Title: And So It Goes...
Ringo speaks to Rachel but she jokes about his excuse and doesn't believe him. Dylan and Stingray confront Boyd in a hotel room, who protests he didn't want to hurt Janae as the brothers begin to beat him up, much to Glenn's horror. Dr Marley struggles to resuscitate Stingray on the operating table. Stingray recovers in a hospital bed surrounded by his family and is reunited with Sky...
At Lassiter's park, Stingray walks over to Rachel, who asks for news on Kerry's condition. Stingray replies that the family will find out today whether or not the transplant was successful. Rachel asks how he is feeling but he says that he is okay, he'll need rest and is kicking off a John Carpenter movie marathon this afternoon. Ringo comes round the corner and watches the pair from a distance as Rachel tries to tell Stingray something important, but is interrupted by Zeke who is excited, shouting that "She said yes." Rachel shares his excitement whilst an out of the loop Stingray, asks what has happened. Rachel and Zeke tell Stingray that Karl asked Susan to marry him and she has obviously agreed. Zeke races off, as Stingray tells Rachel that things are on the up and walk off with her, as Ringo jealously watches.

In Scarlet Bar, Glenn and Boyd discuss dinner plans. Glenn says that this is the first time they'll have dinner together since she moved in and wants to them to have it like a proper couple. Boys tells her that he'll be home around six and kisses her as she leaves, meeting Janae entering the bar. She asks Boyd for the order Dylan placed for Janelle's birthday party, brushing off Boyd's offer of support and help. She tells him that their marriage is over and it hurts her to pretend that everyone is alright between them.
At number 26, Steiger tells Bree that its all clear as she opens the door to him. The house has been decorated with balloons and Steiger tells her that he left Janelle down at the hospital and managed to keep her occupied all morning by going power walking. He asks them if they're ready to go. Bree says she is, but Dylan isn't going, he has been in the kitchen all morning. Steiger tells her to wait in the car as he goes to talk to him. Dylan is flat-out preparing for the party as Steiger tells him that he has loved getting to know the kids since going out with Janelle and that he never believed he'd be singing the praises of the Timmins boys before complimenting Dylan on his bravery - when he is scared witless but goes on anyway and not letting down those he loves. Dylan says he is ready and follows Steiger out to the car.

At number 30, Rachel tells Ringo that she has been reading his piece for the blogzine, she says its good but he overuses exclaimation marks making out that they're all 'Wacky funsters.' He is visibly annoyed and she asks him if he is getting upset because she criticized his punctuation. As they sit, he asks why they never laugh together and she replies because the fight, they spark. Ringo tells her he is sick of fighting and she tells him if they don't fight, they can't make-up, he smiles before kissing her.
At the hospital, everyone is eagerly awaiting the results of Kerry's tests. Steiger tries to comfort a worried Janelle. Zeke enters and gives Bree a note, and tells her to read it later before leaving. Sky is frantic with fear, wanting to see Kerry but Dylan calms her down, saying they have to be strong for Kerry's sake irregardless of whether the news is good or bad. Dr. Marley then appears inviting Sky and Dylan to come through to her office. She tells them that Kerry will have to continue to have tests over the next few weeks and it is too early to give them a definitive answer however the test results indicate that the transplant was a success. Sky and Dylan are overjoyed and share the news with the family, who are ecstatic. As they hug, Stingray walks to Sky and embraces her and she thanks him. Harold is praying, thanking God that he didn't take Kerry, Stingray tells him to put in a good word for him before inviting him to come and see Kerry.

Over at number 32, Boyd and Glenn are having their meal and she says that she needs to tell him two things and he can decide whether they are good or bad. She tells him that her parents are renovating their beach shack and they could move in. Boyd asks about uni and she tells him that her uni is only twenty minutes away but thinks he hates the idea. He says that it is just a shock and points out his commitments to Steph at the bar and a trip with Summer to visit Max during his holidays. Glenn says that they can't live across the street from Janae forever. He tells her that it is a great idea but he's committed to Erinsborough, before asking her about the second thing she wanted to say. Nervously, Glenn tells him that it was the beach house and moving in, before continuing her meal.
At number 30, Rachel and Ringo are kissing and he asks her if she wants to go somewhere more comfortable but he angers Rachel, who tells him he always ruins things. He says he thought she would want to because with Stingray being older, he assumed she'd be used to it. He tries to explain himself, saying he feels stupid as Stingray is older and seems so cool. Rachel tells him that he is an idiot, explaining that Stingray isn't here and Ringo is. She wants him and the pair notice that they've had another fight and make-up with a kiss.

