Magic Moments
> 2005
> The Plane Crash: Part Two
Episode 4837
by John Hanlon, Directed
by Chris Adshead
Title: The Joy Flight
A bomb is planted on the plane before it takes off. Dylan is picked out as the service station robber and Steiger asks Stingray where his brother is. Paul explains to Dylan that the police are waiting for him in Launceston. Izzy finds a note on the plane telling her to think about her life and everything she’s done…
On the plane, the bomb enters its final ten minutes. Alex is chatting to Lil, David and Susan about China’s advances in nanotechnology, but Susan quickly quietens him down and Lil pretends that she’d been enjoying the conversation. Susan jokes that she’s with Alex for his body, not his mind and they share a kiss, as do Lil and David. Izzy mentions the note to Paul, who knows nothing about it and suspects that it was left behind from an earlier flight. Paul goes to talk to Susan and Izzy confronts Elle about the note. Elle insists that she knows nothing about it.



At the police station, Stu is interviewing Stingray, who refuses to say anything until Toadie, his lawyer, gets back. Stu points out to Stingray that he could be charged with being an accessory to armed robbery, which carries a long-term jail sentence. Just then, Toadie returns and asks for some time alone with his client. Stuart stops the tape and leaves, as Toadie tells Stingray that he needs to start talking so that they can work out the best way to save him from jail.
At number 26, Bree answers the phone and tells her mum that it’s a publisher, who’s interested in her book. Janelle is delighted, but then it dawns on her that she hasn’t sent her book to any publishers and she believes that it’s all an elaborate joke by Joe. Janelle takes the phone and tells the caller that she’s probably never read a book in her life and to tell “Mangel” that the joke hasn’t worked. Bree is astonished and points out that it was Melody Jones, the biggest publisher in Melbourne, who appears on tv all the time. The phone rings again and Janelle answers, with a little less force this time.

Back at the police station, Stingray has explained everything to Toadie and Stuart, but Stu isn’t quite convinced and thinks it’s all a story. Stingray says again that Dylan had no option – he had to rob the service station or his little brother would have been killed. Stu still isn’t convinced and he suspends the interview.
On the plane, the bomb continues to count down as Lil asks David how he’d feel if she had a little flutter at the casino later on. He insists that he wouldn’t mind, and they then spot Connor and Serena huddled up deep in conversation. Connor has explained everything about the robbery and thinks that Serena shouldn’t forgive him, but she tells him that she does.


At the police station, Stu remains unconvinced that the story about Roo is true, as it just seems like a convenient way of getting the Timmins brothers off the hook. Toadie tells Stu that they should check out Roo Hausman and when he supposedly escaped from prison. Stingray asks about Dylan and Stu explains that the police are waiting in Launceston to arrest him when the plane lands.
Back on the plane, the bomb counts down from 34 seconds. Alex jokes with Susan about joining the mile high club.


19 seconds. 18 seconds. 17 seconds. Sky sees how depressed Dylan looks and asks him to tell her what’s wrong. He realises that everyone will soon know and he turns to tell her the truth…
3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second. One of the plane’s engines explodes and everyone gets thrown around the plane and they start to scream…
At number 26, Bree is also screaming at a tv show and Janelle excitedly tells her that Melody wants to publish her book. Janelle explains that Melody thought it was a delightful pack stitch – Bree corrects her to pastiche – of suburban life and they start celebrating, spinning around. Janelle stops and is shocked when she thinks she’s seen Dylan in the kitchen. She thinks she’s just dizzy.
Back on the plane, Paul is talking to the pilots, trying to work out what the hell has happened. They tell him to sit back down as they’re trying to land the plane safely. Paul makes his way back to his seat and David grabs his arm and asks what’s happening. Everyone quickly puts on their life jackets and Paul assures David that the pilots have everything under control. David tells Serena to read the safety card. Paul sits down and comforts Elle, as Alex asks Susan what’s going to happen to Rachel and Zeke. Susan assures him that Karl will look after them. Everyone is panicking as the pilots continue to try to regain control of the plane. Izzy frantically calls Karl and tells him that she’s sorry and she truly loves him, as both Susan and Paul look on in shock. David and Lil share a kiss and Elle looks up at her shocked father.



At the police station, Janelle and Bree have now arrived and Janelle decides that Dylan has gone too far and she’s washed her hands of him. Toadie explains that Stingray’s charges probably won’t stick once the police investigate everything properly. Stingray tries to explain that Dylan was protecting him, but Janelle refuses to listen and says that Dylan has always been a criminal and will get what he deserves. Toadie quietens her down and asks for some time alone with his family.
Back on the plane, Connor is praying as a tearful Serena clings on to him. Susan also holds on to Alex. Dylan becomes hysterical and tells Sky that he’s realised that he really loves his mum. He calls out to her as everyone looks around, concerned. Sky then joins in and realises that the next life is going to be a big adventure and she might even get to see her mum again. They hold on to each other and accept their fate. Paul holds Elle and tells her that she’s given him a second chance at life. Lil and David worriedly look at each other and Connor holds on tight to Serena.



Back at the police station, Janelle is wishing she’d left Dylan to fend for himself after he got out of juvenile detention last time. Bree says that Dylan’s done really well and is a great brother. Stingray agrees, and says that he’s a better son than him. Janelle insists that Dylan is no longer her son.
On the plane, one of the pilots radios to say that they won’t make it to land as they’re almost out of fuel. Everyone is panicking in the plane, until it suddenly goes silent. Paul realises that they’ve run out of fuel and he hugs Elle, before telling Izzy that he loves her. She doesn’t reply. Serena also climbs forward to tell her parents that she loves them. Alex and Susan share a kiss and are sad about the short time they’ve had to share with each other. Dylan tells Sky that he wishes he had another chance so he could spend all of his life with her. The pilot tells everyone to adopt the brace position and wishes them luck for the landing. Lil kisses David, and everyone adopts the brace position, as the plane hits the water…






The moon lights up the plane wreckage in the Bass Strait. Serena and Connor are trapped under a piece of floating wreckage. Serena starts calling out to her parents and Connor reassures her that they’ll be fine.
Outside, Susan clings on to a piece of the plane, screaming for Alex. Izzy then appears, and Susan grabs her and pulls her in as she floats past. They realise that there’s nobody else around and it’s just them now. They hear Elle screaming for someone to help her and Izzy goes, despite Susan telling her that it’s just not safe. Alone, Susan starts calling out to Izzy as she slowly slips under the water…



At the police station, Stingray continues to tell him mother that Roo is to blame. Bree wonders how they’re going to pay for all of the legal costs and Toadie says that he’ll do it for free. Just then, Stuart walks in and announces that the plane has gone down in the Bass Strait.
In the water, Izzy reaches Elle and helps her back to the wreckage, where Susan was. Izzy realises that Susan is no longer there and starts calling out to her.

Serena and Connor are clinging on to each other, when he realises that the wreckage is going to sink soon and they need to get outside before it does. He says that they’ll have to remove their life jackets so that they can swim under, and she obliges. The pair of them take a deep breath and disappear under the water…

Dylan is floating in the water and he starts to come around and realises where he is. He starts screaming out for Sky as it becomes clear that he’s all on his own, a long way from the plane and the other survivors…
To see the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve