Title: Thoroughly Maligned Milly
Lolly shoots a basketball at the net and it rebounds, hitting her in the nose. Lou tells Lolly that she gave it her best shot and tells her the benefits of team sports and that joining in will help her become her own person, but Lolly points out that she’s already her own person. Susan spots a homeless pregnant woman asleep on a bench covered by a newspaper and demands some money off Karl to put in her cup, but as they walk off, the pregnant woman awakes, revealing herself as Izzy Hoyland. Paul & Elle are stunned to find each other in Ned’s apartment and look to him for an explanation.
At Ned’s apartment, Paul & Elle demand their individual explanations from Ned, but he just leaves them to discuss it amongst themselves. Elle points out that it’s obvious why she’s there, and asks her dad to explain. Paul tells her that Ned is reasonable company up to a point and that he’s slung him a few odd jobs. Elle realises that it was Ned who robbed the Timmins house and attacked Paul, and Paul explains that he paid off a large gambling debt of Ned’s, albeit one that he created and that he used Ned the previous night to gain them information to win back the Barnes family fortune and he doesn’t want that situation complicated by her involvement with Ned. Elle agrees to back off.


In London, Izzy begs passerby, Julian Clary to borrow his phone. Reluctantly he agrees, and Izzy uses it to ring Pete Gartside. She convinces him to meet her as she’s just been given change by someone she doesn’t want pity from and thanks Julian for the use of his phone. As she hands the phone back, the paparazzi run up and start taking photos of her, but amusingly, Julian assumes that they’re after him as Izzy runs off and climbs into a nearby taxi.
Back in Erinsborough, Rosetta is sitting in the kitchen of number 30 as Ringo enters and asks if she’s seen Frazer’s MP3 player as he wants to put ‘David Hasselhoff Live’ onto it. She asks if it’s different to David Hasselhoff dead before suggesting that Milly may have taken it. Ringo says that this is the sort of stupid stuff Frazer will get himself into without Rosie to keep him in check, at which point, Frazer walks in from the bedrooms and is soon pushed out of the door by Ringo, wanting him to play football.

Over at Ned’s apartment, Ned returns and tells Paul to issue his threats quickly. Paul tells him that he’s not going to make any threats, but he wishes that Ned & Elle had just spoken to him about their relationship, as he considers them to be mates. Ned is stunned to hear Paul suggest that and says that the only reason he puts up with Paul is because he owes him money and that if it comes down to a choice, he knows which Robinson he’d rather hang out with.
At Scarlet Bar, Red is talking to Pepper about his plans to present a joint curriculum submission as Emily, his heavily-pregnant partner, interrupts and tells him that she’ll just be next door shopping. Stunned, Pepper questions him about the presents and asks why every single guy she meets turns into a stupid, lying prat, before realising that he has no idea what he is on about.

Back at number 30, Frazer congratulates Rosie over convincing Ringo that Milly was guilty with no evidence. Rosie points out that nothing had gone missing until Milly turned up, but Frazer just suggests that she’s jealous. Their argument is interrupted by a phone call from Pepper, who is still at Scarlet Bar, after advice on her latest romantic disaster. Rosie tells her to stay there and she’ll be right over.
At Scarlet Bar, Elle fills Paul in on how her scheme with Oliver is playing out, but he wonders if she is only doing it because of his influence, and not because she wants to. Elle wonders why he’s suddenly starting asking that and he says that Ned suggested it, and that she was right, he has begun to consider him a friend, whilst she admits that Ned can be fun to hang out with, but can’t believe that they’re getting soppy over him. Over at another table, Pepper wonders how she could’ve got things so wrong and tells Rosetta that from now on, her number one rule is to listen to her. Rosie then presents her with a gift that was left on the front porch, a bracelet, but Pepper wonders why whoever gave it to her didn’t stick around to see her reaction and becomes convinced that it was Paul as whoever bought it must have money. Rosetta points out that whoever bought it must also be a romantic, ruling out Paul, but Pepper ignores her, saying that she’s sure that Paul can be romantic. As Pepper continues to ignore her advice, Rosie wonders what happened to rule number one.

At number 30, Lolly is returning Frazer’s MP3 player, Pepper’s hair conditioner and Rosie’s lipstick as Ringo walks in, and wonders what she’s doing there, before spotting the MP3 on the table.
In London, Izzy & Pete are sitting on a park bench discussing their relationship. Izzy suggests that Pete is so much more that kicking a football around and that they can go anywhere and do anything, but Pete says that if he leaves, his wife will take him for everything he has. Izzy tells him to let her, as she’ll go and buy a new set of boobs anyway and they can go off and raise the baby together. Pete agrees and they kiss as the paparazzi approach. As they run off, Pete stops and tells Izzy that it’s time to go public and they pose for the cameras.

Back at number 30, Lolly tells Ringo that she gets angry and steals stuff to get back at people, but then realises that the people she takes it from aren’t to blame. She admits that she hasn’t been going to the counselling sessions as her counsellor reminds her of Sandy and the only person she can talk to is Ringo. Just then, Frazer walks in and asks where the MP3 player came from and Ringo covers, saying that he left it on the back step. Frazer is furious, saying that he’d just accused Milly of stealing it and then heads off to his room. Lolly apologises for getting Ringo into trouble, but he explains that Frazer will soon get over it, and Milly would probably have dumped him anyway.
At the Law Office, Pepper & Rosetta are discussing Paul, but Pepper is still ignoring Rosie’s advice and decides to just ask him outright if he’s been sending the gifts. As Pepper leaves, Ringo walks in and asks Rosetta for a favour. He explains that Lolly isn’t going to her counselling sessions as she reminds her of Sandy, but he’s convinced that she’s just having trouble opening up to anyone, and suggests that she just needs someone she can trust who is nice to speak to, someone like Rosie.

At Ned’s apartment, Frazer is complaining about Rosetta & Ringo as Elle lets herself in. As she tries to invent an excuse, Ned refuses to play along with her story and seeing through it, Frazer leaves. As Ned questions if Paul told her to stay away from him, Elle tells him that she makes her own decisions and they kiss.
Back at the Law Office, Rosetta is telling Lolly about how the case is going, and as Rosie tells her that whatever she says to her as her lawyer stays confidential and complements her on the flowers she’s holding. Lolly begins to open up, explaining that she made them for Kerry as she can’t have real flowers due to the germs. Rosie is impressed and Lolly offers to show her how to make them, clearly forming a bond between the two of them.

At Scarlet Bar, Pepper questions Paul about the gifts, but despite not knowing anything about them plays along and soon finds himself in Pepper’s good books, apologising for the way he treated her and she kisses him on the cheek.



At the London Eye, Karl & Susan are boarding a private pod that he’s arranged for them. As they enjoy their flight and the views, Susan decides to ring Harold to see how Kerry is doing. He informs her that she’s doing fine and tells her to stop hiding her enjoyment of the trip. She admits that she’s on top of the world with the man that she loves, but better go as she’s on the mobile. Meanwhile, Karl apologises to Susan for the way he’s treated her in the past and leads her over to the bench, sitting her down before going onto one knee, and asking her to become his wife again, as three times has got to be lucky. Clearly ecstatic, Susan says yes.
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by Callum