At number 32, Boyd has to leave to fill in at work, he apologizes for his negativity before, but he reckons its a good idea and says he will talk to uni about a transfer tomorrow. She tells him that he has to be sure this is what he wants, he replys with a kiss before leaving. After he leaves, Glenn walks over to her bag and pulls out a pregnancy test.
Back at the hospital, Janelle kisses Dr. Marley, thanking her. Janae and Bree are sitting, clearly embarrassed, as Janae reminds Bree of her note from Zeke. Janae says that some people never learn as Bree tells everyone that Karl and Susan are going to get remarried. Everyone is happy for them and Harold notes that it must be a 'Red letter day.'

In Kerry's room, Dylan, Stingray and Sky surround Kerry. Dylan asks her how it feels to be a hero and Stingray jokingly replies. Dylan punches his arm and he winces in pain. Sky asks what's wrong and Stingray reveals a tattoo a heart with both Kerry and Sky's names. Sky calls him the best 'Pod-mate' in the world and the kiss. Dylan jokingly tells them not to do it in front of Kerry.
At Scarlet Bar, Steiger and Janelle and celebrating the good news with a bottle of champagne. The raise a toast to Kerry as well as Susan and Karl - another couple of "Survivors." Janelle also points out that its her birthday tomorrow . Steger pretends he was unaware but jokingly toasts to her happy '33rd'. Just about to leave, Boyd comes over to them, asking about Kerry. They tell him the good news and Janelle says that one day she hoped to be holding Boyd and Janae's baby, but is thankful for a lucky escape, saying that the baby would have to grow up with a lying cheat for a dad.

Back at number 32, Glenn leaves a message for her mum on the phone, whilst waiting on the results of her pregnancy test but Boyd's sudden return causes her to throw it in the trash. She offers to put the bag of rubbish in the bin outside but Boyd insists and takes it himself, unaware of the test inside.
The following day out on the street, preparations are underway for Janelle's birthday party. Steiger is bust trying to put up a '39th' birthday sign and Harold arrives with food, before leaving to get Sky. Once again, Rachel tries to talk to Stingray but is interrupted by Bree. Zeke then points out that if Dwayne, Janelle's eldest son is 26, then Janelle must have been 13 when she got pregnant. Janae jokes that Colac girls do start young but Bree tells him that the sign has been recycled for a couple of years, much to Steiger's surprise. Stingray notices that Ringo is staring and tells Rcahel to put him out of his misery, promising to talk to her later. Janelle comes out of the house in her pyjamas and everyone shouts "Surprise" and begin to cheer.

At the hospital, Sky is with Kerry, telling her to get better soon so Grandad and Toby can see her and that the three of them: Sky, Kerry and Stingray will have so much fun. Harold arrives telling Sky that its a lovely day, perfect for the party. He tells her to go and he'll stay with Kerry, and that she'll be fine and if something were to happen, he'll ring. Sky doesn't know how to thank him for everything he has done for them but he tells her that just being around is enough for him. Before leaving she tells him that last night, for the first time in ages, she had no nightmares
Back on the street, Glenn looks through the rubbish bag for the test but stops and talk to Janae, telling her that she doesn't like the situation any more than Janae does but says that she and Boyd will be moving soon, thinking it ill be better for everyone but Janae has nothing to say and returns to the party. Boyd then comes out of the house saying he forgot that it wasn't bin night and he'll throw it in the skip, taking the bag from Glenn once again.



Later, Janelle blows out the candles on her '39th' birthday cake, and gives a speech. She says that Steiger has made her feel young again and the kids, though she wants to strangle them, but she loves them all. And to Sky, who has given her a beuatiful granddaughter and tells her that she was the glue that held the family together. Finally Kerry, she notes, has proven to be a true Timmins and that life may throw them many curveballs and they'll still come up trumps.
As the music begins playing, she grabs Janae and says that it's time for a family tradition: Colac Jiving! Everyone begins to dance, Ringo telling Rachel she is standing on his toes but she replies that he stood on hers first as they kiss. Sky and Stingray prepare to dance but he says that he'll sit this one out, as Dylan cuts in, offering to dance. Stingray tells her that she is perfect and they share a kiss. He walks over and sits by the side, smiling and watching the party...



Everyone continues to dance and Janae and Bree race over towards Stingray. They slap his leg and jokingly tell him to wake up. He sits, unresponsive. They call for Janelle, who sits beside him and begins to call his name. Slowly, everyone begins to realise that something is wrong and move closer to the body. Stingray has drifted away.
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by Conor