Title: Births, Deaths and Marriages
Karl proposes to Susan as they ride the London Eye, and she happily accepts. Izzy is reunited with Pete, who asks her if Karl’s the father of her baby. Glenn tells Janae that she and Boyd are planning to move to Tasmania.
At the hospital, Glenn is waiting for her appointment, and nurse Erinne Sinclair comes out and hands her a jar for a sample. Janae then appears from the office and Glenn is slightly taken aback to see her, and offers her condolences over Stingray. Glenn is then surprised as Janae is also given a jar for a sample, and Erinne tells them not to worry, as the toilets have more than one cubicle. Glenn quickly marches off, leaving a slightly confused Janae to follow.

At number 26, Dylan is sitting in silence and barely reacts when there’s a knock at the door. Steiger answers instead and it’s Sky, who says hi to Dylan, but he doesn’t respond. She goes into the kitchen and Bree asks her to try and talk some sense into Janelle, who hasn’t even let her call Dwayne and Brandon. Sky explains to Janelle that she’s come to discuss the funeral – Stingray once mentioned to her that he wanted to be cremated, like the Vikings. Janelle tells her that plans have already been made and she can’t change things now – Stingray will have a church service and a burial. Sky points out that Stingray would have hated that, but Janelle refuses to listen – she just wants a small family funeral. Bree butts in and mentions that half the family don’t even know yet, but Janelle walks out, not wanting to talk about it. Sky is upset by Janelle’s refusal to discuss things. Steiger tells her to leave it with him.
At the hospital, Janae is leaving the room when Glenn stops her, demanding to know if she’s pregnant. Janae tries to hurry off, refusing to talk, but Glenn asks her again. Janae says it’s none of her business, then asks Glenn if she’s pregnant. Boyd suddenly appears and asks them both what’s going on. Janae storms off, telling Boyd to ask his girlfriend, and Glenn looks awkward as Boyd looks at her, waiting for an answer.

In Kerry’s hospital room, Harold is asleep as Sky talks to Kerry about Stingray, telling her how much she loved him and the way he made her laugh. She says that he always brought laughter with him, wherever he went and there’s a little bit of Scotty in her now. Lou then turns up, having decided not to go to Moscow and turned back during the stopover in Singapore. A now awake Harold is delighted to see him and hugs his friend.
At number 26, Bree is on the phone to Dwayne, who is asking questions about how and when Stingray died. She isn’t sure what to say, but after she hangs up, she tells Steiger that her brothers are going to try and get there, despite the very short notice. Steiger tells Dylan that it’ll be good to see his big brothers, but Dylan fails to respond, so Steiger shakes him and tells him to snap out of it. Just then, Kim comes through the door and tells ‘pig’ Steiger to get off his son. Dylan is stunned to see his father standing there.

As Kim lays into Steiger, he’s stopped in his tracks by Janelle, who explains that Steiger is with her now, and that Kim isn’t welcome there. Janae then walks in, shocked to see her dad, and Bree explains that she called him, as he had to know. Kim hugs Bree, but Dylan suddenly jumps up and says it’s a bit bloody late to be playing father now. Steiger manages to break up the scuffle and Dylan runs out of the door. Steiger is about to go after him, but stops and reminds Kim that they’ve still got unfinished police business.
At the hospital, Boyd is trying to find out what happened with Glenn and Janae. Glenn explains that she was at the hospital looking for him and she bumped into Janae, who was there seeing a doctor. Boyd is immediately concerned that something’s wrong with Janae, and Glenn blurts out that Janae might be pregnant.

At the bar, Steiger and Dylan are having a drink. Steiger assures Dylan that his grief and anger are normal but, just because he feels like hurting someone, it doesn’t mean that he ever would. Dylan blurts out that he almost killed Paul Robinson a few days ago. Steiger is stunned as Dylan explains that he only managed to save Paul because he got stuck on a ledge, but he can’t carry on with all this anger eating him up. Steiger tells him that it takes time, but Dylan asks him to lock him up in prison before he kills somebody.
At number 26, Janelle isn’t happy to have Kim back, though Janae and Bree are slightly more pleased to see their dad. Kim asks Janae how Stingray died, and she explains that it was an aneurysm, no way of predicting it, but he didn’t suffer. Kim isn’t happy to hear that Stingray’s funeral will take place in a church, but Janelle refuses to back down. Janae quickly goes to answer the door, only to find Boyd there. She won’t let him in, and he asks her if she’s pregnant. She avoids answering, and he tells her that all he’s been able to think about, since Stingray died, is being with her and comforting her. He tells her that he still loves her, but Janae says that she has a funeral to worry about right now. She tells him that her test results were negative and, when he seems relieved, says that at least now he won’t have two babies by two separate women. Boyd seems surprised, and Janae realises that he didn’t know about Glenn’s pregnancy test. She slams the door in his face.

