Channel Ten: 29/06/07, BBC One: 21/09/07
Bree thinks that Lolly has changed since she came back from visiting her family. Boyd worries that Sky is using Caleb as another Stingray replacement. Karl and Susan leap out of the path of Ringo as the ute speeds out of control. Prue explains to Frazer how his baby brother, Paul, died by drowning in the pool.
In the garden of the Brown family home, Prue explains to Frazer that they knew he was too young to save Paul or even know what was going on, but he still stood and watched it happen. They knew it wasn’t his fault and tried not to punish him for it, but every time she looked at him, all she could see was Paul face down in the water. Rosie holds Frazer as he struggles to maintain his composure and Prue starts crying. She tells Frazer that she’s sorry and she walks away.

At the General Store, Zeke comes in and finds Bree and Lolly and asks about their plans. Lolly tells him that Lou’s throwing them a barbecue for lunch, then Bree sends him outside as she needs to talk to Lolly about some ‘girl stuff’. Once Zeke has gone, Bree tells Lolly that she has to be honest with Zeke. Meanwhile, Caleb comes in to meet Sky and Boyd, and he asks Bree if Janelle likes jewellery. Bree is confused, but says that yes, she generally does. Caleb then walks over to Sky and gives her a locket in the shape of a heart with ‘Scott’ engraved on it, as a thank you gift. He says that he has one for Janelle too. Boyd thinks it’s all a bit weird but Caleb particularly wants to see Janelle and give her the gift, so that he can start talking to her properly. Boyd walks out in disgust as Sky accepts Caleb’s generosity.
At number 24, Lou, Harold, Zeke, Lolly, Bree and Kerry are in the kitchen. Lou is winding Harold up, talking about the best way to marinate meat. Bree asks Lolly about her time with her family, subtly trying to help Lolly talk about her desire to go home. She wonders out loud if she might be able to spend more time visiting them, but Lou reminds her that she can’t take time off school in the middle of term. Harold asks Lolly if she misses her brother and sister, and she admits that she does, so Lou agrees to try and arrange more visits when he can. Harold realises that something is wrong and shares a knowing look with Bree.

Back at the Brown house, Rosie finds Prue sitting on the back steps. She says that it must have been incredibly difficult to cope with losing a child, but Prue says that, as a good mother, she should forgive her children everything, but, with Frazer, she didn’t. Prue admits it’s why he walked out on the family and changed his name – she never showed him any love. And now she’s lost him and Ringo too. Rosie says that it’s all understandable, but now one of her sons has come back and there’s a chance for her to repair some of the damage and start reconnecting with him.
Across the garden, Frazer is sitting in his wheelchair, along, when Prue and Rosie return to join him. Prue stands behind him, and he points out the spot where he’s suddenly remembered the pool was. He admits that he had always remembered it being at Uncle Warren’s place – his mind must have been playing tricks. Prue says that they had it filled in, hoping that Frazer would forget. Frazer hugs his mum and tells her how sorry he is, she leans in and tells him that she loves him and hopes he can forgive her.

At number 26, Janelle answers the door to Boyd, who has come over to talk to her about the situation with Sky and Caleb. Janelle admits that she’s worried about how close Sky is getting to the man with Stingray’s heart, and can’t believe his family and friends all abandoned him after the accident. Boyd explains that Caleb wants to give her a locket and Janelle decides that he and Sky can come over, as he’s clearly not going to give up on seeing her. Boyd admits that she’s right, and decides that he’s going to try to track down some of Caleb’s friends to check out their story.
At the hospital, Rachel arrives with Karl and Susan, there to visit Ringo. Rachel is telling them about Adelaide, and about how happy Katya is with Paul McClain. Rachel goes in to see Ringo, as Susan sits down, still in a little pain from her fall during Ringo’s accident. Inside, Ringo asks Rachel if she’s going to break up with him because he behaved like such an idiot, but she denies this. He, in turn, denies having feelings for Carmella, but he did love the way she treated him like an adult and acted like his opinions mattered – it’s Rachel who makes him feel like an idiot.

Outside, Susan rubs her ankle as Karl gets off the phone from his dad, Tom. Karl admits that his father doesn’t remember him visiting and just wants to go back to the farm. Susan says that they’ll all have to go and visit him to try and raise his spirits.
Back in Ringo’s room, Rachel is explaining to him that when her mum died and Katya took off, she had to step in and look after her dad and brother. Somebody had to take charge and get things done, and that person was her – she had to always know best and got used to making other people’s decisions. She knows that Rachel and Zeke hate it, and she promises to try and change, but she needs help from someone she loves. Ringo agrees to be that someone, and they kiss.

At number 24, Lolly steps out of the room to talk to her brother, Braiden, on the phone, and Zeke is upset that she seems to miss her family so much and thinks about them all of the time. Harold takes Lou to one side for a quiet chat, as Bree does the same with Zeke, pointing out that he’d be lost without Rachel by his side, and Lolly is beginning to feel the same way about her dad and siblings.
At number 26, Janelle opens Caleb’s gift and says it’s nice, though her heart doesn’t appear to be in it. She tells Sky and Caleb to sit down, but first asks if she can do something… she then puts her hand on Caleb’s chest and feels her son’s heart beating.



At number 24, Lou is sitting at the kitchen table, alone, when Lolly comes in to tell him that his steak’s nearly ready. He tells her that he has a present for her – he’s booked them a trip to Russia so that she can meet Mishka and they’ll have some wonderful memories to share. He says that he’ll pick her up from John’s house at 6am on the Saturday – she looks at him, surprised, and he says that he’ll be driving her home that afternoon, as she needs to be with her family. He admits that he’d known that for a while, he just couldn’t admit it. She thanks him and hugs him, and he tells her to come and visit whenever she wants. Zeke then comes in with some dirty plates and Lou leaves them alone. Lolly explains that she’s going to be leaving later that day, but first she needs to give him something – they kiss.
Outside Grease Monkeys, Boyd finds some of Caleb’s old mates and wants to know why they just abandoned him when he needed them most? They don’t look too happy about the accusation, and one of them, Jamie, stops the others from attacking Boyd and goes over to him, telling him that he has no idea what he’s talking about. He prepares to tell Boyd the real story…

At the hospital, Frazer and Rosie arrive to see a surprised Ringo, and they tell him that they’ve brought someone else along. Ringo is stunned when his mum appears and he hugs her. Frazer says that they’ve all got a lot of talking to do.
At number 26, Boyd arrives to tell Janelle what he found out from Jamie. Meanwhile, Sky and Caleb are sitting on the sofa, with Sky explaining that Boyd is just overprotective, but she and Janelle have minds of their own. Boyd then comes over to confront Caleb – his friends and family didn’t desert him, it was the other way round. Caleb doesn’t deny it, but he says that Sky and Janelle are his life now. Janelle looks worried and Sky says that he doesn’t need to choose between his old and new lives. Janelle tells him that he needs to get back to his old friends, or Stingray will have died for nothing. Caleb is taken aback as she hands the locket back to him and says that they should no longer see each other. Caleb turns to Sky, who admits that she doesn’t feel the same way, but Caleb agrees to talk to his friends and family, and he’ll also finish working on the memorial wall.

At number 28, Karl is rubbing Susan’s sore ankle and she asks him again about Tom. Karl admits that his father thinks that everyone’s deserted him as he can’t remember their visits, so Susan makes the suggestion that they have him come and stay for a while. Karl isn’t quite sure she knows what she’d be taking on, but she insists that she doesn’t mind. Karl thanks her, just as a sullen Zeke comes in and announces that Lolly’s leaving Erinsborough that afternoon.
At number 30, Frazer, Rosie and Prue have finished telling a shell-shocked Ringo about his brother, Paul. Prue explains that he would be 22-years-old now, and Ringo realises that this explains his fear of water, and also could be the reason why Frazer still isn’t walking. Frazer isn’t sure about that though. Rachel comes in to see how Ringo is, and Prue suggests that Ringo – and Rachel, if she’d like – come to stay with her for a few days. As the others go off to the kitchen, Rosie tries to encourage Frazer about the possibility of walking again, but he thinks that they might just have to accept that he’s stuck in the wheelchair.
Out on Ramsay Street, various residents are gathered outside their houses to say goodbye to Lolly. She hugs Harold and Sky outside number 24, then moves around to Susan and Karl. She then takes Zeke’s hand and they run over to Lou by the car and ask if it’s ok if he comes along for the ride. Lou is a little put out, but says it’s fine. Zeke gets into the car, as Lolly runs over to Rachel and Ringo. She thanks Ringo for his help with Sandy, then runs over and thanks Rosie for being the best big sister she’s ever had. Lou starts beeping the car horn, so Lolly runs back over to him, waving and telling everyone that she’ll see them soon. As Lou’s car does a loop of the street, she waves to everyone, and Bree, Rachel and Ringo follow the car, waving, as it pulls out of Ramsay Street. Susan admits that she feels sorry for Lou and they should have him over for dinner next week. She then remembers that she still has a salad bowl of Harold’s and asks him inside to get it… and everyone goes back to their daily lives.




Inside number 24, Sky walks in and tells Caleb that it’s going to be strange without Lolly around. Caleb says that he hates goodbyes, and he admits to Sky that he does need to take Janelle’s advice and get back to his old mates. He shows Sky a sketch for Stingray’s memorial wall and she loves it. He says that he’s going to miss her and they hug. She suddenly stops and feels his heartbeat and they look at each other, before suddenly kissing. At the same moment, a stunned Boyd walks in the back door.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, Adelaide Kane as Louise 'Lolly' Allen, Alan Fletcher as Karl Kennedy, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski, Nell Feeney as Janelle Timmins, Sianoa Smit-McPhee as Bree Timmins, Kyal Marsh as Boyd Hoyland, Ben Lawson as Frazer Yeats, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown, Natalie Saleeba as Rosetta 'Rosie' Cammeniti
Guest Cast: Nick Russell as Caleb Maloney, Steven Bahnsen as Jamie Hines, Penny Cook as Prue Brown
Trivia Notes
• Paul Brown if he had lived would have been 22 yrs old
• On Christmas Day in 1985 Frazer was aged 3yrs old and his brothers Johnny 5yrs & Paul 13mths
• Caleb buys Janelle & Sky each a silver heart shaped locket engraved with ‘Scott’ on the front
• Rachel mentions Katya & Paul McClain’s relationship is going well and Katya is very happy
by Steve