Title: What's A Spice Girl Like You...?
Elle plans to fake a fight with Paul to get Oliver’s sympathy – and an invite to the cabin. Pepper is convinced her aerobics instructor is her secret admirer. Steph leaves the General Store hurriedly after asking Toadie to go away with her – but when Toadie starts to follow her, he bumps into Abby…
In London, Karl is delighted to spot footballer Pete Gartside and runs to ask for an autograph. Gartside thinks he’s a journalist and starts issuing denials about an alleged affair. Karl eventually convinces him he’s just a fan, and eventually gets his autograph. Susan arrives and is pleased for Karl – even though she has no idea who Pete Gartside is… Susan begins asking about their accommodation, which leaves Karl looking sheepish; he claims it has ‘old London charm’ before distracting Susan by whisking her off on an open-top bus tour, saying it’s time to be spontaneous.



Back in Oz, Elle and Oliver are horse riding in the woods by the cabin. Elle’s flirting is interrupted by Oliver’s mobile – it’s Carmella. Passing Oliver the phone, Elle ‘accidentally’ drops it in the lake. She apologises, but Oliver wonders if it’s an omen…

In Scarlet Bar, Abby is asking Toadie if he was going after Steph. Toadie asks if Rosetta told her, but Abby says he’s just confirmed it himself. When Toadie can’t bring himself to say he isn’t in love with Steph anymore, Abby tells him she won’t be second best, and although she and Zoë will miss him, they’ll both get over him.
As they arrive at No. 30, Pepper tells Rosetta that she’s going to be calling the shots with men from now on. Their conversation is stopped mid-flow when they discover the kitchen is filled with balloons. Carmella explains they were left anonymously for Pepper, who happily concludes they must be from her secret admirer. Rosetta wonders why they say ‘Congratulations’, with Carmella concluding he probably got them cheap. Rosetta asks what’s upsetting Carmella, and she replies she’s still worried about who bombed the van. Rosetta is still convinced it’s Ray, and isn’t fooled by his ‘deathbed’ plea of innocence. She then asks what’s happening with Oliver, and when Carmella replies that he’s not taking her calls, Rosie insists they go and find him – and when she spots Pepper smelling the card left with the balloons, she drags her along for the ride to take her mind off her it.

Back at the woods, Oliver is unable to mend his mobile. Elle pretends to cry over the Dylan situation, resulting in a hug and some comforting words from Oliver, who says they need something to take their minds off things. Elle responds by splashing Oliver with water, and they begin playfully fighting.
In London, Susan and Karl are enjoying their open-top bus tour. Karl decides the time is right to propose, but as he pulls the ring box from his pocket, the wind picks up and it’s blown out of his hand. Susan hasn’t seen this, so is perplexed when Karl suddenly runs downstairs and leaps off the bus to find the ring…

At Scarlet, Rosie uses her lawyer skills to find out where Oliver and Elle have gone. She decides they should follow them up there – but neither she, Carmella or Pepper have their cars. She asks Toadie if they can borrow his, and he absent-mindedly agrees, distracted by Abby’s presence. Rosie asks if he’s heard from Steph, but he just mumbles something, having spotted Abby with a client…

By the lake, Oliver is teasing Elle, claiming there are crocodiles in the lake. To get him back, she starts throwing water again, eventually soaking him in mud, telling him it’s good for the complexion. As they playfight, the pair almost kiss, until Oliver pulls away at the last moment. Elle tells him not to worry, as they didn’t do anything wrong, but she smiles to herself – her plan is working.
A dejected Karl is sitting on the pavement when a woman approaches with the ring box, asking if this is what Karl is looking for. He’s delighted and profusely thanks the woman, who introduces herself as Emma. Karl doesn’t realise it’s Emma Bunton, and chats away about his plan to propose, just as Susan is arriving. She’s about to give Karl an earful when she sees Emma and gets starstruck. Susan thinks Karl organised the meeting somehow, and Emma helps out by pretending Karl saw her from the bus and ‘risked life and limb’ to get her autograph for Susan. After Emma leaves, Susan tells Karl she wants to head back to their luxury hotel, which panics Karl somewhat.

Back at Scarlet, Toadie interrupts Abby and sends her client away, who threatens to call the agency. Abby is angry until Toadie tells Abby he wants to be with her and offering her a secretarial job to boot, so that she can give up escorting and give Zoë a better, more secure life. Although initially unsure, Abby eventually accepts both offers.

Meanwhile the girls are nearly at the cabin. Carmella thanks her sister for making her come, and says she should have listened to her about trying to take Ray on too. Rosetta says they should let the police deal with Ray, and after that, if Carmella wants her to, she’ll help with the business. Carmella says she’d kill for her help – until Rosie points out that’s not the best choice of words, considering their family! Pepper returns from a toilet break and asks if they think it’s weird that Oliver went to the cabin with Elle. Rosie and Carmella don’t see anything in it, but Pepper is more sceptical.
Nearby, Elle fakes a fall from her horse and cries out in ‘pain’. Oliver rushes to help, and Elle claims she’s hurt her leg and can’t walk on it. Just as she planned, Oliver scoops her up into his arms and carries her.

Back in London, Karl and Susan are trying to find their hotel. It seems Karl has booked them into The Ritz – The Ritz Hostel. Susan is furious, and Karl’s claim that it reeks of olde worlde charm doesn’t placate her.

Inside, she tells him that for once she’d like him to be motivated by something other than money. Eventually though, Karl wins Susan round, and she decides all that matters is that they’re in London and they’re together, and remembers their earlier resolution to be spontaneous.

As Elle and Oliver reach the cabin, Elle admits she wasn’t crying about Dylan, but because she has feelings for Oliver she knows he doesn’t share. She’s about to walk away (despite her supposed bad leg) when Oliver tells her to hang on, and kisses her…
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by Ryan