Magic Moments
> 2005
> The 2005 Season Finale
Episode 4875
by Drew Proffitt, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: Resident Evil
During another of her dreams, Steph asks Drew why he came to visit her. Paul challenges Lyn to get the money he’s owed by Larry Erlich. Janelle chooses the short straw. Harold gives Paul and Izzy the Death Stare.
At number 24, Harold stares at David, Lil and Serena’s names on their Medicare card, but quickly puts it away as Lou and Sky arrive home. They ask him if he wants to come back with them and continue with the party, but he says that he needs a lie down. He assures them that he’s fine though and Sky and Lou seem happy that he’s beginning to cope with his grief.

At the Scarlet Bar, Lyn is putting off going home to survey the Timmins family’s damage, so Steph, Max and Boyd are having a meal with her. They’re surprised by quite how festive Paul was and Lyn is particularly impressed with his party, but Steph is surprised by her mother being pro-Paul. Lou comes in and joins them and they bitch about Paul. The man himself then comes across to thank them for coming to the party. As he goes, he mentions to Lyn that he has another job for her to do. Everyone looks at her in surprise and she tries to act innocent.
On Ramsay Street, Janelle is lying on the grass as Toadie comes along and wakes her up with some tinsel. They discuss the fact that they’re going to be opponents in the great Timmins-Rebecchi Boxing Day Smackdown, and remember the previous year’s contest between Stonie and Bree. They share a little fighting talk, with a brief interlude as Toadie says that he likes Janelle’s new top, before she goes inside, warning him to watch his back. As he walks away, he falls into the hedge.

At the Scarlet Bar, Lyn admits that she did a little debt collection for Paul last week. Steph thinks that her mother’s new job sounds very dangerous, but Lyn says that she needs to do it, as Oscar has to be provided for. Lou agrees with Steph – Paul is not somebody you want to be doing business with.
At number 24, Sky is trying to get Harold to watch a movie with her but he’s distracting himself with other things. Connor then turns up on the doorstep with his bags and Harold is delighted to see him. His mood suddenly changes and he agrees to watch the film and allows Connor to select which DVD they watch. As Harold takes Connor’s bag into the bedroom, Sky tells Connor, in a sarcastic tone, that they’ll have a great night now that he is back, and that Harold really missed him. Connor looks slightly concerned.

At number 32, Steph is asleep on the couch as Lyn prepares to go home. Max leads her out the door and comments that the Timmins family may have burnt the house down. She tells him not to joke, as it’s already happened once.
In Steph’s dream, there’s a knock at the door and Drew is standing there. He tells her that he’s come back to get her. She reminds him that she’s happily married to Max, but Drew tells her that she has no future with him, and pulls her out the door. Steph then wakes up, shocked.

At number 24, Harold is amused by the film, as Connor and Sky sit awkwardly next to him. Harold talks about the film and his childhood crush on Doris Day. He wonders if they’d all like to watch another film, but Connor is tired, as he was driving around all day. Harold decides to go to bed too and Connor lets him use the bathroom first. Connor finally admits to Sky that Harold’s behaviour seems a bit weird and he doesn’t seem to be grieving for David, Lil and Serena at all. He admits that he liked having a way of distracting himself at first, but now Harold’s behaviour is becoming unhealthy. Sky thinks she has an idea to help Harold and she goes to show Connor.
Out on Ramsay Street the next morning, Toadie has made an army barricade in the middle of the road and he think that he’s spying on Janelle hiding behind some bushes. Boyd approaches him and asks him what he’s doing and Toadie explains about the Rebecchi/Timmins Boxing Day Smackdown. As Toadie watches a hat on a stick planted behind a bush, Janelle sneaks up on him, telling Boyd to keep quiet, and she smashes some eggs on Toadie’s head. He’s horrified to have been outsmarted and tells Boyd that he owes him one.

At number 24, Sky asks Harold if she can show him some of her sketches for her art portfolio but Harold says that he’s a little busy. Connor then asks Harold, and he agrees, but is upset to see that the sketches are of David, Liljana and Serena. Harold thinks that she’s trying to hurt him, but she says that it’s just her way of saying goodbye. Harold tries to tell Connor that they should leave, but Connor won’t go to the soup kitchen, and he says that his living at the Bishop house is unhealthy, so he’s going to move out. A furious Harold storms out of the house.
At number 32, Max and Boyd are trying to tell Steph that the bad dreams aren’t an omen for the baby’s health. Boyd tells her that pregnant women often have strange dreams due to the hormone imbalance, but Steph isn’t buying it. They remind her of how much she’s been through – the adoption, the cancer, so she can survive anything. Steph begins to get a worried look on her face as Max and Boyd go outside.

At the General Store, Harold is frantically cleaning as Sky comes in and admits that the sketches were the only way she could get through to him. He gets annoyed and she says that he’s allowed to be angry. He then says that he’s angry – with her. He accuses her of being cruel and says that he’s never been so disappointed in someone as he is in her. He walks off, leaving Sky in tears.
On Ramsay Street, Janelle spots Max and Boyd wheeling out a huge wardrobe, but is immediately suspicious. As she approaches them, they loudly breathe a sigh of relief at having sorted out all of the hard rubbish for collection. Lou then comes along and asks them if there’s really a collection on a public holiday. Janelle decides that she wants to take the wardrobe home, but Lou barges in and says that he saw it first. As he pulls open the door, Toadie bursts out, covering his shirt in eggs. Janelle then covers Toadie in more eggs and runs off, reminding Boyd that he should be nicer to his girlfriend’s mother, and stealing Steph’s rice cooker as she goes.


Inside number 32, Max is looking for Steph to tell her about the rice cooker, but she tells him that she’s finally worked out the meaning of her dreams. Max thinks that she needs to stop worrying so much about it, as both he and the baby are fine. Steph says that she knows that now – she’s found another lump – the cancer is back.
At number 24, Harold is beginning to clear out some of David’s shirts. He looks up and asks the Lord for a sign, as he’s struggling to cope at the moment. He finds a letter in one of David’s shirt pockets which he begins to read:
“I’m writing this letter because no one else will listen to me. Paul Robinson has destroyed my life…”
A realisation dawns for Harold and he stands up and leaves the house.

Harold starts walking down the driveway and looks across at number 22. He makes his way towards Paul’s place, as the words of David’s letter continue in his head:
“As if it wasn’t enough to steal my beautiful wife, Robinson has destroyed my name as well and as I write this, I face charges for a crime that I did not commit. Yet so convincing is Robinson’s cunning that even my own father has lost faith in me and my wife is long gone. With the love and respect of my family gone forever, my life isn’t worth that much any more. But Robinson won’t quit until he’s taken my last breath too. For my family’s sake, I, David Bishop, can only hope that someday someone puts an end to Robinson’s evil.”


Inside number 22, Paul is on the phone to Cameron, chatting about his son’s new job. Harold comes in the door and Paul fails to notice, as he is facing towards the kitchen. Harold approaches Paul and listens as he tells his son how much he loves him. As Paul hangs up, Harold grabs him around the neck until he collapses onto the floor. Harold then stares down at the body.
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
by Steve