In the bar office, Glenn is in tears as Boyd comes in, and he takes this to mean that it was positive. She says that it was negative and he’s clearly relieved, but wonders why she isn’t happy about it. She says that she is, but she’s crying because she loves someone who doesn’t love her back.
At the bar, Steiger finishes up a call to the station and reports back that Paul hasn’t made a complaint against Dylan yet. He tells Dylan that he has to be there for his mum and his sisters at the moment, but Dylan is too terrified of what he’s going to do if this anger inside him continues. Steiger tells him to keep himself together for the funeral, then, afterwards, they’ll find a way to get him some help. Dylan realises that he can rely on Steiger and will follow his advice.

At number 26, the next morning, Janae, Sky and Bree are toasting Stingray with his latest smoothie recipe – banana, onion and marshmallow. They all conclude that it’s disgusting. Janae gives Bree her Goth make-up to get ready, but Bree announces that she doesn’t want to wear a mask to her brother’s funeral. Janelle comes into the kitchen, as Janae hugs Bree, and says that she’s also made some changes – the funeral will be informal, as Scotty would have wanted it. A tearful Sky hugs Janelle, and Bree and Janae join in. In the lounge room, Harold and Lou have been telling a proud Kim about Stingray’s achievements and he wishes he could have seen him just once more before he died. Harold wisely tells him that, no matter how much time you have with someone you love, it’s never enough. Steiger then appears and asks Kim for a word outside. On the front step, he tells Kim that he loves Janelle and the kids, and since Kim is grieving, he’s going to pretend he hasn’t seen him for now, but will have to arrest him after the funeral.
At their hostel in London, Karl’s alarm is going off. All of the other guests in the dorm start groaning and Susan apologises. She gets up to turn it off and finds, on the top bunk, a box with a note on top reading ‘My darling Susan. A car will arrive for you at 9am. Wear this. K xxx’ and inside is the dress from Puccini & Hill that she was admiring. A huge smile breaks out across her face.



Karl is waiting by Tower Bridge, next to a small cruise boat and talking to a vicar. Karl’s getting nervous and the vicar assures him that Susan will be there – he set an alarm for her, after all. He checks that Karl hasn’t forgotten anything – vows, rings, witnesses? Karl suddenly realises that he has no witnesses, but manages to stop a couple of tourists and convinces them to do the honours, despite their reservations about the whole thing. They go and join the vicar, and get on the boat, as Karl turns around to see Susan walking towards him, looking stunning in her new dress. They smile at each other. Meanwhile, Izzy and Pete are also nearby, and, as she boards the boat, Pete tells her that she’s doing the right thing, and gives her a kiss.
Soon after, the boat is sailing down the Thames and the vicar begins the ceremony by announcing that they are gathered to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love and to reunite Karl and Susan in marriage. They can’t stop grinning at each other and Karl picks up his ring for Susan, before reciting his vows:
“Through you, I have been given a second chance of happiness. Despite all my mistakes, you have shown me nothing but love and trust and friendship. I promise you that I will be worthy of that love, the sort of man you'll be proud to walk along side. I want to hold your hand and cherish your heart for all time. Because my love for you is endless and determined.”
He places the ring on Susan’s finger, and the vicar asks if Susan would like to say a few words. She has nothing prepared, but decides to say a few words from The I Ching:
“When two people are at one in their inner most hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze. When two people understand each other in their inner most hearts, their words are sweet and strong like the fragrance of Orchids.”
As she puts the ring on his finger, they both struggle to hold back the tears. Having completed the vows, they are declared man and wife, and they share a kiss. At the same time, Izzy comes up the stairs from below deck and sees what’s happening. Karl and Susan are stunned to see her, but all she can do is announce that her waters have broken.



Izzy is now in labour and Karl is preparing to deliver the baby, still unaware that it’s his child. Pete had made it to the boar to be by Izzy’s side, but it’s looking like they won’t make it to an ambulance. Karl tells Izzy to start pushing and Susan goes off to find some towels. Susan looks unsettled by the whole thing, as she tries to comfort Izzy.



Later, Karl presents Izzy with her little baby girl, and she says that she’s perfect. Izzy looks over to Karl and all she can say is ‘thanks’. Pete and Karl share a look, and Karl gives the new family unit some space. The vicar asks if they’ve thought of a name yet, and Izzy announces that she’ll be called Holly Hoyland. Pete says that he loves it, and he gives Izzy a kiss.


As Izzy is taken into the ambulance, Karl asks her if she has any more surprises in store, but she promises that there aren’t. She looks over to Pete, who smiles at her. Pete then thanks Karl and gets into the ambulance with mother and baby. Karl and Susan are finally alone and she jokes that only Izzy could upstage her on her wedding day. Karl says that the day’s not quite over – he’s arranged a limo ride, dinner at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant and a night at the real Ritz Hotel. Susan is thrilled and says that, if she could have married anyone three times, she’s glad it was him. Susan runs off, realising that she still has Izzy’s bag, but as she gets to the ambulance, overhears Izzy and Pete talking about Karl being Holly’s father. A stunned Susan hands the bag to the paramedic and walks back over to Karl. He asks her what’s wrong and she quickly snaps out of it, asking when they’re going to consummate their marriage. Karl says that, if they knew everything, it wouldn’t be so much fun. She and Karl then walk off and Susan looks back over her shoulder at the ambulance, not quite sure what to do with the bombshell that’s just been dropped on her.
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by Steve