Magic Moments
> 2006
> Connor's Disappearance
Episode 4977
by John Hanlon, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: Symmetry For The Devil
Carmella visits Cameron in hospital. Connor tells Carmella changes from one day to the next and that he doesn’t think she has the right commitment to be a nun. Elle presents Izzy with a recorded message in which Izzy claims there is nothing in the world like being with Cameron. Izzy says she never left the message, but Elle says she is “busted”.
At Number 22, Robert is sitting at the table, cutting Elle out of a picture of her and Paul. Two other figures have already been cut of the picture.

At the Scarlet Bar Toadie is working on his laptop, whilst listening to an MP3 player. Karl walks in with Jenny, telling her about Cassie’s funeral. Jenny jokingly asks if he supplied the mint sauce, but he doesn’t appreciate the joke, saying that Susan and the kids were all very upset. She asks if he had to console Susan and if she made a move on him, before saying she was just joking and asking him if he would like to try out a new cocktail. Izzy walks over to Toadie and asks how he can concentrate listening to music whilst working. He says he wasn’t listening to music, but transcribing a meeting he had recorded using his MP3 player, and that the only thing disturbing him is her. Izzy asks if it’s possible to record voices on the MP3 player, and he shows her the microphone adapter.
At Number 30, Connor picks up the phone to Elle who asks to speak to ‘Mr Parker’. Connor recognises her voice, and says that Ned isn’t home. She asks how he knew it was her, and he says that he knows she was at work, bored, and wanting someone to annoy. She says he’ll do and tries to sell him some plastic containers. Connor says it’s actually just what he needs and orders ten. When Elle asks why he needs all the boxes, he says he’s putting some things into storage for his big trip around Australia and that he’s leaving tomorrow, so he’ll see her in about six months if he doesn’t see her beforehand. He tells her to tell Sky he said goodbye and Elle does so. Carmella asks Connor if he has any regrets, but he says that this is the best decision he has ever made.


Katya thanks Toadie for his advice on Cameron, and says she thinks they’ll be okay. Izzy overhears them and tells Katya she really needs to talk to her. The girls walk over to the bar, where Izzy tells Katya that Cameron is a two-faced scheming liar and that he’s been plotting for weeks to get her out of Paul’s life. She advises Katya stay away from him, but Katya says she that Cameron told her about the time when Izzy came on to him. Izzy maintains she is innocent and tells Katya that she must know something isn’t quite with Cameron. She warns that if she is to stay with him, she had better watch her step.
Katya is back at Number 28, opening the door to Robert. She tries to kiss him, but he pushes her away. She asks him what’s wrong, and why he keeps pulling away from her, not just physically, but also emotionally. He insists that he does like her, and she asks if he likes her the same way she loves him. Robert says he has never felt this way about anyone else before and Katya says he should show her, instead of holding back. She says he must be hiding things and ensures him she won’t judge if he showed her the real Cam Robinson. She offers to help him share his secrets and says that it will be such a relief when he does. Robert replies that he wished he could.

Toadie is angry on hearing about Connor’s trip. He tells him it is short-sighted and reckless to be leaving so soon, but Connor says he has to go now before he gets cold feet, although Toadie states that this would be a good thing. Connor is offended at Toadie’s lack of enthusiasm saying he is trying to find a new direction in life. He questions how he meant to find enlightenment surrounded by House of Trouser stupidity. Toadie retorts that House of Trouser stupidity is a part of life, but Connor believes it is the only part of his life as Toadie also helps people working as a lawyer, and therefore has a sense of purpose. Connor says that he however has no commitment or sense of fulfilment, and that this is what he’s trying to find. Carmella says he will, but Toadie interrupts her saying that Connor was fine until she came along. He shouts that she should let Connor think for himself.
Back at Number 28, Robert tells Katya that getting close to her has been amazingand that he hasn’t felt like that for anyone. She says he must have felt love before, when he was little, even if it was from Elle as she is always talking about how close they were as kids. He says it’s different as Elle is his sister and that the feelings he has for Katya are weird and scary. She asks why and that nothing will change as she’ll still love him. Thinking about planting the bomb on the joy flight, he quickly gets up and says he has to go. As he goes to the door, Katya grabs him and he shouts at her to let go. She does and he leaves, leaving her stunned.

In the Scarlet Bar, Jenny asks if she’s mentioned that she’s looking for a house in Canberra. Karl says that things are moving fast and she accuses of him of burying his head in the sand even faster, saying he is not facing the fact that they will be spending more and more time there. Karl says he has given it a lot of thought, and will continue to do so. Katya walks in with Toadie saying that Cameron seemed really angry with her. Toadie concludes that he must be hiding something major and that Cameron may have a fear of the big C – commitment. He jokes that it is common in males between the ages of puberty to death and tells her to stick with it as he can tell Cam is mad about her. Katya asks where Connor is, and Toadie solemnly replies that he’s packing for his trip and suggests that Connor has no idea what he’s doing. Katya asks Toadie what he’s hiding, and he admits he may be being a bit unreasonable. She asks if he wishes he was going with him, he replies that he wishes he didn’t wish he was going with him so much.
In the dark, Izzy is searching Number 22 with a torch. She finds Robert’s MP3 player and runs upstairs as Paul and Robert enter the front door. Robert is telling Paul about his break-up with Katya, saying she is too clingy and that he wants someone he can have fun with. Paul kids that a casual party girl may be more his type. Izzy sneaks down the stairs, overhearing Robert telling Paul that Izzy is one of life’s takers and that she treats him like dirt. Paul tries changing the subject, but Robert says that Paul obviously knew what she was like at the beginning. Paul shouts that that’s enough, calling him Robert, before apologising and correcting himself, adding that he is not in the mood. At that moment, Robert’s phone rings – it’s Elle wanting Paul. Elle tells Paul that she and Sky have to sell one hundred storage units or they’ll get the sack. She asks him to help her out and buy them. Paul finds this amusing, and asks how much they’ll cost. Meanwhile, Izzy creeps down the stairs and out of the door. Robert notices the door is open and asks Paul if he shut it when he came in. He says he might have, but maybe not and continues talking to Elle.

At Number 30, Connor is saying that he just needs to tie up a few things then he’ll be ready. He asks Carmella how she is feeling, she replies that she is nervous but also happy. Toadie emerges through the door having been to the shops and presents Connor with a travel guide to Australia. Robert follows him in, and gives him some mail he dropped. Carmella says she recognises him from somewhere, and Connor says he is Elle’s brother and that he’s been in Erinsborough for a few months, but she says she’s seen him somewhere else before, before saying that it doesn’t matter. Toadie wishes Carmella luck on her initiation and she invites him to join her and Connor. He is surprised after the way he acted the previous night, but she says he’s her friend and that she wants him to be there. He says that he will be honoured and that the three of them must stop at a pub on the way there.
Elle is in the General Store with Sky who is drawing a cartoon of all the weirdoes they work with and talk to on the phone, saying they are perfect for a comic strip. Looking at the time, Sky says they had better get going, but Elle suggests they pull a sickie. Sky says she has never pulled a sickie in her entire life and Elle says it’s about time she started. She takes Sky’s sketch pad and runs out the shop as Sky chases her.


Carmella is being initiated as Sister Mary Catherine. As she finishes her vow she walks off to the side where she catches Connor eye and smiles at him. He smiles back, but also looks visibly nervous.
At Number 22 Elle compliments Sky saying that she if she had her talent, she wouldn’t be wasting her time in a call centre. Sky says her and art school just don’t mix, but Elle says that and should use it. Sky mentions that that is what Lana keeps telling her. Just then Paul walks in and asks what all the boxes are. Elle explains that they are the containers he ordered last night. He says he thought they were a donation, but she says she is not a charity case and therefore they were a purchase. He asks what he can do with them all, and Sky suggests giving them to Janelle and Kim as a wedding present. Robert comes down the stairs, worried as he has lost his MP3 player. Paul says one of the delivery men probably took it, and Elle says that if he hasn’t found it by the afternoon, she’ll buy him a new one.

Back at the church Toadie is apologising to Connor for the hissy fit last night. Connor jokes that it wasn’t a hissy fit and that he should have seen him when Toadie went away for just six weeks. He then tells Toadie not to worry about his mortgage payments as he has sorted them all out. Connor tells Toadie he can have his secret beer recipe, but Toadie says he can’t as he isn’t family. Connor replies that he is and they hug. Carmella walks over to them, and Connor tells her she looks beautiful. Carmella says she now has to go to St. Luke’s to say goodbye to her patients, and then she’ll go to a hospital in the Bush for a month or so. She thanks Connor and he thanks her back. He asks if this is goodbye. She says it isn’t, it’s just good luck, and that they’ll be friends always.
Izzy meanwhile is listening to Robert’s MP3 player, struggling to find her recording. Jenny is in the bar talking on her mobile. After the successful business call, Karl tells her he wants her in his life. She says he knows what to do. He tells her that although he is making no promises about a permanent move, he will cut down his surgery hours and commute to Canberra. She says that’s very okay and hugs him. Meanwhile, Izzy is getting agitated, and she gives up the search, slamming the MP3 player down on the desk.
Toadie and Connor are packing up the ute. Connor says he’s a bit worried about leaving Toadie on his own, but Toadie says he has Ned and that Lance can’t wait to move into Connor’s old room. Vexed, Connor says he had better be joking. Toadie says he is and that Connor is irreplaceable. Katya appears outside Number 28 and Connor jibes to Toadie that he should make his move now that she’s single. He asks where she’s going, and she says she’s going to meet the kids at school. After a push from Connor, Toadie offers her a lift. He tells him he is worse than his mother and they hug. Toadie tells Connor to have fun and that he’ll miss him, as he steps into the car and drives Katya to the school. Just then Connor receives a phone call from Carmella. She is at Cameron’s bedside and she tells Connor she now knows why she recognised Robert before. She says there is a coma patient at St. Luke’s called Robert Robinson and that he looks exactly like Cameron. Connor explains that Elle and Cameron have a brother called Robert whom they’ve been looking for in the UK. He thanks Carmella and goes to tell the Robinsons about their missing sibling.


As Connor walks towards the Robinson’s house, Robert walks out. Connor tells him the news that his missing brother has been found, although he is in a coma. Robert invites Connor inside saying that Paul will want to know all about it.

Inside, Robert is on the phone saying how Connor is the real hero who tracked him down. Robert tells Connor that Paul can’t believe it, and Connor says he has to hit the road but that he hopes his brother pulls through okay. Robert however blocks Connor’s path and pushes him to tell him more about his trip around Australia. Connor says he really has to get going and that he’ll send him postcard. Robert then invites him to stay for a beer, but he can’t. As Connor tries to leave, Robert turns nasty. He grabs him and insists he stay…
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here...
by Mike