look over and see the silhouette of Dylan arrive and Sky runs over to him, a la Casablanca. People start to get ready to board the plane, as Lil makes a dig at Izzy about Elle looking young and gorgeous. Elle and Sky then compliment each other on their outfits, as Paul takes a worried Dylan aside and tells him to just enjoy himself. Paul then goes up the steps of the plane and tells everyone that they’re about to have a night they’ll never forget.




The plane takes off over Melbourne and, moments later, Stuart and Steiger screech into the airport and spot it. Steiger tells Stu to get in touch with the police in Tasmania and have them waiting for Dylan in Launceston.





Aboard the plane, Serena notices how worried Connor is and tells him to relax, as they’ve got plenty of time to talk about things. She tells him that she couldn’t live without him. Paul approaches Dylan for a word and Sky looks concerned. At the back of the plane, Paul tells Dylan that the pilot has explained that the police will be waiting when the plane lands. He assures Dylan that he’ll do everything he can to stop him from going to jail. Dylan sits down and tells Sky that he loves her. Izzy sits down and notices a note in the seat pocket in front of her. The envelope reads ‘To my one and only’ and she smiles and looks over at Paul. She opens it and the note reads ‘Think about your life – and everything you’ve done’. Izzy looks worried and starts looking around her… as the bomb continues to count down…
To see the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve