Magic Moments
> 2005
> Christmas 2005
Episode 4874
by Sterling S. Reed, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: All I Want For Christmas
Toadie suggests to Ned that cook up a Christmas barbie like he did last year with Stu and… someone else, and he looks back at Connor. Kim is told that there’s a riot at the prison. Dylan tells Roo that he has a choice not to get a life sentence, but only if he doesn’t use the knife…
At number 26, Bree and Janae return from their Christmas shopping trip when they see the worried looks on Janae and Kim’s faces. Janelle immediately asks if something has happened to Dylan and Stingray.

At the prison, Stingray is trying to get one of the guards to tell him what’s happened to Dylan, and is losing his temper when Dylan returns. Dylan looks upset as Stingray tries to find out whether they’re in the clear. Dylan then turns and smiles at his brother, who is delighted.
At number 32, Lyn and Oscar arrive with some gifts. Lyn tells Steph that Susan’s gone to spend Christmas with Libby, before giving some presents to Boyd and Summer. Steph asks if there’s anything for her, and Lyn suddenly produces the box that she went under the house to get. Everyone is surprised and Lyn admits that she was worried about the box, but had to bring it back when she realised how worried Steph was. Boyd goes to put it back.

At number 24, Harold worriedly reads a letter as he comes into the house. Sky is on the phone to Lana, so she ends the calls and asks Harold what’s wrong. He says that it’s a note from Connor, who has decided to make some alternative arrangements for Christmas. Harold is about to go and speak to Toadie about the situation, when Sky offers to go to the soup kitchen with him on Christmas Day, then they can have lunch together. He agrees to this, but still looks very upset.
At number 26, Kim is still trying to find out if Stingray and Dylan have been harmed in the riot. Meanwhile, Bree and Janae are chatting about Bree’s over-eating at past Christmasses as Kim listens in. When Janelle comes in, he tells her that he wishes he could have been there in the past, but she tells him that him being there now is the best present they could have got. Kim then gets through to someone on the phone and finds out that the boys are alright. Lyn returns with her bags of shopping and tries to discreetly check Janae’s clothing size with Janelle. Janelle suddenly looks alarmed and says that she always forgets one of the kids, every year, and this year, it’s Janelle. She runs out the door, past Janae and Bree, who realise what’s going on. Janae thinks that it can’t be her again, as Janelle forgot her last year.

The next morning, outside number 22, Paul is supervising as various men bring in boxes of food and drink, when Izzy appears, dressed in a sexy Santa outfit. Elle gets out of a taxi and explains that her flight was cancelled, during to an airport workers’ strike, so she had to come back. She sees all the food and drink and wonders if it’s all a little extravagant, and Paul says that it sure is. Harold and Sky come down the driveway and spot the happy family scene outside number 22. Sky isn’t impressed, but Harold tells her not to think badly. Sky still thinks that it’s obscene, and Harold glares across at Paul.
At number 26, Lyn is showing Oscar that Santa has been, as he drank the beer and ate the biscuits that they left out. She then helps him move a big box to reveal a new bike for Oscar, who promptly goes and hides inside the box. Kim, Janelle and Bree then come in and are busy handing out gifts, but Janae just wants to go and see Boyd. As she opens the door, there’s a huge box on the doorstep. Janelle thinks it’s for her from Kim, Janae thinks it’s from Boyd and Lyn thinks it’s from Joe, but their questions are answered when Stingray and Dylan burst out of it. Everyone is thrilled to see them.

Later, the Timmins family is gathered around, listening to the story of how Stu managed to get them out of prison. Janelle hugs her boys, delighted to have them back.
At number 32, Max and Steph are surprised to find that Boyd and Summer both love the gifts they’ve been given, and Max realises that he might finally be becoming cool. Steph happily tells Max that she had no more Drew dreams last night, probably because the box is now back. Lyn and Oscar arrive and she tells them about Dylan and Stingray being home. Max agrees to help Lyn bring some food over – once Boyd has opened his VCE results. He explains to Lyn that he and Sky agreed not to open them until Christmas Day and then nervously opens them. Everyone is thrilled when he announces that he scored a 99.6.
Outside, Janae sees Boyd running over, then realises he’s headed towards Sky. He tells her that he scored a 99.6 and she says that she got an 85 – so they’re both good enough for the courses they wanted. They share a hug, as Janae smiles.
At number 22, Janelle has turned up to tell Paul about the boys being home and to thank him for everything he did. As Izzy joins Paul at the door, she’s alarmed to hear Janelle proclaim that she and Paul are now her favourite neighbours. They close the door, as Elle comes down the stairs talking to Ned on her phone. She finishes the call and admits that she’s very happy and is looking forward to her first proper Christmas lunch with her dad. Paul asks how Gail took the news and she explains that the boys are still there, so it’s not that bad.


Outside, Janae is still watching Boyd and Sky, when Kim approaches her. She says that she hasn’t had a chance to give Boyd his present yet, so Kim calls him over. Once Boyd and Janae are left alone, she gives him the four-leafed clover that she found and he’s amazed with it, and tells her that she’ll share in all of the good luck that it brings him. He then gives her a gift and tells her to save it until later, as it’s something they can enjoy when they’re alone. Across the street, Max and Steph are playing with Oscar on his new bike, when Lou comes along, dressed as Santa, and hands Oscar a present. Lou then goes across to Harold and Sky and gives them some gifts, and says that he’s planning to spend the day at the caravan park. Sky looks over when someone whistles and is amazed to see Dylan. At first she thinks he’s escaped from prison, but he says that he’ll explain later. Sky wants to spend time with him, so Lou offers to go to the soup kitchen with Harold. Dylan tells her that he never wanted to split up with her and they share a hug.
At number 32, Steph feels the baby kicking, and Summer, Boyd and Max happily join her in feeling the bump.

At number 26, Janelle and Kim are “dancing” in the kitchen, as the kids play fight. Dylan tells Sky how proud he is of her for getting into university. Janae then goes into the kitchen and is horrified by her parents’ dancing. She tells her dad that Boyd loved his present and Janelle asks what Boyd got for her. She says it was just some stuff, but they quickly cotton on. She smells burning and everyone runs in as they find the turkey burning in the oven. Dylan says that if they give him an hour, he’ll fix it. Sky is then puzzled as the family all pull straws. Janelle gets the short straw and she says that all will be revealed on Boxing Day.
At number 22, Paul grabs the phone from Elle and hangs up on Ned, quickly distracting her with some gifts. She’s delighted with a bracelet he’s bought for her, but Izzy is annoyed as she thought they were getting each other small and meaningful gifts. She then gives Paul his gift – one sock for his one foot – and Elle some lingerie which will hopefully impress Ned. Elle beats them all with a framed photo of the three of them. Paul then goes to switch on the Christmas lights and they’re impressed for a few seconds until all of the power goes off.

Max and Kim are knocking on Paul’s door, and he answers and invites them in. They realise that his huge number of lights is behind the blackout in the street and Paul says that he’ll make it up to everyone with a free Christmas lunch.
Everyone from Ramsay Street is now gathered at a function room at Lassiter’s and Max and Kim are very impressed with the champagne. As they walk across the room, they pass Drew, who goes and sits with Steph and tells her that he has to go now, but he’s enjoyed their time together. They kiss and she asks him why he came to see her in the first place…



At number 28, Zeke is apologising for lying about Katya, as Susan takes him and Rachel out of the room. Alex says that he’s happy to see her and she reminds him that wasn’t what he said to her last time they were together. He apologises and she says that she’s a nurse now and she’s knows about the AIL and what it means. He says that he’s proud of her and calls her Katya, but she tells him that her name is now Catherine Sangmu. He says that her mum would have liked that. He assures her that he hasn’t stopped thinking about her in the last six years, but she says that she can’t forget the fact that he threw her out while she was grieving for her mum and she isn’t about to forgive him.
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve