Channel Ten: 03/08/07, BBC One: 26/10/07
Episode Title (not used on screen): Farewell Freak Girl
Ringo hears Carmella outside his hospital room and calls out to her. Boyd apologises to Sky and admits that he was jealous of her and Caleb. Pepper asks Adam to marry her.
At the bar, Pepper quickly explains that they’d just be marrying for the Visa but Adam’s lack of reaction makes her thinks it was a bad idea. Adam then says that he’d love to Visa-marry her, if it’s the only way that they can be together. They hug, and he checks that she’s sure about doing this. Pepper tells him that she’s never been surer about anything in her life.

At the hospital, Ringo is calling out to Carmella, asking her to come in, but Dr Newton tells him that he needs to calm down and stay in bed. Carmella comes in but Dr Newton explains that Ringo is too agitated to receive any visitors. Ringo pleads with Carmella to stay and the doctor agrees, as long as he doesn’t get too worked up, but Carmella opts to leave. She says that she’ll return later, but stands outside the room, deep in thought.
At the General Store, Harold is explaining to Miranda, Karl and Susan about his idea for a farewell party for Sky. They’re joined by Zeke, who’s just spoken to Tom and thinks he’s hating the retirement home. Bridget then comes in too, and Miranda introduces her to Zeke, with the pair sharing a quick ‘hi’. Boyd overhears them all talking about the leaving party and asks Karl what’s going on, but pretends he knew all along that Sky was going. He rushes out, as Miranda offers to take over the organisation of the party, as a freebie, as she’s setting up her own event management company.

At the Lassiter’s restaurant, Miranda and Bridget arrive and start working out what they need and where everything should go, but Miranda is struggling to read her own writing and can’t work out why she needs a Canadian flag. Didge suggests going back to ask Mr Bishop, but Miranda says that would be unprofessional and she’ll just have to struggle on. Didge then explains that she’s just popping out to the vet’s to let Steve know where they are.
At Charlie’s, Karl is trying to talk Zeke into joining the rest of them next time they go to visit Tom, but Zeke doesn’t want to see Tom so unhappy. Didge then comes in and asks Susan if she can help with some information about Sky. Susan says that Miranda should come and ask if she needs help, but Didge explains that she’s too proud, and she’d be really grateful if Susan could come and help without making it look like she’s helping. At the bar, Oliver and Rebecca are chatting and he asks if he has the same father as Declan. Rebecca confirms that he does, but she has no idea where the man is – she then lies that his name is Andrew Butler.

Back at the restaurant, Miranda is still having problems when Susan turns up and immediately picks the colour of the napkins, saying it’d ‘very Sky’. Susan then explains that she was hoping that Miranda might give her something to do as she’s feeling a bit put out, what with Sky leaving. Miranda admits that everything’s under control, but says to come back tomorrow as she might have some jobs. Susan leaves, sharing a smile with Bridget as she goes.
Outside number 24 the next morning, Sky is explaining to Boyd that she’s going to give the car to Rachel. Boyd still can’t believe that she’s leaving town and she then shows him a sketch she found, whilst clearing out the car, of the two of them when they were dating. They laugh about their hairstyles, and Boyd admits that, since his dad and sister left, he hasn’t been very happy in Erinsborough and it’s been weird living with Steph and Toadie. Sky tells him to get happy and make some changes in his life.

At Charlie’s, Steph is annoyed about the lack of childcare centres in the area, when Boyd walks in and tries to get their attention. They’re now chatting about Tim Collins, and Toadie is worried that he’s going to get sacked over his drink driving charges. They see Boyd and Steph asks him what’s up – he tells her that she’s planning to drive Sky and Kerry up to Port Douglas, and then he’s going to keep travelling from there.
Steph is surprised by Boyd’s decision and wonders if she’s let him down recently as she was so caught up in her own dramas. Boyd says he’s the one who’s been getting it all wrong. Steph asks what he’s going to do about his dad and his studies, but Boyd says that his mind’s made up, so she hugs him and says he’ll always have a home with her.

At the Lassiter’s restaurant, Susan, along with Karl and Zeke, brings in some art deco props and backdrops from the 2006 Erinsborough High production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Susan says she saw them and had the idea to turn the place into a 1920s nightclub, as it would be ‘so Sky’. Miranda quickly starts handing out jobs to people, as Susan and Bridget give each other a high five, pleased that their plan has worked.
Later, Harold brings in a blindfolded Sky, who’s complaining that she’s too old for surprise parties, but is delighted when she sees all the effort everyone’s gone to, and is particularly pleased with the Canadian flag. Miranda looks worried until she realises how pleased Sky is and Harold thanks her, and is very impressed when she offers him a vegetarian canapé. Boyd then turns up, complete with backpack, and tells Sky that he’s going with her.

At the hospital, Rachel is reading celebrity gossip from magazine to a disinterested Ringo. He insists that she doesn’t have to sit with him, but she says she’s staying, at least until Susan collects her to go to Sky’s farewell party. When she goes on to mention that it’s being held at Lassiter’s, Ringo realises that Carmella is probably there, though he couldn’t go because he’s hooked up to all the machines. He then mentions that he’s hungry, so Rachel offers to go and collect his lunch for him. Once she leaves, Ringo unhooks himself, gets out of the bed, puts on his coat and leaves.
Back at Lassiter’s, Harold thanks Miranda for organising everything at such short notice, and thanks everyone for coming after the recent dramatic events, wishing Ringo a speedy recovery. He then talks about Sky:
“It seems like only yesterday my life was turned upside down by this crazy girl, who turned up unannounced pretending to sell - what was it - Girl Guide biscuits. Since then, I’ve watched her turn into a fine young woman and inspiring young mother. She’s loving, caring and compassionate, and I'm going to miss her so very much. I truly have been blessed for being allowed to spend so much time with my granddaughter and my great-granddaughter, who I love very much, and may you get as much joy, love, as much as you give to everyone else, may you get that for the rest of your life. Kerry and Sky.”
Everyone joins in with the toast, then Steph asks if she can say a few words:
“Well, there’s someone else leaving Ramsay Street today. Someone else who were all going to miss terribly. My Boyd. Just like Sky we've watched him grow from a geeky kid into an amazing young man, but more than that, a true friend. And that's not gonna change not matter where your travels take you, right? My Boyd.”
Everyone calls for a speech from the two departees, so a teary Sky says a few words:
“Growing up on the farm with dad, I was on my own planet. But here I learnt how to be part of the human race. And it was hard, it was really hard, being the odd one out. But you all showed me that it's a great thing and it's nothing to be ashamed of. So I guess all I can say is thank you because I wouldn't be the person I am today without any of you. And me Boyd and Kerry are gonna miss you so much.”

Later, Bridget is on the phone to her brother, Riley, as Miranda overhears. She listens in as Bridget mentions speaking to their mum, and Riley hangs up. Bridget claims that he had a dentist’s appointment, but Miranda says that she doesn’t have to lie for him. Meanwhile, Sky tells Boyd that she’ll drive them as far as Albury, then they can swap. Boyd then shares a look, across the room, with Janae and they each raise their glass and smile at the other. Elsewhere, Rebecca is telling Paul that she regrets lying to Oliver but she panicked. Paul says that she needs to tell the truth, and Oliver comes over to see if everything’s OK. Rebecca tells Oliver that they should go somewhere a bit quieter, as they need to talk.
Ringo is walking down the road when he spots a taxi. He tries to hail it but it doesn’t stop and he has to pause for a moment as he’s out of breath.




Back at the hospital, Rachel returns with food for Ringo but realise he’s gone and races out of the room. She runs into Susan, who’s come to pick her up, and says that they have to go and find Ringo before he makes the biggest mistake of his life.
At the party, Frazer sees Carmella arriving and is furious, but Rosie points out that she’s only come to say goodbye to Sky. Carmella is about to leave again when Sky spots her and asks her to stay for a dance.




At Charlie’s, Oliver is stunned by Rebecca’s story and he asks her why she never went to the police. She admits that she regrets it now, but she was frightened and hated the idea of having to prove what he’d done. She admits that she always knew that there was something not quite right about Richard, but she never thought he was capable of raping her. Oliver tells her how sorry he is, and she hopes that he can see why she wanted Paul to be his father. She goes on to say that Declan doesn’t know about how he was conceived and he never can. Oliver agrees with this, and also tells Rebecca that he’ll respect her wishes from now on.
Outside the hotel, everyone is gathered to wave off Sky, Boyd and Kerry. Harold hugs his granddaughter and promises to come and visit the following week. Sky then asks Boyd to drive, and Harold tells him to drive carefully. Steph hugs Boyd and he says his goodbyes to her, Toadie and Charlie, before they get in the car. Boyd and Sky look at each other and then drive away with everyone waving.



Not long after, Steph and Toadie ask Harold to come to their place for dinner and he gratefully accepts, and they all head off home. Ringo then turns up, surprising everyone. Carmella tells him that he should be in hospital, but he announces that there’s something everyone needs to know. At the same moment, Susan and Rachel arrive. He announces that he loves Carmella, who looks awkward, as Rachel looks devastated. Ringo goes on to say that Carmella is in love with him too, but she’s not been able to admit it, because they’ve all opposed the relationship. As Ringo reaches out to Carmella, she tells him that she’s so, so sorry but she lied; she doesn’t love him and she never did.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Stephanie McIntosh as Sky Mangel, Claudine Henningsen as Kerry Mangel,Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Eloise Mignon as Bridget 'Didge' Parker, David Hoflin as Oliver Barnes, Pippa Black as Elle Robinson, Benjamin Hart as Adam Rhodes, Nicky Whelan as Heidi 'Pepper' Steiger, Eliza Taylor-Cotter as Janae Timmins, Dan O’Connor as Ned Parker, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Alan Fletcher as Karl Kennedy, Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski, Carla Bonner as Steph Hoyland, Kyal Marsh as Boyd Hoyland, Aaron Aulsebrook-Walker as Charlie Hoyland, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Natalie Saleeba as Rosetta Cammeniti, Rebecchi, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti, Ben Lawson as Frazer Yeats, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown, Fletcher O'Leary as Mickey Gannon, Jane Hall as Rebecca Napier
Guest Cast: Carolyn Bock as Dr Peggy Newton
by Steve